Anybody here builtfat/getting builtfat and into it?

Anybody here builtfat/getting builtfat and into it?

I've been dirty bulking for a while and I've definitely put on muscle, but also a lot of fat. I'm definitely fat with a gut now, I went from 170 and cut to 235, like C3 to E5 (although I carry it a little differently) on the chart. But it's honestly been nice not watching macros, being a pig and eating endlessly whatever I want. And I'm actually kind of liking having soft extra size over my muscle? Part of me wants to keep going, part of me is like wtf dude. And of course I have to cut/maintain eventually.

I've got a home gym so Rona doesn't factor into it.

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My goal body is bulky bearmode. Like pic related with a bit more fat I guess. To be like pic related you'd still have to wtch macros, to a certain point to not get too fat

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last year when I just started lifting I was literally B1
now I'm D2, how to get to C4 ?

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I'm E7 exaclty. Never been lean so that's what I want. Need to cut but lazy about food. Corona not helping.

Between C & E is decent, all function strength, where that body can me maintained

A-B don't kid yourself roider, bodybuilder flexing tier

F-H potential depending on how much work you wanna put in

I - America

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at D2, goal is D8.
also, sunk your battleship.

A9 is the goal, currently at A7.

Where am I on this grid Yas Forums? I'm guessing around d2/d3?

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>lifting natty for 10 years
>6’ 1” 220 lbs. probably 17-22% bf
>never been into being super cut, just want to gain muscle and strength with minimal fat gain
>chatting with some chick on tinder
>conversation leads to lifting
>show her pic related
>she responds “you don’t even look like you workout”
>she’s not joking

I know I’m a little chubby and not super ripped but come on. I unmatched her because she seemed like a fucking cunt.

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Another pic for reference

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How can you even tell the difference in muscle in H and I categories, there' so much fat it makes no difference

What have you even been doing in the gym? Post routine

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Bro, you have almost the same exact fat pouch as F3, though less love handles. I'm confused.

I think I'm like D4

Post your body then

how to escape b2-mode

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I'm F6/7, I dig the aesthetic of bear mode but I'd still prefer to see SOME definition, particularly around my shoulders/arms. if you dig the dirty bulking style, keep going until you get to a strength landmark like 4/5 plate.

personally i'm not stopping until I hit 5 plate I don't care if i'm 250lbs by the end of it

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Been doing Stronglifts for 2 months before corona, still beginner mode.
I want to be strongbuilt/builtfat.
How am I doing Yas Forums ?

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Other picture, less dehydrated, I look more like that most of the time

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Here you go.

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In the D3-E4 Built-Skinny-Fat hell

Post body and I’ll tell you

I'm c4 or c5 let's goooooooooooo LET'S GO BABY WOOOOOOOO WE ARE ALL GOING TO MAKE IT

F5. Feels bad being a lazy fuck all winter long. At-home quarantine routine started this week. Wish me luck /fit

Probably cut a bit, do more lat and shoulder work. I would say do more stuff for chest, but you're probably weak enough that you could just see improvements from just getting stronger at what you've already been doing.



What’s the point of even posting body here? If you don’t look like Calum Von Moger you’re going to get picked apart by the local Yas Forums dyel’s.


D3 with moons.You look skinny with your long sleeve shirt on, but look “big” compared to your non lifting buds

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you need to cut to around 13 to 15% bf to show off your gains and it looks like you haven't train your chest and shoulders enough but you have good biceps and forearms

*moobs , I forget the actual name for flabby pectorals

>start 2020 as E1 (was F1 last summer)
>train for marathon, run 30mi/week for 3 months
>lose 10 pounds. 5'9" 165 to 155
>plague hits, marathon cancelled
>now D1
I guess it's good that I'm skinnier, but I'm tired of looking like a skinnyfat gay retard alien with giant thighs. I'm gonna keep running, do a bodyweight routine in my garage, and eat a lot more protons, until the gyms open up. The goal is C3

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I guess I'd be C3 but I have some flab on my lower stomach. I don't know whether it's loose skin or fat.

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Lmao, of all the people in this thread to "yikes". Go ahead manlet, you try filling out a 6'5" frame.

f8 is goal
reality is f6

Damn bro, looking tight

No way you are D. You are more like E or even F.

post body

I think my shoulders look pretty decent but true on the chest. Not due to lack of training, just don’t have very good insertions there.

How long would it take a newbie to go from A1 to somewhere around B4 or A3?

I'm 27.

Just like said if you don’t look like a pro bodybuilder expect to get roasted.

im probably b6
I just recently hit 40cm/16" inch arms again after recovering from weight loss from vomiting
Are 40cm arms good?

G7 is best mode, fight me

Thanks bro, got a long way to go though. Trying to gain weight but it is slow going. ~207 now, shooting for a leaner ~225. Hopefully can get there by next summer, we'll see.

I see that now. "Yikes" isn't even a roast though, I expected something more substantial. I see plenty to improve about my physique. I just wanted to see if I was as deluded about my own body as

You're looking big in that one. But normies who've never been to the gym dont get it. They think abs or vosoble muscles=gym and I've met people who think Schwarzenegger is natty lmao.

Am I deluded? I'm 6'1 at 200 lbs in that picture, am I really as fat as e or f?

Not much, like 1 year tops. Lots of noob gains to be made.

Thanks man. Once I saw that pic of a less ripped Jason Momoa come out and everybody call it a “dad bod” I realized normies have no idea what they’re talking about.

5'7, 162 lb. Builtfat, about 20% bf, but a few years ago I would've been straight up overweight

it sucks not having abs but truthfully I've never had them to begin with, lowest I ever was 16%. Once I hit certain benchmarks (like being able to bench 225 lb for reps) I'll cut down to 150-155 or so

current lifts, some of these will certainly go up quite a bit

>210 lb x 5
>110 lb 5x5, easy. Gonna try 115 for sets today
>230 lb 5x5, taking it slow here
>300 lb x 5 (went up fast, probably can get to 350 for reps before stalling)

D2 sounds about right. You don’t look 200 pounds though. Unless you got some massive ass that I’m not seeing.

E4 here, is D8 on gear?

Like I said, you have smaller love handles than F3, but the stomach isn't much different. Maybe D2 is closer, definitely not D3. You gotta work on those lats though and lose a bit of fat to make your body look less like a rectangle. Don't worry though man, it is a process, we all have our own starting point, and goals.

Haha fuck what are the odds, I decided to visit this site again after his knows how long and that macro with me in it is still around (A8) wild shit, don't work out any more though

E5 on a good day?
Shooting for D7
Much harder with no gyms open

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Diff angle

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OP here, surprised Yas Forums isn't roasting me for being a fatass t b h.

But yeah, part of me actually wants to keep going off the chart to like like more than G7 but less than what H7 would be, really I'd like a bigger number but don't think I'd get it natty. And part of me thinks winding up with a pannus is insane (I think I might be getting close) and of course wants god mode A7. But the whole hedonistic soft strength thing feels real good rn.

Anybody here like a fat Olympic weightlifer?

Could be, but I’d say it’s still achievable naturally.

unrelated but how does this guy have abs but has THAT much fat on his gut when gathered? cause i thought i gotta lose all the gut fat to show my abs

whats d6 bf% aproxxx?

Currently a between c2-d2-c3-d3.
Aiming for a3-b3-a4-b4

What will it take lads?

downlighting and flexing exaggerates the appearance of abs. He barely has abs at all.