FPH/CBT: Motihate Me Edition:Part 1

FPH/CBT: Motihate Me Edition:Part 1

Today is the day fit. Today is the day I stop muddling through life, trapped in this horrible fucking prison, that I'm ultimately responsible for. Sure I picked up some bad habits as a kid but, I was an athlete once upon a time. I ran the mile 5 minutes flat once, able to do hundreds of situps, push ups, pull ups, etc. I was basically saitama in high school. The reason I'm fat isn't so much about what I've been eating, I love healthy home cooked meals. No, I'm fat because of what I stopped doing. Respecting myself and embracing potential. I'm not going to bore folks with the long of it. Let's just say a fuck ton of fucked up life and endless sedentary careers made me give up on myself. I've been buried alive ever since. But no more. See I've got a plan. Even seen every doctor I can to vette my ideas and make sure I'm not going to kill myself. I'm 5 foot 10 inches, 300 lbs, over 30, and been smoking since I was 15. I'm going to lose 120 lbs, hopefully by the end of this year. That's fucking batshit, I know. But I can take a lot of shit. Pain is my domain and I'm going to live smack in the center for the next 6 months. Plus, maybe I'll have some help from y'all. More deets on the way, probably in greentext, so easier on the eyes.

(Picture very Fucking related)

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Stop eating animal products. Healthy home cooked meals mean shit if your eating animal products.

>nutrition plan first
>need the fastest fat burn possible
>goodbye carbs
>no more than 60g of carb per day
>the more complex the better
>protein/veggies/fruit damn near as much as I could want.
>2 grams of protein for every pound of my target weight. 180lbs, so 360g of protein per day.
>a bit more than what the nutritionist recommended
>already feeling the fatigue from no more pasta
>fruits to the rescue
>all the fucking fruit ALL OF IT!
>so many split peas my shit is always green
>hydrate like it's going out of style
>limit caffeine to no more than 16oz a day
>stop fucking smoking

Open to input and insults

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Fuck off vegan pussy. I'm not giving up meat.

I hate how my body feels when I'm working. Sometimes I fantasize about just cutting the shit off. I can't and won't live like this anymore.

Fucking hell I hate this fat broken piece of shit.

>itt: fatties accept that hate can be constructive.

I don't know wtf is going on with my uploads

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My fitness plan pretty much amounts to total body circuit training. Some with free weights some without. That's pretty much it. I mean I could detail every exercise and shit but I think we're all smart enough to get the gist of that.

Will post results threads periodically.

just stay fat and spend your time blaming women and nonwhites for your predicament

But it's not their fault, it's mine. If its anyone fault beyond that, it's my Dad. For giving my a bunch of shit eating habits. But after this much time I can hardly be mad at him for how much I fucked me up.

You stupid fuckng retard explain fat vegans then.

This guy would be better off eating nothing but animal products and laying off the beetus drinks and chips.

My god you are so fucking stupid.

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bruh meat heals.

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Thank god for flavored sparkling waters.

My advice is severely limit fresh fruit and only consume it if it's naturally fermented. It boosts nutrition and has less sugar. It has a bit of alcohol but the amount is so negligible and you have to savor the drinks.

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66.5kg/146 lbs

Went from 83 kg with 30% bf to this. Bf% supposedly 19% now, tho i think its more
Started losing in September and lifting properly only since February
How long until im not dyel anymore?

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>bla bla bla me me me
>look at me
>me me me
Oh wow YET ANOTHER "this is it" "this is the day" retards who want a pat on the fucking back for merely thinking about doing something. Cut the delusion of grandeur and get back down to reality, nobody gives a FUCK about you or how motivated you say you are. I can fucking guarantee you are going to binge in 72 hours flat and I will never see you again. Save the self obsessed speeches and self fellatio for when you actually accomplish something of worth. I can't comprehend how literal nobodies with no results have the audacity to feel like they need to give a constant rhetoric of their life and aspirations. I don't give a fuck about you and your sporadic motivational whims. Fuck off

And rereading your post, Holy fuck, you seem like an absolute pretentious twat. You smelly cunt get off your fucking pedastal

Post body lol can't be any worse than me

Hmm this seems suspicious.

