I am a GNC manager who is passionate about fitness and supplements, AMA

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what the fuck is GNC negro

General Nutrition Center

Popular supplement shop in the US

I have never seen customers inside your stores. What the fuck do you do when no one is around besides jerking off to shirtless posters of men on the products you charge double for?

oh ok, I already eat clean as fuck quarantined at momma's place, this neet period doesn't feel bad, anyway fuck off don't have any questions

learn and look at research so I don't sound or look like a dumbass, I like to have some pride when I talk to customers. Unfortunately, most GNC employees do that and are just retarded bros giving terrible advice when they haven't made any progress themselves.

No one eats "clean" I bet you have had one cheat meal in your life.

What’s the most autistic or dumb shit you’ve seen/heard from customers. How many dyels come in?

What's the most grey-area-of-legality substance you sell?

I have not heard too much retarded shit in store to be honest.
Whenever I go out to sample at gyms, thats when people want to outsmart me and they end up just making up arguments from "well, i get my research off google", whenever I ask them.
Worst I heard was a guy telling me how protein makes you weaker, not protein powder, any type of protein whats so ever.
After he said that, I knew there was no way of talking sense to that guy.
We have bros come in all the time, but I outsize them and they always ask me what I take.

How do I get a cute black girlfriend?

Just flex a 'cep

I would say the most controversial ingredient we sell is Yohimbe, because it can cause a number of things
Can help you lose weight by raising heart rate
Can help with getting more erections
Side effects though, if you are an anxious person, it can make you feel like you are having a panic attack or that you can't breath.

How do you feel about having to shill those insane prices instead of just telling customers to shop online for cheaper?

Not too sure lad, what type of girl we talking? Getto? College? I need more than that.

Educated. Oreo kinda girl.

Trust me there is certain things online that hands down beat us with, I do match that with having the knowledge to help someone beyond supplements
Just got my NASM cert and working on a CSCS certification and a nutrition degree
I honestly just want to help people in the end and I believe GNC has been in the supplement industry in the longest period of time and they have higher quality supplements. along with some brick and mortar shit. (Arms Race, Alani Nu, Ghost.

Show her that you take care of yourself (clean lifestyle, wash face, exercise) and find something in common with her
also have the balls and go strike a conversation with her.
Confidence is key my friend.

To extend the Olive branch with you,
how I sell is just talking to the customer and making them feel good about visiting the store and make them feel like they have to come back and tell you about the exciting results.
Little different for a girl, make her laugh, have some fun in the convo
also you could fuck up, I have had my number and you just have to rub it off and go again, DONT BE AFRAID TO FAIL, Arnold was not wrong about that.

Would I get funny looks if I tried to buy something like that?

Look man
If a GNC employee gives you a weird look or judges you, they should kill themselves for being such a faggot.
I pride myself with helping people out as much as I can do in my ability.
I can't promise that you won't, I work at a franchise GNC user, Cooperate GNC has really ruined a lot of the experiences for a lot of people and that is why GNC honestly is just a laughing stock now.

Go look at places like Nutritional Corners or Natural Body Supps.
I love my job at GNC and my store owner is a awesome human being and very knowledgeable and thats why I am here, love talking about this shit.

So what do you take?

Are you guys open right now?
Also how much do I need to know to get hired?

>protein powder
>meal replacement (on days I know I will be very busy)
>Pre workout
>Creatine Monohydrate
>Fish Oil
>Vitamin C
>Vitamin D-3
>Greens (on days I know I may not get any in me, etc)
>Probiotic w/ Digestive Enzymes
>Nitric Oxide booster
I think thats it.

Collagen and turmeric too for joints on those heavy load days.

we are open, a lot of GNCs have shutdown right now
Don't need to know shit.
For example, I would ask about your opinion on supplements and overall want a general basis about what you feel about them, if you were passionate or hard working wanting to educate yourself. I would without a doubt hire you.
But I would make you learn a few things a day and then just build from there.

Sorry anons, this is my first post ever, bad at this.

Do you guys have a weekend shift? Like at a DC or something?

what kind of physical condition would i need to be in to be considered? obviously not skeletor or dyel. im about 6' and 175lbs look good without shirt but look normie status in clothes

How much do I have to pay you to have homo sex with me inshallah

Are you a member of my rewards program?
Would you like to be?
Are you sure?
Youll save 2% on every purchase over $3000!
Come on I know you want it!


Give me a job, nigger. I used to sell sex toys, supplements would be a piece of cake.

Kek, dildos would probably be the best seller

Would you hire frank tufano or richard burgess given the choice?

