Guys I have a hemorrhoid

Guys I have a hemorrhoid

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Time to buy a bidet and start pat drying.

Uuhhh hello based department?????

kek and also lel

The only lifeform that goes for your ass.

I have several

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Does it hurt


Welcome, brother.

preparation H helps

I head that at the dr they will fix a small rubberband onto it above the root. I attempted this by making a.small lasso out of thread and squatting to make the roid as pronounced as possible. It was a bloody battle to get the damn thing off, ended.up having to attack with razor. Would recommend nothing or dr.

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Get your squat plug refitted.

So what? That doesn't mean you should stop doing your face pulls.

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it hurts a lot today
i am sick and have had diarrhea
but normally it does not

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>Tfw had my first hemorrhoid at 12
>Tfw now 8 years later, have too many to count/care
>Bleed every time I shit
>Hurts every time I shit
>Ass feels raw every time I shit
>Suppositories and creams don't do anything to help
I asked a doc and he told me to try suppositories, was my 5th using a full pack with no effect. Shitting is the worst part of my life.

>get hemorrhoids from long flight to Canada.
>go to chemist to try and get some suppository
>all packaging and brands are different
>can't find them anywhere
>clerk comes up and asks what I'm looking for
>start to spill spaghetti because embarrassing
>finally ask for something for piles
>sorry sir what are piles
>can't remember the proper name hemorrhoids
>spill more spagehetti trying to not explain what piles are
>do a 360 and run out of shop

Imagine not enjoying yourself while shitting
What a sad existence


I used to have the same problem nearly 10 years ago when I would drink heavily (snooty beers), and lift heavy a couple times a week.

I even stopped using TP at home, but the problem is generally internal, not from abrasives.

When I began taking fish oil 3 capsules twice daily for 7 days, then 2 capsules twice daily until symptoms gone.... I notice a HUGE reduction in inflammation, pain, blood, etc... Like, ZERO problems if I avoid alcohol and/or lifting heavy.

With this idiot lockdown... lifting heavy is out anyway.
>hope this helps

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I started taking 5g of inolaxol a day. Best decision I have ever made for my anus. Try it

Push it back in

Consume me user

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Does alcohol really mess with it that much

It will actually help if you pour some directly on it. You should give it a try

I had one of those after eating these really hot peppers. I was hungry and we had nothing in the fridge so I said f it and ate one pepper. It was so hot but then I had no milk so I ate another one to stop the initial hotness? This went on till I had ate like 10.

The next day when I went to shit I chaffed my ass wiping away all the burning acid on my asshole. Then I got that hemmroid. But I was working and I worked outside. I was walking 10 miles a day as a mailman. A few days of this uncomfortable walking and I go home and feel the bulge in my asshole pulsating but I had to shit. I sit down and take a shit trying my best to be gentle but the pressure behind that hemmroid was like Hoover Dam and the sum of a bitch popped. I audibly heard that motherfucker pop too.

Next thing I know a stream of poop blood is running down my thigh and I'm in this incredible pain. It sure was an experience. Haven't had one since and if I have a tiny lil bump where it was. Suppose you'd call that a scar.

True story.

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witch hazel, prep H, then just push it back in

But it hurts to touch it

I have one but it never hurts me except for when I have these 40 minutes diarrhea which happens like 3 times a year. The fact that it has never being a bother kind of makes me worried.

>When I was a teenager I worked in a supermarket.
>Went to lift four slabs of beer off the floor one day and gave myself a perianal hematoma.
>Didn't know what the hell it was so called to make an appointment with a male doctor.
>Showed up and of course the fucker is out and a female has taken his place.
>Have to lie on my back with my legs behind my head and my pee flapping about while this chick pokes around at my hole.
>She calls in another female doctor for a second opinion.