Eat less
Do more (activity)
drinking shit loads of water isn't going to make you lose weight.
drink the recommenced amount of water or more if you're still thirsty
>>goodbye carbs
>>fruits to the rescue
you're a fucking dumb ass
You can fast, or what not, as long as you are using more energy than you are gaining.
which means eating below maintenance
you asked for complex but it's not
eat less do more
activity will build muscle which cost energy, and muscles can use fatty acids directly. whereas fatty acids CANNOT be used by the brain AT ALL, you need to go through ketogenesis for fats to be turned into usable energy for the brain
So eat protein for muscles
and probably a lot of plant mass to fill you up but contribute essentially no nutrients.
plants are shit for eating, fruits and nuts are way better to digest and pull nutrients from.
eating something like lettuce and cucumbers which is mostly water mass and unusable plant matter.
there are like 15 calories in a whole cucumber.
Don't eat that much protein retard.
most of it will end up unusable.
Eat less
Do more
simple, do it.
>inb4 fatties ignore basic logic and everything I said and stay pathetic
as expected.

When did I say the word fasting.

Cutting out carbs =/= fasting

>plants continue essentially no nutrients
It's really hard to take you seriously. Especially when you're ripping me for cutting carbs and using fruit cause I'm feeling really bad fatigue, then later in your post tell me to do the same thing but with more words.

W/e i don't think you were trying to be a fag, so thanks for the input.

Thank OP. Your rotisserie style rotation cracked me up. I've recently lost 65 pounds myself, and you don't have to give up any food. Just eat at least 500 calories less than you need to maintain your current weight and you'll lose at least 1 pound a week. You can still eat junk foods you like, but you'll find that they don't keep you full for long. So you will probably want to avoid them.


1 year of proper lifting minimum to not look DYEL. 6 months to visibly see some results. Don't be afraid to go on small surpluses for 2-3 months at a time to gain muscle (like 250-300kcal), but of course if you do that you'll probably need to spend a bit of time in the months after losing fat again, which can be scary for a dude that used to be fat. More than a 500kcal surplus will not have an advantageous effect on muscle gain though, natty gain is limited to about 0.5lbs/week for a beginner (and that's in completely optimized conditions), less the more trained you are.

Well it's not just losing the weight, it's about not being a bunch of loose chicken skin on a skeleton.

I'm hoping to put on a decent bit of bulk during this.

No thanks. Wife and kids. Plus can you not see where my hair is thinning. Fuck that, I'm usually in Mr.Clean mode but I need razor's.

Yo is OP wings of redemption?

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The fug is that, is that a batwing joke? I should make a gif of it flapping... When I'm being a lazy bitch and need to get to work I sometimes just stand in the mirror gently waving it till I want to die... Then I get my weights.

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you high?

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Incredibly yes. You know how people call the flabby arms batwings sometimes.

I knew you were high because so am I. Yes, I'm aware of batwings since I have those myself and I'm quite embarassed.

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>stop eating animal products

great idea if you want to starve yourself in the effort to lose weight.

God i hate people like you. This would be effective if you had a personality or pride or even a soul. You don't, however, so it won't. Nothing we say will reach you because you do not exist. You are a shade; a fleshy automata that ambulates and speaks like a person. Your routines are broken, obviously. Unfortunately i can't say that you are broken because you are not real. In short, please kill yourself promptly, fatso.

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Cool thanks. Doesn't make total sense since I'm just starting but good effort. I probably would kill myself if people didn't depend on me.

look at this fat tub of shit lmfao

Use it. You can either let those feelings cripple you or fuel you. I'm done letting this shit perpetuate. Join me bro.

God you are disgusting

Finally broke down and googled him, lmao. Glad I'm not that fucking bad.

