Jump Rope

What do you nigs think of jump rope as cardio? I bought a rope yesterday and after stumbling the first twenty tries I feel like I've got form in as good of a place as I can for day 2 and I'm really enjoying it. Just nailed 68 in a row until my timing slipped and I hit the rope against my feet. Anyways, anyone here jump ropes and have any anecdotes about them?

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rate my routine:

1’x10 (1.5’ rest)

Are you using apostrophe to denote minutes? So you'd do a minute, then take a minute and a half rest?

Yes exactly.

Too much rest imo, I'm starting out as well and I'm doing 10 sets of 2 minutes with a 20 second rest. Especially starting out, I was tripping so much I barely even needed to rest

I agree that sounds like a lot of rest. So you guys do it by minute rather than by number of successful jumps consecutive? Dealing with some kind of stop watch app on my phone sounds like a real pain in the ass versus just entering a number in to fitnotes

jump rope is based OP
once you get your form down, start doing boxer skip because it looks cool

I started out counting but it got to be too much and I jump too fast.

There are HIIT apps where you just set the amount of reps you want to do and the time doing the exercise and the time resting. Mine beeps the last 3 seconds of the set and rest. Interval Timer on Android is what I use.

When I started it, couldn't do it for more than a minute without rest.
1 month in, I could go 5 minutes. It's definitely more fun than any type of cardio except biking maybe.
Plus it builds your stamina, so when you go for a run you won't embarass yourself.

How many days a week do you jump?

I recently bought a rope for quarantine fitness, after the first day using it i woke up with a terrbile pain between the ribs all around my back. I kept using it trough the pain since i thought it was like DOMs that you are supposed to work trough to get rid of them but after the third i had to stop because jumping (and even other exercises like pullovers) was too painfull.
What the fuck is wrong with me? Is it common? Is it just DOMs or am i fucked up in some ways (i have flared ribs and pectus if it matters)? I'm so confused please help

I fucked around day 1 and this is day 2 for me and I have no issue, but I didn't go hard day 1, it was mostly figuring out form. What was your workout user?

I have flared ribs and pectus, and have never had that issue jumping rope. I get shin splints if i go too hard but thats it

I never jumped rope before so i just spent about an hour trying to learn the basics

>I have flared ribs and pectus
my nigger, me too. Any chance you'd be willing to post a current body shot?

Never looked into jumping rope before. This thread made me look it up
>burns more calories than running
>can be done indoors with no equipment save a fucking rope
>probably doesn't make you wanna kill yourself

Why the fuck is this not more popular? Literally only ever seen it done by primary schoolgirls and Patrick Bateman. Am I missing something?

Its very popular among fighters, boxers, and crossfitters.

Gotta caution you, I bought it as a simple exercise to do indoors but being a bit over 6ft tall, the recommended length of rope and considering it needs to clear your jump height was causing me to hit the ceiling. If you have high ceiling you'll be fine but maybe you can find measurements or some shit online of how much space you need, I don't have enough

Only thing I could figure that's causing pain in that area is improper posture. Your body could be using your torso as a shock absorber rather than your legs and ass if your bent I guess, are you making sure you're up straight while jumping?

is Yas Forums taking the jump rope pill?

>much better on your feet and joints
>can be done inside or outside on any hard surface
>easy to stop and go as needed
>makes you look confident as fuck
>great ice breaker for hoes

>talking to hoes

You should be skipping a lot faster than you can count. Set a timer for 10min and go as hard as you can until the timer goes off. Rest when you need to, for as short as you can. Add 1-2 minutes to the timer every session.
To me, it seems like you guys are overcomplicating things (I'll do x reps of jump rope for x sets with x rest and increase by 10% every day). It's cardio, not programming for a powerlifting meet.

that could be it, maybe the first attempts i made i slouched a bit because i was afraid of hitting my head with the rope since i never tried it before. The third day i recorded myself from the front and didn't notice anything, next time i'll try to record from the side.

More like

>great ice breaker for hoes
H-hey do you j-jump r-rope?? M-m-me too

bitches love the confidence and raw masculinity of swinging dong in front of them

He was talking about girls he sees on the playground

Anyone got tips on how to build coordination?


Repetition my nig

yeah I love how many hoes I run into along my daily jump-rope route. I'm working up to 10km of jump-rope a day so I run into more hoes. how far do you guys jump-rope?

>Oh my basketball shorts? No I don’t play basketball, I’m far too uncoordinated. Ask me how much I low bar squat though.

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I haven't mastered the forward jump rope but I am highly proficient at doing circles while jumping. I usually do one full rotation after about 14 or 15 jumps. Women keep staring so I know they fucking love it

I live in the south. I workout on my front porch. I get college sluts looking out their windows blasting their tight little pussys to my manly dominance I display manhandling my jump rope. Additionally I get black women that walk by to go to the corner store and they react viscerally harkening back to the days of getting whipped up real good by their masters when they see my rope spinning.

Rate my current stats

75 sets of 48 seconds (1hr)
20 seconds of rest between sets

I too hope to strike fear in to the hearts of niggers everywhere.great work my friend

I just jump rope for 30 minutes straight without a rest, is that not optimal?

How many calories does that add up to?

Nevermind I figured it out.

1800 ish
I use an adaptive tdee tracker and 900 daily was about the change

Neat, how many times a week do you do that?

simps lmao

You faggots can just jump in place, or jump on one leg, or alternate legs and pretend you have a jump rope. Hell, you can even move your wrists pretending you are doing jump rope thing. Congrats, you discovered aerobics.

The rope gives it meaning user, do you find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile and pretend you're driving a Ferrari everyday? What if one day you wake up and say, this is not my beautiful house, this is not my beautiful wife

There is no meaning. The onlyMeaning I can tank of is avoiding hitting your toes, which you will after having practiced enough. Also you drive a Ferrari at the same speed you drive a Toyota - speed limit.

>driving the speed limit

Speeding tickets are bad for gains user

It's a very effective method to destroy your knees.

What if you're bending properly and doing solid form?

jumping in place is not the same as jump-rope in terms of caloric expenditure, aerobic output, muscle activation. I could jump in place for hours, that's not the point of the exercise.
if done properly, your shoulders/arms should give out long before your legs do

This is all very interesting but how much do you squat? Let's quantify the progress in absolute terms we all understand, like pounds on the bar through full range of motion.

Yesterday I did the basics and today I managed to get it going to the point I did 30 in a row at a fairly high speed. I love the feel. It burns just right. I do it shirtless in my yard too. Ill probably get a good tan. It is definitely comfier than running or the eliptical. Looking forward to see how many reps I can get.

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Hello rreddit.

haha sounds like you have a weak squat
The point you seem to be trying to make proves the opposite of what you think it does.
If you have very strong legs, the effect will be even more pronounced, but everyone's upper body should give before their legs on jump-rope unless they're severely obese

hello newfag.

Use 2 eggs fren

Did 15x 90 seconds, 45s rest. Is that a decent interval practice? I normally do running so I want to train for cardio

How bout you rest when you're in pain


Shits so hard bros. On a good run I can do maybe 15-20 consecutive jumps without smacking the back of my head or my feet. I'm so fucking bad at this shit.

Ok i figured out the problem today, i wasn't bending my knees at all and my back was absorbing all the pressure from the jump, tried to bend them slightly and went immediately better

This is not about muscles, is about being functional and the rope will help you to develop mind-body coordination