Do anyone actually think he has a chance of pulling 501?

Do anyone actually think he has a chance of pulling 501?

Attached: Hapthor.jpg (312x162, 10.37K)

I pulled 565 in a suited reverse band Jefferson figure-8 strap block pull. He can do it.

Hey, Eric. How's wrestling in front of slightly smaller crowds than usual been going?

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Yes Eddie, he can.

No but Larry Wheels could

Its possible but its also possible that he doesn't. He's probably stronger now than Eddie was but he needs to be more determined when he gets on the platform. Idk if he would give himself a stroke for it like Eddie did.


Can't trust those icelandics, no way they'll calibrate the plates properly. Need to do it in front of a world stage, hes just seizing the opportunity to fraud 501 while no ones looking

He's already given himself one stroke. Man isn't strong enough. Can't even lift one side of his mouth

whatever you say Eddie

fuck off figgy

Of course.

Yo quick question: Didn't Benni already do 501 like fucking forever ago?

Fuck off Eddie. Once you win WSM without dying, then you can talk.

yes because he has a bigger dick than eddie

No, his best is like 465

Oh, fugg. Thanks mang

With the elephant bar AND a regular bar.

>in his home gym
>with his own plates
>surrounded by friends
>unknown refs
>with nobody watching (but bros)
Yeah I’m sure he’s about to pull off a super legit world record

The guy reffing is one of the most famous refs in strongman

>unknown refs
>Magnus ver Magnusson
Want to know how we figured out you don't know what you are talking about?

Wasn't MVM the very ref at the "fixed" 2017 wsm?

why not? just do some more roids.

roid cheats deserve to die, honestly. im tired of them.

So a pro-Eddie ref? sounds good

Not impressive considering the gear he’s on. Fail.

Lol that guy is shady as fuck.
Some amphetamine smugglers were stopped years ago as they were picking up their product from a boat while driving a van that magnús ver owned. The cops in iceland have had their eye on him for years.

They guy is his roid dealer.

Also hafþór is a known wifebeater. Legit aumingji.

>They guy is his roid dealer.

all pro strongmen do roids. What's the issue

>risking life and limb to beat the WR by one (1) kg

hey look, this thread again. No one cares about half-man quarter-brain, faggot. Go to plebbit to suck him off you fucking queer.

but the amount of seethe it will cause on bongs and fat hall will be unfathomable

this, especially if he does it without passing out, and also full lockout (Eddie barely scraped by on the lockout)

Illegitimate lift. Needs to be done on the world stage. No one in their right mind would accept a new 100m world record if it was performed on a closed track with one competitor, a panel of judges they invited and their own stopwatch.


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Conflict of interests. if he's supposed to ref the event he has to be objective, pretty hard when your guy is your prize winning pony.

That's not a stroke (or so he says)

Lol, formerly kek

Lots of world records are set off stage, as long as there are judges to evaluate them. Stop being a nitpicky bitch, especially when plates and the bar are calibrated

You're a retard, he locked out then looked around the damn stadium

hi Eddie

>known wife beater
She would be dead, shes weighs about 90lb

Eddie never said nobody could break 500, it's just that nobody gives a shit about a 501. I agree, Eddie is always going to be the 500kg deadlift guy and Thor is always going to be that zombie from GoT.

Or a pro money ref that will judge either way for the right amount

Thor pulls 501 then wins WSM.

He almost did last year, so I don't see why not.

unironically true, with international borders closed 1kg is no longer 1kg

*mateusz wins WSM

He says it's bells palsy but I'm sure everywhere I've read that is usually only lasts a few months, but I'm not a doctor

he deserves it so much

Benni is record holder of proper powerlifting diddy, with strapless 460.

Let's hope so

If there was any doubt he was going to get it Eddie wouldn’t be seething so hard

Her ex
Google it

RIP Eddie

Shouldn't have tied your trailer to your 500 so much

I agree
Mateusz has the most heart out of the current top dogs

Why are these guys all such giant cunts

Basically lift in any Indian gym and you will see big pulls. Why? Steroids are legal in India. How? Steroids decrease your recovery time for big pulls. For example you can pull 600 keys and not feel sore next week. The recovery is faster. For example Monday pull 600 keys. Tuesday pull 65 key. Wednesday pull 610 key. You keep building and add another wheel to the bar.

>600 keys
T. 55 key street shitter

I thought it was Bells Palsy

What the fuck are you saying?

id rather have ivan take it.
>strapless 460
no dl suit or hitching either. suit adds 20 to 40kg, bit more if your good with it.

Attached: ivan.jpg (720x1480, 372.63K)

He can do it, but I feel like he will never do it because he seems to going the slow ''healthy'' route of trying to build up for it slowly. He doesn't look like he has gained much weight in the past 5 or so years.
Eddie Hall went completely insane and bloated up like a true blotattard. He did permanent damage to his body.
If Thor bloated up like Eddie Hall he could do it and he could surpass Eddie Hall, but I don't think he will do it. I think he cares too much about his health.

Meh, it's pretty obvious he's on more steroids than Eddie was so it shouldn't count imo

5 years ago his dl was 900lbs. It used to be one of his weaker events, and as such was considered normal for a tall man like him. Now he's better at dl than even Shaw ever was

>More drugs than Eddie