>go to a nutritionist
>get a gym membership
Also, I'd suggest getting some dumbbells amidst this quarantine

pretty sure that's a girl


Hey tubby wubby you want a cookie don't you fatboy? you've lied to yourself for years and years telling yourself today is the day I change but all you're gonna do is order another pizza huh you sloppy fat fuck? so go ahead and keep talking all that shit and have your thread but remember you'll always be a useless blob that can't even defend himself to save his useless life now go on and eat till you can't move you bucket of goo.

Your filthy environment is a representation of your disorganized psyche.

You know how many people make these kinds of “yeah I’m really gonna lose weight this time for sure” posts? Probably less than 1% actually succeeds in losing it and keeping it off. Statistically, you’re gonna fail. If you let it get this bad there’s little hope.


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ikr but its merely a symptom that is reflective of his lazy lifestyle if you don't care about your health enough to stop shoveling garbage in your mouth what are the odds you care about how absolutely filthy everything around you has become

So uhhh how big are them tiddies?

reminder to ignore vegan shitposting
more fiber, complex carbs, exercise everyday, and treat yourself like a recovering addict to sugary drinks and candy

To small to wear nice tops with neckline to big to arouse lolicons
Ho do fat people do it?

>need the fastest fat burn possible

This is why most people fail I think. Instant gratification. Don't worry about fast, worry about sustainable. A year will pass in the same amount of time.

You are motivated now, but when you are unmotivated, is your plans sustainable?

Your plan involved so many radical changes, its like trying to juggle 12 balls at once, if one drops will the rest come crashing down?

One day at a time, my man. I agree that what you've set are goals. But break it down piecemeal.

I see no mention of counting calories. That should be step one.

>goodbye carbs
Cutting out simple carbs is good, because it means no chips/random carby snacks that are so easy to eat. Complex carbs are good.

>360g of protein a day
Try for like 1g of protein per target lb, 2 is probably excessive
>fruit ALL OF IT
Fruit is good with fiber, and good to eat. But its high in sugar comparatively. I wouldn't attempt to use fruit as a get-out-of-jail free card with eating, its just continuing your sugar-addiction. I eat maybe 1 fruit a day.
This is where I think we fail in America. Don't settle for steam veggies and hate it. Learn to saute veggies, to create complex meals with veggies; broiled tomato slices and roasted squash, veggie-stir fry; If you want to concentrate on healthy, branch out in the vegetable world and cooking. You'd be surprised what is super easy to substitute into your normal meals.
>hydrate like it's going out of style
>>stop fucking smoking
but also where I'm seeing this juggling thing. Quitting smoking makes you irritable, and smoking is an appetite suppressant, which means you will get hungry quick while quitting, while at the same time battling hunger from a calorie deficit. That's prone to binge-eating failure.

Not saying you can't do it, just expect its going to be hard. You're motivated now, which is why you want to do everything at once. The point is to be completely unmotivated and still stick to your goals.

Sounds like you got the handful thing going on. Some would say this is the most desirable size.

Well thats nice to hear but I personally would love an hourglass figure
friend of mine has it +natural E cups
Genes are a fascinating thing

post body

This diet is leaving a lot of room for your cravings, I think that's dangerous to your goals

>goodbye carbs
>fruits to the rescue
>all the fucking fruit
>limit caffeine
So you are telling us you don’t want to lose weight?

Just stop eating

THIS. Make your changes incrementally. You know how strength training has progressive overload at the forefront? Weight loss can be the same way, teaching habits that become a lifestyle is also an iterative process. Trying to do everything at once is like trying trying to lift a weight triple what you can actually handle. You'll break yourself mentally by juggling 12 different changes at once. Do them one at a time, an obese person will lose weight no matter what they eliminate because they need so many calories to even maintain that weight. You don't need to do everything at once.

I would rather be a manlet than have this be my current body.

Why make some long winded post about wanting to lose weight instead of just doing it? Carbs and none of that crap matters. Just count calories. Eat 1500 a day.

I've lost 9 kg since January with this sort of mentality, I am now a 78 Kg. Feels great to lose weight even though I can't really see it in the glass even thought I had to buy new Pants and belt.

Nice, i can live with that. Thanks user, ill see you next year