Cursed gym gifs/webms


Attached: 1568096178716.webm (960x1200, 1.95M)

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>le cursed xD le plebbit xD /r/fag
We're angry incels here, son. Fuck off with your reddit shit. We hate women and nonwhites espcially

Attached: 20200410_112401.gif (480x447, 3.78M)

this is correct

that's based, not cursed

My mans using his gains on your roastie whilst you're in lockdown

Attached: 1506544176484.webm (516x436, 2.84M)

lmao what was that?

Attached: 1457311818541.png (179x347, 77.58K)

Looks like he's trying to get past the projector at the right time

Special things happen at GDQ

Attached: 1578460474255.webm (376x310, 2.77M)

Every time I see this I can never actually figure out what the fuck he is even attempting to work on.

crash bandicoot idle animations + autism

came here to post this (but unironically)

my guess is some drug

He's obviously a manlet trying to get taller.

Now that's a Chad

He's pretending to be a sim

hes trying to get that THICK NECK

Based Crash Bandicoot animation bro

Acid or shrooms?


Attached: 1582451257926.webm (450x234, 1.44M)

how to I become this mode?

Attached: 1582551612120.webm (480x480, 2.55M)

Attached: 1558838266722.webm (400x400, 254.01K)

Light particles were too strong. Had to wait until the scene was dark.

Training for autoerotic asphyxiation competition.

WTF ?!?!?! Did he die?



50mg of autistic

That's the behavior of a man who is both incredibly socially awkward and hyper self-aware. He knows how awkward he is and it constantly plagues him. Notice how he tries way too hard to seem nonchalant.

Attached: IMG_1035.jpg (547x631, 89.54K)

god i wish that were me

I love ketamine.

NO FUCKING WAY what a fucking retard holy shit

reminds me of trying to act sober in public on acid

Attached: 1524253811739.webm (1920x1080, 1.51M)


*Wilhelm scream*

oh god you're right

Attached: 1539981242064.jpg (750x823, 89.52K)

Kek underrated

Yeah that's a no from me pal

why do people say it's rude to correct others' form considering this exists

back to r9k and stay


my fucking sides
i do this sort of shit a lot, it gets worse depending on the anxiety level

suicide hangs bro

Based autist

Scuttle on, crab chad.

>I just try and shock the body y'know

>goliath online

it's muscle confusion, bro

Attached: planet fitness.webm (360x360, 425.67K)

I work with a guy like that


Fucking kek

I start to hate this guy.

>implying reddit has a monopoly on the word cursed
3/10 made me reply, here's your (You)

HAHA looks guys its Juji! He's so wacky! Uh oh, he's wearing rollerskaters now and a horse mask!!! WHOAAAAAA HE's DEADLIFTING ON THE SKATES NOW WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA