just give me ONE reason why I cant eat this for dinner every single day to bulk up?
>cheap as fuck
>easiest food to make ever
>probably tastes good
just give me ONE reason why I cant eat this for dinner every single day to bulk up?
>cheap as fuck
>easiest food to make ever
>probably tastes good
You can, just eat some green shit too and count your protons nigga
looks like flour noodles and dog food meat
>probably tastes good
Have you not even tried it?
Add a glass of milk and a side of broccoli and you're golden, OP.
If thats ground beef youre eating a lot of fucking fat
No, I'm prepping meal preps. I just want to see how easy it is to make certain meals, but since I'm not sure if I can actually make them yet (Cooking is only 99 in Runescape, practically 0(!!!) in irl) I didn't plan on eating them. So they don't iifym today because I already allotted food to my daily macros schedule. Does this make sense to you or did I overthink it?
You can, this was my dinner during my bulk 4/5 times a week with an ice cold glass of milk, good times
> protons nigga
Kekd hard homey.
What the fuck is that? Scuffed ragu?
looks like shit and the pasta/meat ratio is retarded
>fat makes you fat!
imagine being scared of dietary fat
Carbs are a no-no, replace them with veggies and you can eat this every day for the rest of your life. Godspeed user
Not gonna make it
I eat chicken, rice and broccoli every day you retarded faggot. Your meal looks like shit
>I eat chicken, rice and broccoli every day you retarded faggot
wow you're so unique tell me more
Because it is. Jealous?
ah, now thats what I call efficient bulking. With a glass of milk, c'est magnifique.. and to finish the night off in proper king style I will now engage in a coom
>tips fedora
>not calculating the charge of your caloric intake for gains
just throw in some greens, broccoli or spinach, and youre good
>(Cooking is only 99 in Runescape, practically 0(!!!) in irl)
>So they don't iifym today
kys faggot
It's not good for your bowels.
It's not in a bowel stupid it's on a plate.
>still eating vegetables
Am I wrong? Is it in a bowel or is it sitting on a plate?
Only if the milk is raw, otherwise cringe
I unironically eat 250g of animal fat a day
>Meal prep spaghetti bolognese
>Supposed to be at least 3 meals
>End up eating the entire thing in one night cause it tasted delicious
Never again, it's my curse that I'm such a great cook.
You don’t taste your food as you’re cooking it? Are you stupid? Are there really people who do this?
Post recipe or procedure, faggot
You do realize in some countries it's illegal to even attempt to get raw milk, right?
that's neutrons nigga. Protons are the too big to charge themselves.
Why does seemingly beneficial bureaucracy ALWAYS fuck everything up eventually?
People are so gay. Spaghetti was probably delicious but you guys have probably never cooked because complacency is your best friend. Sad because cooking can be so easy, you literally just have to try.
The bar is set so ridiculously low. If somebody can dive an onion without me having to leave the room due to being more concerned for their wellbeing than they are, I consider them in the 80th percentile
My mother was like this. She cooked the blandest food ever growing up, to the point where she didn't like cooking because it always turned out like shit.
As I got older she decided to give cooking another shot, but she used to call me to the kitchen to taste the food and tell her what seasoning it needed before serving. 90% of the time it was just salt.
I guess some people are just... culinarily challenged.
I told you all my iifym were accounted for and I had none left to spare.
Ground beef and mashed potatoes are the best thing for bulking on a budget imo. Ground beef can be expensive depending on where you live, but mashed potatoes are like $1 or whatever the equivalent is where you live and it makes up the difference. Probably not the most healthy thing to consume every day, but if you put down a pound a day that is about 1500cals+however much mashed potatoes you want. Easy to top 3k imo.
electrons nigga
neutrons have no charge
Tasting food as you cook is calorically negligible. What if it’s tastes like shit and you wasted your time and resources on food that tastes bad? Are you literally autistic?
Low IQ post
Where do you live? I’m gonna come strangle you with my bare hands until you die.
lmao im fucking crying holy shit
Its calorie dense retards, he is bulking but id rather eat lean meat makes cutting seem less painful
why are your noodles transparent
I more or less have ground beef/pork/lamb with rice for dinner every day. Or chicken breasts if it's on sale.
thats a small plate to be holding that much food
it will spill
>he fell for the "greens" meme
I was thinking the same thing..
Hey OP you wanna grab a smaller plate next time, orrr..?
there is no reason really. Add more veggies to it though.
Last time I ate that damned green shit it was on April 8th 2016
No regrets no remorse this shit kills you in the long run. Potatoes, eggs and meat that's all you need
>vegetables kill you
This meme has potential
Jesus ain't that a dense cutting kek
Pasta meat ratio is based, you mean
Mom is Muslim so she doesn't it pork. Whenever I'm going to eat at her house she's trying to make me it vegetables. Evrytime I'm mentioning that as my religion says I should not eat vegetables and I'm asking her if eating pork would be an option for her. Easy win
This. Never felt better ever since I stopped eating "colorful" shit. Haven't had a veg or a fruit in years. My digestion is amazing, my energy and strength levels higher than ever, I look young as fuck even though I just turned 30 (people always assume I'm in my early 20s), my brain feels sharper than ever, etc.