I don't give a fuck about strength or anything all i want is an aesthetic body so i can marry a beautiful Muslim waifu

I don't give a fuck about strength or anything all i want is an aesthetic body so i can marry a beautiful Muslim waifu.
>Now faggots tell me what program to follow for maximum aesthetics

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Mulsims dont need gainz to get a waifu, they just need a cousin

Revert to Islam first and foremost

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Close your eyes and imagine giving her a peck, a little kiss on her cheek. Imagine her reaction, as she starts to blush, takes a tiny step back and looks down.

OK, guys, please, tell me, I'm not the only one with a hijab fetish, right?

This isn't a fucking anime user

I know

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not even ahkneemay gurls are this shy

>OP here
I'm a Muslim and ye sure it's easy to marry a cousin but now a days things are getting a bit competitive so good looks are a bonus.
Genetically I'm very blessed but need to work on my body

if you want anything, you're gonna have to work for it, don't expect anyone to feed you a perfect routine, everyBODY is different. people will swear by different ways to work out any part of your body
read the sticky and do some research of your own afterwards
exercise regularly and form your own opinions of what works for you
it's all deeper than just "lift heavy stuff and put it down again". if you don't know what you're doing you'll plateau / injure yourself

Its easy to marry any muslim girls because they are objects ready to be traded.

Mashallah akhi, don't worry about no specific routine, just train hard, eat clean, pray to Allah and stay away from haram, God will put an cute hijabi in your life in no time

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>Its easy to marry girls because they are objects ready to be traded.
Here I fixed your sentence

Our girls are getting influenced by your western slags, things are not as easy as they used to be. Sexual liberation is growing exponentially

Bismillah and Mashallah pilled

Lol at you fags. Muslim Women are not allowed to marry Non-Muslim men.

All girls are slags it just depends on the countrys culture.

What are you talking about? Yas Forums is a muslim board

Counter lol at you fag, I'm a Muslim

Google search Brad Pitt’s routine when filming Fight Club that is peak aesthetic brahs

Apparently not very blessed considering youre asking a bunch of dyels on an anonymous board how you should train instead of doing half an hour of research and come up with a better alternative, good luck user

Lmao fag, it is permissible for any Muslim, man or woman, to marry other people of Abrahamic faiths (without converting one way or the other), not just other Muslims.

They don't seem to mind that in Southern Philippines or Indonesia

One man almost begged me to marry his ultra qt hijab daughter. It seemed like a joke, but might have been a hint too.

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Only Muslim men are allowed to marry women of other faiths, Muslim women are not.

Then you stone her for being a whore

That is Shias user, not Sunnis.

I get you user. They're like kinder surprise eggs. Never know what you gonna get. It's like combining a gambling addiction with sex

>This fag
It happens more than many are willing to admit. Often, the kids aren't even raised muslim.

We are talking about what is the rule, of course Muslim women marry non-Muslim men

I dated a muslim girl for 3 years, I miss her. We broke up due to stupid circumstances, still regret it.
Now I can only jack it to brown chicks, help bros

Same, I'm a white Non-muslim so I don't stand a chance but a man can dream.

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>be me
>an bosnian
>had many muslim gfs
>and for you user, this is still a wish.

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south asian muslims are not top tier bloodline

>tfw got a qt goth muzzie gf

Shes everything i have ever wanted bros

i'm dating a saudi girl and she won't wear hijab or niqab for me and it's my biggest fetish. It legit upsets her. But she did it once for me while giving head and mah man, diamonds habibi diamonds.

i have photo of my gf doing umrah, hamdulila she's so beautiful and kind, we will make many beautiful arab/eastasian babies

may Allah bless your gains and lead you all to beautiful habibas.

>white non-muslim
>dont stand a chance
Bro, muslim chicks fucking love white guys. I've already buried 3.

idk bout that, lots of beautiful Pakistani and Indian womens here in the US. Most of them aren’t batshit or party animals like their Arab counterparts

i guess when i say SEA, i only considered indon, malay and south ph. There are indeed beautiful paki/indian muzzies. Non-party animal muslimas are good waifu material. They're good girls and deserve much love.

you havent seen the slutty ones with full on hijab at malls etc.

I like Middle Eastern women but I hate the inbred turbo manlet low iq genes.
>my vote is for classical Lebanese, Persian, Armenian, Georgian, Assyrian cuties, though arabs with green eyes are still qt
>the more historically relevant non islamic Middle Eastern women are better

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Get strong but don't get fat
There you go

>imagine the hair and smell

absolutely disgusting

some javanese women are fucking hot too

The Javanese hapa girls we have here are especially hot.

Went on Umrah in December and went circling the kabah I touched the stone but only once. There were so many people pushing you I could barely stand on my feet luckily I was 100kgs at the time the worst part were the niggers who pushed people on purpose and started laughing. I actually lost more faith in God after touching the stone. Arab girls are so white I sometimes think they are Caucasian wish I had a qt Arab wife but most of them have oil rich Saudi husbands

going to mecca seems like a terrible time from what I've heard

Cleanliness is part of their religion user.

You're mistaking Muslims for Hindus, faggot. Cleanliness is an essential part of being a Muslim.

Uh, any more hijab cuties?

My Ex GF is middle eastern and Muslim. She was a great girl but her parents were fucking insane.

Also I’m Catholic and she never really understood that. We did talk about our future a lot and she seemed certain I would become Muslim in the future... which was the last thing I wanted to do.

Overall, Muslim girls can be great, but their religion causes problems, and their parents are insane and crazy 99% of the time.

>Pic is her

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Same bro, although my ex wasn't that into the religion. We ultimately split cos it wouldn't work out long term, sucked. Her dad was fucking nuts too.
Pic related

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Sorry I meant jihadi* mashallah

No, Muslims and Hindus are tied on low educational attainment, all Muslim countries except for western funded ones are literal shitholes. Hindus are cow piss drinkers, and Muslims are camel piss drinkers as it says in the Hadiths

How was the pagan temple that arabian pagans circled 7 times before Muzzies took it over?

my current gf is nominally muslim and im christian
bros.... theyre bad af

Yeah, and Muslims invented science, math, the idea of flying, soap, toothbrushing, and do not kill people

Why do you keep samefagging and posting Mudslime threads every day. It's like you get an enjoyment out of having your subhuman, pedo-inbred religion made fun of every time


algebra is literally an islamic world retardanon. and our numeral system is islamic too.

she's a fucking godess bro I'm sorry for ur loss

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how are muslim chicks? are they better than non muslims?
i really want a super religious gf, doesn't matter which religion tho

lebanese guys have one of the biggest average dicks in the world, so i might go for lebanese chicks so, my kid can get the bick dig genes

they rock but even the religious ones are whores

its the same for me but its niqab

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Lebanese are the BVLLS of the middle east/Med
They are considered one of the most handsome men in the world with italians, greeks, iberians, brazilians