What is the best Yas Forums pose

It's hard choosing a pose. What's your go to?

Just took these.

Attached: 20200409_220251.jpg (2640x1980, 1.06M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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If I show you my tits (im actually a female) will you let me see that huge cock?

I never post myself but hnnnngh I need to see that meat and I’m willing to show myself off for it

Such sophisticated language

Attached: 20200409_221609.jpg (2666x2666, 3.28M)

>nigger posting small dicks


Attached: 20200409_221850.jpg (2760x2535, 3.2M)

Are they good poses or nah, stop looking at my dick

Damn did I mog yall too hard?

This can’t be real. If it is, stop grabbing your cock and hit the gym. You look like shit.

The mother fuckers closed. And I'm asking about the poses. Stop looking at my dick

shave your chest you disgusting nigger

Real men have hair faggot

have some respect for yourself and stop groping your dong and posing like a bitch.

Lmao when a black man does it, its posing like a bitch, let me see you post that in the cbt. I admit the dick grab was a little extra but that's for the ladies

Bte I'm completely shameless. There are nudes, but alas this is a blue board


Gas homos

And the jews, am I right. But seriously can we talk about how to pose

Nike shorts will do you justice.

I turn a bit for better lighting, plus flex arm. Chicks seem to dig it. I don’t really do dick pics unless girl is showing first

Stop posing like a faggot, you fucking nigger.

What kind of Nike shorts?

I usually do the turn thing too. The arm flex I havent tried that yet. You do the full on bicep flex? Or do you flex your arm as it hangs to the side

How about I dont?

posing implies you have muscles to display which you dont

Why you hatin?

Nike Men's Sportswear Club Fleece Sweatshorts, the bulges are unavoidable. Get the gray ones.

Your tits are droopy

That's brotha, I'll check them out. I've been needing some new shorts anyway

Lol I got nipple fat, it's better now that I'm on a cut but shits a bitch to make disappear. But it's a part of me so I work with what I got

usually not sideways
why are you squeezing your balls kinda gay bro
also fix your forearms and chest, they look like shit.
farmer's walks, reverse curls, chest fly, bench, etc.
too dark to post one of me, but I like to show off my back and arms, my biceps peak a lot and it helps define my shoulders more also my back is my favorite part.
also I'm albino, not sure if that matters
>post cringe thirst trap retardation
post tits THEN GTFO
haha nerd ass nigga go read some fuckign books bro
nah bro
lift your arms out and flex to tighten your shitty chest
like a front double
Yas Forums homos BTFO'd

Wants to bash that cock her with cunt

Lol all I can do now is dips and pushups. But you right, I have to work on it some more.

My next set of pics I'll try flexing my body more. I was mostly focused on getting the abs flexed.


epic blog post bro, keep us posted of your opinions on every post all the time :)

>ITT faggots who don't know what the official Yas Forums pose is

Aww thanks user, all love brody

If hes going to help the discussion idgaf

I'm not going to zyzz pose. That's not my style

Cock dimensions? Not sure if I'm big enough to take a pic like that to send.

Nice dick. Show more


Ill post a nude. If you answer what's the better out of the first pic and the 3rd pic. They are basically the same but there are differences. I cant decide which one is better

I like the first one better with your left hand visible.

I'm deleting this right away btw

I saw it user. Wow.


Wait how big are you actually. I thought you were bigger, but I think I'm the same size as you lmao.

Yeah sure thing.
now here's my opinions on jews: you're a lazy fuck and your problems are your own.
dude's dick looks like a fucking goomba KEK

Attached: 200638-goomba3d.jpg (960x960, 28.5K)



I'm as big as you want me to be sweetie

Ikr I've had girls call it a mushroom cap

How is this even a discussion?

Attached: zyzzvenividivici-1575008827749-280.jpg (1280x800, 112.88K)

It"s a nice dick bro (no homo). You jelly of his dick?

how do i make my penis bigger?

Yeah but that's reserved for those that made it, still working on dropping my bodyfat down. I need poses for us regular folk

Thanks (no homo)

You know those threads where people say would you sacrifice height for dick size. Get trips in that thread, that's what I did

When did I say I was jelly?
projecting much?
It's a nice cock, and if the stats of 12x12 are true, that's jackpot.
but I'm happy with 7x7 being insecure about something you can't change is pathetic.
I'd like to be 6'8 but instead i'm 6'1. God is just fucked up like that.
reroll on life
don't ruin what you have, no point in making it worse.

Lmao it's not 12x12

entirely depends on OP's height.

Don't tease, just imgur link it

Very nice size, nice thickness, beautiful head. Would suck.

Non-whites are disgusting.

I'm a shorty. 5'7"

You wish, but thanks

What if I like being nasty?

brah you NEVER post your dick, no matter how long the anons pine for it.

I prefer this way

Attached: ffgg.jpg (1629x1938, 644.82K)

Then stop grabbing your cock and outlining it so hard you brain dead faggot

be my gf (male)?