What would you rate this physique out of 10?

What would you rate this physique out of 10?

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big head or really short?


Is this a dwarf or an FtM tranny?


Good physique for a garden gnome

IG profile here instagram.com/mannyallan_fitness/

sexy lil midget


Dude he is a fucking manlet. I checked the insta and on the other pic he is standing next to a bench and his knee is LOWER than the bench. Do the maths. He is 150cm at best.

You think he is 4'11? Really?

He says 5'9 instagram.com/p/B-ODrg5DRoH/

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>He says 5'9
oh no no no

Dude, look at that head and those proportions, he’s bouta find a balrog in his cousin's mine.

Top kek


his hair mogs his own body

His hair is magnificent nohomo

He looks like my half Asian half white Manlet cousin lmao

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total chad in this photo but not in first photo.


Right here bucko

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He's got a cartoonish looking body.

I think he's counting the inches of hair poof



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Dude literally every manlet claims to be 5'9"

I'm fucking 5'7" and most of the guys who claim to be 5'9" are shorter than me

i dunno seems about the right size for 5'9 210 pounds and there are pics of him infront of a door that seems about right for someone who's 5'9 assuming those are standard sized doors
i think the dude just has a giant ass head

Shows that even getting in shape does nothing for you if you are ugly and a manlet. Should've tried to get rich instead.

I'm a legit 5'10" barefoot. People (men and women) always claim I must be taller, like 6' or something. My short friends (anywhere from 5'6" to 5'9") always claim 5'10". What do? I feel bad about mogging friends.

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same i am 5'9 and i have never seen anyone my height say 5'9 usually i hear 5'11 and every guy i've seen claim 5'9 is shorter me its kind of sad

not your problem if your friends choose to lie. You tell the truth, its up to them to handle it.

im in the same boat
im like 5'10 1/2 but i say im 5'10 and i have a friend who always says hes 5'10 because that's what the doctor measured him at but im easily taller than him by like 2 inches
you can use inseams to gauge how tall someone is but its not reliable because of varying leg lengths (i myself have long legs for my height and wear 32in inseams)
usually people who are 5'10 would fit a 30in inseam and someone 5'8 would fit a 28in inseam and so forth

I have a friend who always claims that he is 6'1 and I am 5'8 and he looks just a little bit taller than me

if he had a sister she'd be SMOKING hot.

If he weren't obviously manlet-tier, 10. But he obviously is, so 4.

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why did this make me laugh so fkin hard


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thats a boy right

I would rate it "I can't believe it's not roids!".

9; proportions are fantastic, needs just a little more 60s thiccness for my tastes.

I hope so

how do you guys know just by looking at this pic that hes a short? is it his arms or his head? what gives it away?

Usually the length and shape of the forearms gives it away, if they're short and compact, it's usually a manlet, same goes for the calves.

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are u fucking kidding? there's no way in hell that's a male

head proportion to body


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