QTDDTOT-Quarantine edition

Questions that don't deserve their own thread. Old one at over 300 posts.

Whats a good leg routine for at home besides lunges?

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Calf raises off a few books,wearing backpack

If you have a resistance band or anything elasticated jerryrig that shit between two fixed objects,lie front on a table,now you can work hamstrings

>Frog jumps up stairs

Crouch in a squat position then using your legs leap up the stairs a reasonable safe amount of steps. All the way to the top. Turn around and crawl hands first down the stairs to give the core a little workout

Do the same with single leg hops up the stairs

I'm starving, I feel like I'm in a deficit, and I'm tracking meticulously, but I'm 1lb heavier than last week. I should have lost 2 lbs this week.


How do I learn to run properly?

My joints always hurt after running. My knees, ankles, fucking everything, and not in a DOMS way. Like I've been running really wrong. I assume it's bad form, but I don't know how. Everyone seems to jog and do well, but every time I do I fuck myself up.

I'm thinking of buying some dumbbells. What weights should they be if I don't go to gym, but run and do push ups every day. Can do 60push ups without breaks in a row. I'm thinking something like 8-12kgs.
And no, I won't do only bicep curls, that's why I'm not going for absurdly high number.

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Get adjustable ones. My ones go up to 17.5kg each. You can even buy some weight plates to top them up

Those are way more expensive though :(

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I'm shopping for a roller for muscle tension issues. I've used this one and still have access to it, but I'd like my own and don't want it to be redundant. What are the different grades of firmness and how would I identify one a step below?

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Took up jogging in January and now that its April and getting fuckin hot my thighs are starting to chaff together and what not. Any tips to avoid this? I dont mind jogging but fuck does coming in with really sore thighs suck.

I know exercises about most of the basic muscles that I could do during this Corona thing but none for biceps. Any recommendations for without any equipment? I just started lifting washing powder packages but are there any without any equipments?

Keep tracking. 1lb is too small a weight to be significant and 1 week is too short a timescale. If after a month or 6 weeks your numbers dont make sense then adjust your calories or calculate them better

It's more expensive in the long run to buy a dozen different pairs of dbs. A pain in the ass to store too. Get some 1" adjustable ones with a selection of plates and spin lock collars and those should be the last dbs you ever buy in your life.

Are you over 200#? Do your shoes have enough cushioning? Are you running on grass and dirt instead of pavement? Do you heelstrike?

Compression shorts

Get some gay lycra shorts.

>Are you over 200#?
No, I'm really lean

>Do your shoes have enough cushioning
I think so

>Are you running on grass and dirt instead of pavement?
Pavement. There's a lot of variation in escalation where I run though

>Do you heelstrike?
Hm I don't think so, I hit the ground with my whole foot

What is this?

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I've been fighting lower back pain for that past few months. I'd do certain yoga positions, stretches, use the yoga wheel etc. Some positions I see in yoga that are apparently 'good for lower back' involve bending forward, specifically child's pose, which hurts my back. Seeing as it might be a herniated disc, should I just stick with prone press up positions until the pain subsides or continue with yoga?

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Any help?

Doing stretches when you're already hurt can/will make it worse. I would rest, take ibuprofen twice a day and wait until the hospitals calm down to go to a real doctor.

Curl a backpack

Probably a mild heat rash.

Are there any muscle tissues that can be grown significantly in the ankle or wrist? I do forearm stuff and my forearms are proportionate to my biceps, same with my calves to my quads, but then it narrows down to where I can fit my hand around my wrist and ankle [spoiler]and i don't have big hands[/spoiler]

I swear Yas Forums used to let me spoiler

>start doing home workouts 3 weeks ago
>massive elbow pain ever since

What the fuck, i thought body weight was supposed to be easier on your joints? Could it be all the extra pullups I'm doing? Normally at the gym I would be using a neutral grip but here at home it is only possible to use a pronate grip.

There's no bumps, it's flush with the skin

i have the same problem in my sternum

Post a video of you running

>look incredible with a pump
>Look like a skinny dyel otherwise

Is this just part of being natty?

is it uncommon to be great at weighted pullups/chinups but to be kinda shitty at curling?

Any tips to get curl weight up?

I'm just getting into doing some simple exercises at home. 2 days ago was my first attempt, yesterday my DOMS were at like a 3 maybe, but today they're like a 7? I was wondering how much cooldown period I should expect to wait before doing more exercise, and if this is normal, cause I thought DOMS were just for the day after for some reason.

Suppose I'm going to do 5x5 of an unilateral exercise like one arm pushups or pistol squats. What's the better way to do your sets: 5 reps with one side, then 5 with the other? Or one rep with each side, 5 times?

I'm really skelly and want to bulk.

What are good recipes for this?

