ITT: The Best /sip/
ITT: The Best /sip/
King of /sips/ coming through.
i can see why zoomers would eat them, looks delicious
You were close. That's second best. Best sip indisputably is carnival candy aka cotton candy aka mana from heaven.
Yee kings of old Bavaria bathed in it. Ancient chinese dynastic emporers were renown for their ability to sustain on naught but sunlight, air, and carnival candy sips. Why do you think it's called Reign?
It goes back further. In the universe's infant stages, before the first stars, there was nothing. From the first can of Bang, time began and reality expanded into a hot mess of quark gluon plasma...over time it coalesced into the first protons and neutrons, which came together to from carnival candy cans that powered stars. In every star core is a can. All the elements in existence were forged from carnival candy. And that's why it always was, always is, and ever shall be the #1 sip.
I'm giving free lectures on this over quarantine. Simply go to Harvards website and search carnival candy.
I hope you learned something new today.
Stand aside kiddo.
this shit makes me sweat before i've even walked in the gym, pure PR fuel
You're not gonna like this but the original monster is the best drink there is out there