18 m

18 m
Do I have a chance at being built

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you look like a clay stop-motion action figure

Yeah, at being built into a body wall to fortify Chad gains.

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He can't help having nice skin

>implying a 5’6 Greek man will ever be or has ever been alpha lmfao

Greeks just stoll all of Africa’s inventions and knowlege

Why would someone steal things like starvation and ingrown hairs?

Stop treating Africa like it's just one damn country
It's a fucking continent

This is me after 19 months of training, we can all make it

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Is this BasedBoomer?

looking good user... looks like youre packing too damn let me suck

looking good user... looks like youre packing too damn let me suck (x2)

Nice progress but
>mirror frauding

Its all about perspective innit

>tfw skinnyfat dude
>all the 'before' pics I see are like yours, your body already has a great foundation to build muscle on without much fat and already some definition on your pecs / abs.
>whereas I've got a flabby torso and skinny arms which seems awkward to start building muscle on without just getting fatter

Is skinnyfat literally the worst body type to start lifting on?

Attached: I just don't know anymore.webm (1000x563, 688.3K)

good job on the muscle loss user, we're all gonna make it

Yes, now start chipping away.

then cut fat and stop complaining idiot, i was a stick and i have gained 24kg of muscle you idiot the worst result if you start working out is that you are as buff as me with more fat then go on a cut for 2 months and look better than me. Stop complaining and do something about it instead

its the most confusing bodytype for a beginner because you don't want to cut and not gain muscle but you don't want to bulk and gain fat
but the reality is that you should just bulk anyways and lift heavy. you'll probably want to cut sooner than someone who started out as just skinny, but you'll have to cut a lot less weight than someone who's starting out fat.
desu though it doesnt matter, just start lifting man
you've spent your whole life getting your current body, it'll take significant time for you to get the one you want

How about another joke Murray?


>Stop complaining and do something about it instead

I was and then one month into my training the chink virus closed my gym. I didn't have the foresight to buy my own gear and now I can't get shit anywhere.

I've been looking at calisthenics during the interim, but I'm not sure what kind of results that would get.

the results will be better than doing nothing

if you cant do heavy weight training hten this is the perfrcet time to do cardio and calisthenics and shred fat then

Here's my progress op, I had a skinnyfat body like yours (and was previously borderline obese before the picture, it was taken when I had already lost considerable weight). I know I'm still dyel especially the legs but it has been overall a worthwhile improvement for me, YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT OP

Attached: progress.png (874x528, 409.5K)

This is good inspiration for OP. You had the same “soft” kind of body he had and are turning it around. Good job, dude.

How long did that take?

Of course, you cant blame looking like shit on genetics when you're skinnyfat as fuck and clearly don't lift

Your frame doesn't look bad and you're a young guy, your issue is that you're horribly out of shape. My advice is to lift heavy, eat a surplus of high quality food and do cardio - doing these will literally transform your body

thanks brah
Somewhere around 1.5 years, was messing around for the first couple of months with some garbage program I wrote up myself though.

Forgot to mention, I'm about the same age as you now, OP.

Hello, I'm a 26/M, 5'4, 51kg, asian. My stats are horrible, but I live with what I have. I'm just looking for an appropriate thread to ask for help, because I don't want to start my own and posting on /cbt/ would seem out of place. Based on how I look and with my stats, will I have a chance on making it? I'm tired of always being ridiculed. Thanks Yas Forums.

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>will I have a chance on making it?
You already know the answer. People have made it from worse positions than you're in. You just want an excuse to avoid the effort or put it off.

then bulk

Have you considered picking up heavy objects and putting them down repeatedly?

brother. same stats, i started lifting 2 years ago. i've made hella gains.

sure i'm still short but my confidence has skyrocketed and girls are mirin. start today.

Wow text book skinnyfat, but yeah you can also make it.
Start wtih a good diet asap and put down the booze, it will jump start most of the improvements you want.

i looked like this last year too.. just eat clean and lift. though i suggest cutting since it got rid of my fat gut

Just eat adequate protein at maintenance and you will build muscle and lose fat. This whole +-500 bulk/cut cycle is completely bullshit.

would fuck left

twink mode

My thoughts exactly! its tricky to have a low weight BUT high bf%. there's no optimal way to go about it.

its like you gotta go either super skinny first or super fat first and THEN thats when you start to slowly have a nicer body.

for fatties, you only have one step, which is just not eat and workout! same with if youre skelly, just eat and workout thats it. for skinnyfat you have an extra step to do

Yes, you do have an extra step. But it's worth it. Take it from someone who went through that extra step.

Forgot pic.

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>Greeks don’t have a 100% set phenotype but have clear genetic markers, some are swarthy some are not
>north africans are distinct from, despise, and still enslave subsaharans today

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you would have to run & lift to get all the beginner gains and fat % drop then reassess depending on how your body responded

>ck one
gay af

>General population

Americans realising that they're all mutts.

You do.

I have the same bodytype as yours in the left. Thanks user, you are fueling my gains. We are all gonna make it

yes i know its worth it im just saying thats its harder cause we have that extra step. i already did that and look a bit normal now!

but congrats on the change what do you look like now user?

North africa wasnt that shitty before arabics tho

You're in a better place than OP.

OP needs to fix his muscle imbalances or he's probably going to get injured lifting.

I have muscle and lift weight the results just haven't been visible

Then do more weight. You are gonna make it bro

It's my diet fucking me over mainly since I live at my grandma's and she doesn't comprehend healthy food

Count calories like an autist
Or learn to cook, maybe eat smaller portions

Well currently my is weight 150lb at 5'10"

Then you wanna bulk? Eat some hard boiled eggs everyday, bigger portions, you dont need a perfect diet to get huge, just a lot of protons

Jesus maybe stop puffing ur chest out and sucking ur tummy in, you look more ridiculous than if you were to just stand normal, we can tell ur fat no need to try n hide it

get fit, and don't post here until you're doing it everyday, calisthenics will be good enough for you right now

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>stop being lazy
>make sure to exercise consistently
>a normal diet is okay but don't go for extreme diet(the very strict one is a no no you'll get easily fat although you do exercise)

Im not sucking it in, I hadn't eaten anything

>18 m
It's already hard for 1.90m lanklets to get tall, I don't think it's even possible to gain muscle when you're such a gigantic freak.

to get built*
lol I'm retarded

people have made it out of harder situations than you
the only thing between you and your goals is willpower, consistency, and time
get on a beginner strength program, and push yourself to do well- get a good balanced diet together
you can do it asianon, I have faith

May as well be one country, at least that way they've probably got the same number of inventions as somewhere like Andorra.