
Going out for a run, 7-8km.
Will post stats when im back

Post recent runs, goals and routines. Tips for fatties welcome

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Ran on wednesday 1km to a forest trail, did 5 or 6 hill sprints, ran home. I like the way hill sprints make my glutes feel sore. They're no replacement for squats though.

This quarantine has me running nearly every day, never felt so fit in my life honestly. I Do 3.5k lap around my neighborhood on my lunch break every day and then try to get a 7-10k run in at least once every weekend. I competed in a local run last year on a whim since we were invited by our workplace, I got 7th place out of 300 hundred with only six or seven training sessions, now I'm training that much every week so if it's not canceled this year I'm pretty confident I can get first place.

Started with daily running after long hiatus. Struggling with 1-2km. Used to run 20km multiple times a week a few years ago before gaining a lot of weight.

Went to do a fast 10k but felt decent at the end so ran another 2.

Absolutely dying rn

I just granddad jog. Takes me like 45 minutes to do 7k. I like it that way, better endorphins than you get from busting your guts out ego running.

My shins hurt too much when I try to run, I just take long walks. What can I do to fix this? I'm 20yo, 183 lb and 5'11.
Also don't have special shoes for running and I try to have the best posture while doing it.

This is something I just eventually got over, don't really have advice for it but it gets better over time

For the duration of the virus event I'm doing:
~5.5mi Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday. 2mi plus full body HIIT Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.
7mi+ Saturday.

Trying to get a little run each day due to the corona quarantine

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OP here. slightly longer than usual.

41:32 min
5:35 min/km
avg HF 159

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Are you stretching before and after? You don't need crazy good shoes for running just so long as they're specifically made for running (not basketball, lifting, casual, etc.). If you're new to running then it's probably your body just adapting

Recently did week 2 session 3

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>now I'm training that much every week so if it's not canceled this year I'm pretty confident I can get first place
heh, not if I participate as well
Nothing personal kid

Depending on your current weight (etc.) I'd recommend starting with a run every other day. If you're a little on the heavy side and getting back into it, you're liable to have shitty runs or - worse - cop an injury. Obviously you can walk on the off days and continue to lift weights throughout.

>0 Calories

What were you doing, driving?

Massive cope

my knees hurt


last night i did a slow 10k (about 6:30/km) for the first time and i felt so pathetic, lol. I know you shouldn't run fast all the time and should do some slow ones but maaan it's almost harder to hold yourself back and go slower.

>tips for fatties
don't fucking run if you like your joints, do anything else, biking, swimming, hiking, anything but running

I had shin splints so bad that I thought that I was developing stress fractures in my bones. However a coach gave me some advice that helped me totally get over the pain. Try to relax your body, especially your legs, keep your ankles and calves loose since they’ll naturally hit the floor in the correct position. When I ran before I was unconsciously tightening my leg muscles, trying to pull my toes up so I could land on my heel, but it let to the muscles getting cramped.

>trying to land on heel
m8 please no

Just ran this one this afternoon. Average heart rate 152bpm.

I got a bit lost so ran further than intended

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>tfw living in montainous area
>running up a hill is inevitable
It's difficult bros

7:46/mile for burgers

>tfw runcucks post on my board
>tfw they don't even have stationary bikes


>tfw heel pain on one foot
>maybe plantar fasciitis
anyone deal with this?

Tape before running, ice after running, tennis ball massage all day whenever you get a spare minute

In fact 90% of your training miles should be at an easy conversational pace. Aerobic fitness is the base on which LT and VO2MAX are built.

just started running again how am I doing bros,
I used to run 19 minute 5ks in highschool cross country

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I've been having some pain in my big toe joint after running or hiking. The pain is absent during exercise but I feel it throughout the day when I put weight on the ball of my foot. What do? Pic related is spot it hurts.

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I'm starting to consistantly run for the first time since I was a teenager. I want to run a qualifing time for Boston Marathon, so about 3 hours or faster. I run everyday at least 6 miles with most of my weekly milage totaling around 50-60 miles, although I'm trying to increase that volume to around 70-80. Most of my milage is at around 7:30 with a few workouts inbetween where I run tempo or threshold pace. Any advice from serious distance runners?

I run with a chest strap+monitor. On my easy runs my HR sometimes gets up to 170. The runs feel easy. Should I be concerned?

Just downloaded runtastic sgain

Apparently the last time i was into running was the 13th of April
Its like my body is running on some yearly cycle where I crave running at this time probably because of the weather.

Never cracked a sub 30 5k and im so disappointed but it's time to try again, im not even fat just get gassed so quickly

Got in a nice little 15 minute tempo effort last week, gonna try to hold the same pace for a few extra minutes tomorrow.

