/fph/ - Fat People Hate: Pole Dancer Edition

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Eww wtf

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I used to do that with the corner of the table before I knew what an erection was.

Fatass got what he deserved

Should have let him keep dancing. Probably the closest thing to exercise he was doing

roasties only felt for this man because they also know what it's like to be fat and not able to dance.
if the panels had been
>this guy just tried to ask me out and here is his face when we laughed at him
every one of those roasties would have also laughed.

>ywn be that poll

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Fuck people who force feed their kids

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That's a big babby.

Or their pets

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obligatory this isnt funny. guy was just trying to enjoy himself and some asshat made him feel bad and ruined his night

I fucking hate hamplanets.
Digits and they all die because corona-chan mutates to target fatties.

Anyone have the poem some user wrote about the fat guy who trophy killed a lion?

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But Corona-chan already targets fats.

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Twinks got mad

Great, thanks to Yas Forums I want to fuck a virus. /k/ already made me want to fuck General Patton (pic related).

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he deserved it. pig.

While she is the slayer of fats, it's probably still off topic, so one more Corona-chan then I'll get back to hating fatties

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Girl needs to get a hacksaw and then a room.

0 shame, cannot blame

Got an old folder, let's see what we have

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I got you bro

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Son i am disappoint. Come to army ans eat my sandalette

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>Fuck people who force feed their kids
Or perhaps we should force feed people who fuck their kids


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Maybe, but you don't seem to understand the point of these threads.


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Is that one of Trumps cousins?

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Sounds like complete bullshit.

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Amazing, simply amazing. Was this a commission?

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plebbit /r/OneBarPrison/

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oh jesus, I know what you're talking about without even looking

god I love porn

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And that's a good thing. Fatass should have ALL of his nights ruined. And his days too. Untill he decides to put the fucking fork down and stop being an obese piece of shit that's a drain on society. Shaming works.

Post nose

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Mad respect for that man

Anything for you Corona-chan!
Wait a minute...

>Daughter sucking coke like she's sucking dick
>Mother preparing a dressing as if Christmas has come early
I wonder if she's actually still alive

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Time to move to Alaska

>You will never be as happy as that sow suckling from the sugar teat of the 2L bottle.

Holy fuck look at these arms, how many inches of muscles would you need to fill that loose skin?

I used to be like that. I wish I could go back. I will never be able to eat a whole pizza and drink coke without feeling bad again.

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I know Yas Forums feels bad for this guy, but he needs to feel bad for himself. Being fat is bad. He does look ridiculous. We can't just pretend fat people aren't repulsive because they're trying to enjoy themselves, it is that lack of social responsibility from everyone around them that let them get that fat in the first place. If all his mates laughed at him when he was 20 pounds overweight instead of 200, he'd be able to dance and if anyone laughed, it would just be because he sucks at dancing.

:'( how does this happen to someone?


Women get the ring and don't have to pretend they respect you or themselves anymore.

It's happened to my sister. She used to be quite careful about her weight, but that changed when she eventually met her bf. They've both got mental health issues and just stay at home irritating each other now. He's skinny fat and she's heavier than me, she's maybe 5'9" and I'm 6'6".
There is nobody pushing either of them and if I try to say anything my parents draw the mental health card. They have no reason to change and they have each other to subsist on. That's how it happens.

beautiful comic and story but it's one of the ones you can tell is fake.
>400 pound hambeast took off running, and escaped detection
My uncle is 400 pounds, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that is not possible.

>400 pound hambeast
>took off running
>escaped detection
As a former 300 pound hambeast this gave me a good laugh

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