So far, I've tried:
-self made pizza
-puff pastry tarte with cheese and ham
-puff pastry roll with chicken and sheep cheese

Also I constantly see rice+chicken pics here. I do understand that they are great for eating clean (which I don't care about). However, is there a way of adding more calories to this dish and make it more tasty?

>just for the day after
lolno that shit can last three days. Big impediment to starting because carrying on with your daily business with that shit going on sucks even if you have two consecutive days off work.

Tabata squats.
Pistol squats, if you can't already. Then these:
I've been able to do pistols for years and had a hard time achieving the shrimp, can't even do the other one.

christ. yeah I have 3 exams due today and it's fucking with my concentration. at least I'm stuck home so my legs not working right isn't messing with me too much. thanks for the info bro

I spent months doing negatives trying to achieve the dragon flag. I thought you were supposed to touch the ground with your feet then go back up, but recently I watched some videos and noticed everyone only goes about as low as pic related. Is this actually proper form? Because I can do that easily.

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Is it possible to learn boxing all by myself at home?

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How much does a bar weigh that is used for overhead pushes?

Shit quality but pic related. If you go further down, you have too much support from the contact of your back to the ground. So this seems to be the point of most stress on the core and therefore the most difficult.

I can do them at 40-45° and still aiming to go lower, so don't take my word for it.

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>How much does a bar weigh that is used for overhead pushes?

you would use a barbell, which is 20 kg or 44 lb

it gets rounded up to 45 when you add the spring collars

>If you go further down, you have too much support from the contact of your back to the ground.
Actually, after I did full reps rather than negatives for the first time I did get some huge stretch marks on the back side of my traps. I'm assuming it was from that, nothing else I did that day hit those muscles.

But yeah, thanks for the answer. I can go that low, but I''m not sure about keeping the body straight like the guy in your pic. I'll try again tomorrow.

How correct are Apple Health calorie burn predictions?

My Apple Health says my maintenance is very low - about the calories I eat to cut. I'm basically just laying around all day except to do some lifting (still at home), but I'm still feeling hungry and as if I'm on a proper cut.


Never did leg day at the gym. How do I into bw squats at home? I'm 6'3 and horrified of fucking up my knees or back. Any links to useful guides/videos that can show me how and convince me I'm doing it right?

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Just got a new bathroom scale. I usually have to take my morning dump after I've finished eating breakfast, so I can never get a truly accurate weight. Will it me more accurate to weigh myself before eating and pooping or after eating and pooping?

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How long have you been running with your shoes? Most decent quality running shoes last about 500 miles/800 km before the support is completely worn out.

The pump makes you look bigger because the blood is flowing to the muscles, making them temporarily bigger. No matter how big you get your pump will always be bigger.

Your weight will still vary on many, many factors, such as density of the food, protein amounts, water retention etc that is also influenced by stress, sleep quality, digestion and whatnot.
The optimal way to determine your weight gain/loss over time would be to weigh yourself after waking up and taking a piss/dump before getting any breakfast or liquids into your body.
Then write down these values everyday and compare it week to week to see if you achieved what you aimed for.
Looking at it from a day to day basis is mostly gambling.

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Weigh your breakfast before eating it then subtract it from your weight after shitting

Bros I'm going to army in 10 weeks, I need to gather as much strength as I can in this time period. I've previously done SS for a few months but my gym closed over a month ago so all my strength gains have been lost. Recently found a gym that's actually open.
What do I do? Just SS? 4 days upper lower?

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practice whatever their fitness test consists of

if it's just push-ups, chins, and running you're better off focusing on those rather than doing a general strength program

>4 weeks since gym closed
>haven't worked out since

how fucked am I?

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less fucked than you think. I've had periods where I have 3 months off due to injury and it comes back very quickly. Any muscle loss you see is really just lack of a pump.

Just don't gain fat.

I've been doing those, I think I'll do ok in the fitness test. Just thinking that general strength would help with the actual service (carrying heavy shit for long distances).

You are lucky, 2 weeks off and usually im down couple kgs.
That's why I do calisthenics like a mad man, whatever works

Jar of peanut butter a day.
Sunflower seeds.
Lentils and rice.

not the other guy
what you're talking about, general strength to carry shit for long distances, is true but i would save my body for that until actual boot camp if i were you. i have buddies that went infantry in the marines and army - most of them said that years of rucking and hauling shit around absolutely wrecked their knees and backs. if you can complete the fitness test with flying colors before you get there then you're probably already in the top 25% of Yas Forums recruits anyway

if you can manage to get a weighted vest that would help

i have a few friends who went to the army, they all said the loaded running was by far the hardest part

Ok, thanks for the input. I'll consider a weight vest, the gym would've been too expensive anyways. I've been doing autist marches with 45lbs worth of plates in my backpack, hopefully those will help a bit

Just some irritated skin, happens to me sometimes aswell after lifting. Remember to take a shower after working out, just incase so it won't turn to pimples/rash

what's this pic from?

Define shitty