Farmers walks will double your neck, trap and forearm gains within a couple of months

Farmers walks will double your neck, trap and forearm gains within a couple of months.

What possible excuse do you have for not picking up the heaviest dumbells you can and walking around with them until you physically collapse?

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But they hurt my small, dainty hands.

How do you do these, you just lift a couple of heavy things on each hand and walk around?


D-did someone say neckmaxxing?

what about doing them in between sets?

where do you walk

Why walking while holding heavy objects work your neck?

My heaviest DBs weigh 52.5 pounds each. I wouldn’t waste my time with anything under ~150

Was gonna do it but I don't have enough space to safely walk around with them and static holds feel a lot less intense.

Will they also fix my pathetically small wrists or am I forever doomed ?

You’re isometrically working every muscle group that keeps your spine up,

Are you supposed to lean a bit from side to side like a fuckin penguin when doing these? Or just walk normal with as much weight as you can hold?

You can just walk circles around your apartment. Even standing around kinda works if you have to.

Most gym dumbbells go up to only 100lbs so no its useless

You can't grow wrists, period. Small wrists determine forearm size to a large degree but gains can still be made so you at least look normal.

Straight back, shoulders pinned back, tuck your chin and flex your core hard as you walk upright.

I do them at home in my garage which is only small but I just pace up and down in there. I also do them at the gym at the end of my workouts 3x per week. Some people stare but idgaf anymore to be honest.

What is a good strategy for doing them if you can only do themem in one room? I've been thinking about setting my stopwatch and do them for 5 mintues just walking back and forth, 1 min rest and then another 5 minutes as a general rep structure but I have no idea if that is what people usually do.


then what do you suggest? until failure?

i did this for a while but the one handed version is much better and i got to see lines in my obliques

>se do you have for not picking up the heaviest du
you walk everywhere and nowhere

Is that literally just doing the same thing but only 1 side? That’s perfect for me since I only have a single db

just rock climb if u want crazy forearm gains

yes just the same thing but one side and just do the other side on your way back. really works your core

Briefcase carry is definitely better for obliques but obviously the workout is twice as long. Carry to failure and switch hands. Use a plate if you have one, pinch for hardmode

leaning side to side means your core isn't sufficient. do direct ab training til it catches up. farmer's walks do help with core at a slower rate

definitely until failure, at least one minute per set, at least three sets

i can up my dumbells to around 135 lbs each. Problem is i live in an apartment. Could i do farmers up the stairs? Like go out to another level, and from there walk up the stairs till i get back to my apartment.

Otherwise i don't see how i could do it. I used to do farmers walks at my martial arts gym for 100 m with 45 lbs weights, but it's closed now due to corona chan., and i'm looking for alternatives

dunno about "fix", but it will definitely HELP. Also, after i started doing farmers walks, suddenly my pull ups became easier and i could deadlift more.

You can do farmer's walks upstairs but literally nowhere else? Do you not have hallways in your complex? A parking lot?

no gym + dont have heavy enough weights
i really cba to walk around for 37845745 hours with my 50 lbs dumbbells

im not allowed to go outside, and the hallway is 25 meters at most.

25 meters is more than enough.


Idk I been trying for like 6 mo. 6.5 wrists.

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I have a tiny garden, like 5x5 metres, how would I do this? Just walk in circles like a psycho?

How much do you farmer walk?

Just lift and stop worrying about your wrists like a retard.

Do 25 meters four times lol

3 steps forward, 3 steps back

try eating

dude, the problem is that your brachioradialis is miniscule, you need to be doing pullups and reverse DB curls

How long you been lifting user? Were you lanklet before you started?

How much weight, and how far should I walk?

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Now this is based, I wish I started doing them earlier

will it help to my wrist injury and sensibility?

Trap bar is made for farmers walks

tfw i have no garage / yard / driveway to walk with some real implements

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can I do it with regular dumbbells

idk, can you?

Goodbye gains

Grip strength increased

Where the hell should I walk?

May I do it with regular dumbbells?

Based. Don’t waste your time worrying about the shit you can’t control user.

HOT TIP: these straps work fucking awesome if you have plates to carry. They are still available and still shipping

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Yes you may

>Some people stare but idgaf anymore to be honest.
Teach me

>wearing a belt for 90 pound farmer walks
lol nerd

It's easy.
Don't give a fuck.
You're training to better yourself, you're not there to state at others.
They may stare, because they cannot function properly without acceptance or verification from others. They're busybody troglodytes, remeber this.
Focus on yourself

Can i go up and down my street with water packs ? the lockdown took me by surprise and didnt have time to buy proper equipment

They're called farmer's carry, because it's like a farmer carrying a couple of bales or sacks to market. It's having some weight that's important, not what it's made of.

Was afraid of fucking up my gains with bad weight distribution or something else

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