Bad idea unless you know what you're doing with sodium too

>NO2 booster
Thank God I have the Sun to give it to me for free

do you make commission off of selling DYELs snake oil supplements they don't need?

L-arginine makes me get a cold sore.
Is there a way around this?

Whats the closest thing you can sell to pure testosterone? if I want god-tier supplements, the type they feed roided up romanian wrestlers, but i'm at a mall in the US, what is the legit most powerful substance you can sell legally?

Yeah we do, I call those my swing guys.
I don’t judge completely off of condition, if you are a fat fuck, probably won’t hire you because I bet you wouldn’t sell shit. I judge you based off of what you think of supplements and if you can handle constructive criticism.
About tree fiddy
GNC really fucked people on past programs, now if you use it right, you could get back 30% of what you buy
If you can sell, you’re hired
Who is that?
I’ll explain why NO2 boosters are good to supplement with.

NO2 boosters work different than just “getting a sick pump bro”

No I’m salary, and I told my guys if you were selling purely off of commission, I’m going to fire them because that doesn’t bring people back, results do.

Can you recommend a good dumbbell regimen?

Well where are you getting at, is your test decreasing or are you looking for a magic pill?

I heard from a lot of people that ha w used test and SARMs that t10 actually works instead of the usual snake oil bullshit test boosters you sell, you hear anything like that as well?

Go online and find some exercises and try them out and see which ones you respond to best, there is no great “routine” for everyone. Everyone’s routine is different and how it works for them is how it becomes the best.

In Canada the GNC employees are either grandmas or nerds that look like they work at a video game store. Places like Popeye's have workers that look like they lift. Is is the same where you are?

Any pro hormone will be better than what we sell, that’s why our test boosters are natural, aka it’s mainly d aspartic acid and fenugreek seed extract and aswanganda

Okay became to you, NO2 boosters work more to simply, yes, raise nitric oxide levels, therefore expanding blood vessels
Why I recommend NO2 supplementation is vasodilation where you blood vessels expand, but also you are getting more nutrients into the muscle where you are getting a so on so “pump” at
Also increasing muscle growth and size, and reducing recovery time

you sell t10 numbnuts, I was asking if that one specifically stood out from the rest I’ve heard from plenty of people probably more qualified than you who have said it does

I didn’t know this, i will look into it and get back to you shortly.

How much of your clientele is old dudes buying the testosterone-related products?

My mistake, I tend to read shit and not finish it, it’s good. For the price, I think personally it’s way over priced. I think test 1700 kicks ass. It has an estrogen blocker in there because as our test rises, our estrogen rises.
When our estrogen gets too high, it demises test and makes our test go down.

Good amount, say roughly, 30% of people I see. I have to talk to them for a while because they don’t want to admit their dick doesn’t work anymore.

Cooperate stores will hire fat people, I’ll just let you figure that one out.
We are for sure one of the fitter stores
My coworkers numbers are as a true natty
Bench - 405
Squat - 585
Deadlift -675

what would you think if I stacked test 1700 with 20mg ostarine and animal cuts for a cutting stack this summer

Not bad, let me double check what’s in animal cuts, heard it’s good shit

How do you look people in the eye while trying to upsell them with a tub of BCAAs knowing they're useless?

what can you offer a guy currently running 750mg test e/wk ?

For the price you are getting with that complex, that’s some good shit man, yeah don’t get me wrong, t10 is good, just think you would be throwing up too much money for it, animal cuts, looks good.

Sunbathing stimulates nitric oxide production that's what i was talking about

it’s my favorite, last year I lost 30 pounds in 3.5 months on it

what's your opinion on L-Citrulline + carbs preworkout for pump? one of the few supplements I have taken that work. strong erections too.

Depends what you are using them for, they aren’t completely useless unless you are bulking and eating a shit load of protein.
They can actually be one of the most important supplements for when you are cutting and wanting to maintain muscle mass, Lucine preserves muscle tissue, therefore, making your body target fat when working out or using up as an energy source.

thanks brother

>making your body target fat
this is the kind of bullshit sales tactics people use to sell you shit you don't need, putting a spin on the product to make it sound like a shortcut or a magic pill for fat burning.
>oh, all i gotta do is take baccas and ill burn fat instead of muscle
all for a $50 disgusting potion mix that has like 30 scoops and 2 scoops is 1 serving. it's bullshit and you know it.

Skip all of that and do LGD. I've played with most anabolic substances out there and lgd is worth it, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. For me its comparable to a very low dose dianabol. It's relatively cheap, super easy to source, its oral, and it does not have the shutdown risks involved with actual steroids. If you want to dip your toes in the water, try it. It will blow away any other supplement you've ever tried.