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is running ok for an obese person? According to bmi i'm obese. I can run 3 miles or so before i get too tired, but my pace is slow. Is it damaging to my joints overall or is it worth it?

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Unacceptable, I want to see 48:37

Is it okay to start tomorrow when my resting heart rate before bed is like 90-100 and in the morning most of the day it's 70-85

Doing the Ironman Virtual Race this weekend. Just did the 3km and got some nice results

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IV drip of pure butter to prevent loss of gains

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It sounds like you're on the right track. Generally you set a goal race and plan your season backward from that, with a base period that ends about 3-4 months out (1 weekly tempo or fartlek run, 1 weekly long run, the rest just easy miles), then a speed/technique sharpening season at ~80-90% of peak base mileage but with higher intensity workouts (1 fartlek run, 1 interval session, 1 long run, the rest just easy miles) and then 2 weeks from race day you cut your miles to 3/day plus some fun, casual strides at the end. Thats the basics, lmk if you have questions. You should also be reading jack daniels running formula and watch the run smart project on yt.

I ran for the first time in a year.

1.5 miles in 12 minutes, didn't get winded at all but couldn't go faster because I just finished 4x10 squats to failure and could barely jog.

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I recommend ,,Couch to 5k" over your current program user

This won’t help immediately, but once you have a pair of dedicated run shoes you put ~100 miles in you should be able to see the tread wear pattern and figure out where your foot strikes and then you can adapt your form from there.

In general shin issues are either a form problem or lack of ankle mobility, both are fixable

Respectable user, what’s your height/weight

How much interval work are you doing and how about fartleks?

No, you are just out of aerobic shape. Unless you’ve been at it for months (3x or more a week) and it’s still that high, in which case yes be concerned (or check your heart rate monitor)

I did my first triathlon coming down to 235 lb from being a heavyweight lifter. I struggled to run a 10 min pace back then and would gas out after 4 miles. Now I can run twice that pace and am cut down to 183 lbs

So yeah you can run while fat, but the quicker you lose that the easier it makes it

>get into running again
>run a 5k
>ass hurts every time

i think i reopened a fissure

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No GTN had better programs. Stick with them

Its only been a couple weeks. Should I try to stay in the aerobic range with walking breaks?

Damn Coronavirus has made my resting heart rate go up

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I’ve been struggling with cutting so I decided to start running. Ran my first mile in a long time yesterday (Took 8 minutes to do a mile).

It’s weird the problem isn’t that it’s too hard, but that I get bored and quit early. My goal is for five miles in 40 minutes eventually.

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started running again this week for the first time in 10 years since the gyms are closes (back injury made me stop). Ran 4 times this week. Did 3k today. Feel wonderful.

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Map a circuit around your town before hand that is the exact distance you plan to run and just follow it.

Then when you are half way done and are like man fuck this, you have to finish anyway lmao.

5'11 and about 165kgs (143.3lb). If anyone asks i'm 6ft lmao

jeez I mean 65kg

Yes, most of your runs should be in heart rate zone 2. You’ll adapt quicker and be able to sustain running longer and longer and soon enough you will be able to continuously run without exceeding your aerobic capacity.

Its like being a beginner lifter who needs to learn to bear the weight of the barbell and hold solid form before adding weights. You can get through that phase very quickly if you do it properly

Do you feel better (health wise) when running or when lifting?

I do about one interval sesh a week, one long run, and then another tempo/threshold. I haven't done fartleks yet but I plan to. I think haven't been as serious about the workouts as I've just been coming back into it and increasing my milage but I still try to do something so that going forward I can push it.

Damn you’re skinny, you might actually get faster by getting a little stronger. I’m the same height, but almost 20kg heavier

Alright user, thank you. I really appreciate the advice.

>Ego running

Yeah you’re nailing it then. If you want to take it more seriously you’re on the right track and don’t have much to improve on other than being more specifically focused. Lots of free plans out there if you pick a distance, they will help you regulate your rest and recovery better which is how you really fine tune when you’ve already made a lot of your basic aerobic gains

Was running for about 6 weeks, no problem. Then I started getting shin splints in one leg.

What's the quickest way to recovery so i can run again?

>the quickest way to recovery

In this order

Sleep AND activity rest
Stretching/foam rolling


Other novelty recovery methods

When I was younger I stopped lifting cus I was getting back pains, started running instead to stay fit. Surprisingly it helped with my back a lot but I got a lot of knee pain instead, had to cut a couple runs short out of fear of properly injuring myself. I cut my mileage in half and slowly built it back up, I don't run often now but I can still run a 22min 5k :)

>Yes, most of your runs should be in heart rate zone 2.
Highly disagree. You should just run hard but not sprint. That's the way you improve.

Who is this semen demon