Fuck my life


It hurts

what the fuck

fkng lol

I had a female doctor cut my dick once in a operation

ive had hemmeroids for 10 years you will be fine

refrain from irritating foods for a few weeks (minimize coffee, spicy, and carbs). take some stool softener, will help the stool not irritate the hemmeroid. take warm shallow bath once a day 15 mins. avoid vigorous exercise. buy some prepperation H to apply, only use it sparingly (like 2-3x a week. it thins the skin. its in the instructions in the box).

is it internal or external? google it if you need help deciding.

dont push it . it will naturally get smaller over the next few days

you should see a colo rectal surgeon.

How long can it take to go down

You might be gay

I've had them for years OP, but when I started fasting they went away

is it maybe the size of a grape or cherry tomato? if you follow my reccomendations, it will reduce in size dramatically over the next 2-3 days. it will take several weeks to fully diminish in size. it may never go away, and there is always the chance it will be reagitated

what did you do to cause the flare up? straining?

>thought I had hemorrhoids back in high school
>just dealth with the pain, it really hurt bad
>2 months later finally tell mom
>go to a doctor, don't have hemorrhoids at all
>have a anal fissure, basically a giant tear in my ass
>get surgery to sew it closed
>have pain pooping here and there but nothing like that since
>probably had hemorrhoids but never noticed cause it was nothing compared to the fissure

I thing straining on the toilet And a small grape think

I've had some internal guys for like a year now, is gay whenever i sit down i feel like shidding

be really careful not to strain anymore.

shit or get off the pot. if you dont get the urge to poop get off the toilet. google some tips

Poke it with a needle. Post pics

Thanks bro I appreciate it

It feels semi internal and external

I don't have hemorrhoids but I have had an itchy asshole for a few years now. I have no pain when shitting, no blood, nothing, I just get an asshole that starts kind of itching after I take a shit so I have to apply either hemorrhoid cream or hydrocortisone to it after shitting and I'm fine. No idea what I have. I stopped using the wet wipes I was using for a long time a few months ago thinking they might have been the culprit but nope

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It's a cycle. You wiped your ass super hard one day, caused irritation, then you have been wiping that same thing and irritating it all over again. You also see this is chronic constipados, but those are two different problems.
Use a bidet, it's not like rubbing your ass with paper acutally cleans it, anyway.
t. GI

Bro you need to not push when you shit, jfc this sounds miserable

Get a doc to prescribe you some high mg hydrocortisone cream.
Witch hazel on paper towels can help as well.
Suppositories didn’t do anything for me.
Tbh the hydrocortisone worked best.

I've had a hemmroid(s) for a few years now and I'm only 20. Feels bad...

this shit changed my life, I literally poop faster than I can pee

The fuck is this user talking about

>Not draining them manually

I had an annoying one for decades that would swell up and bleed from too much wiping or straining. Annoying little fucker. I could feel a bump when I wiped.

Then 3 years ago for no apparent reason (I sit a lot, but nothing more than usual) it swelled way up and got super painful.. then burst, leaving me dripping blood like a sieve. Kept bleeding an bleeding.. so I went to the ER and they took a good look. I took in some of the tissue that tore off and showed it to the doc.

Told me it was just a standard hemorrhoid pop and not too worry. A few days later it finally stopped. Within a few weeks I was back to normal.

Best part is that it's no totally gone. Feels like I never even had it. No more protrusion down there at all.

I felt sort of embarrassed to go to a Doc over something so lame.. but at the same time I was worried because it bled for several days before then and I was worried something more serious was going on. But all is well, and my ass feels normal again for the first time in decades.

I've never had a hemmoroid my god this thread is like a horror movie. What advice can you natty roiders give to people like me so we can never experience this? Please I beg you.

I had the rubber band surgery and I have been fine since

Thanks user I'll give it a try

Had piles my entire adult life, ha ha at 20yo me thinking it was cancer when I shat blood first time. They were always internal and just bled until I started squatting and deadlifting now it's fucking external and itchy as fuck and sometimes bleeds when I'm not shitting. Fuck my life