Muscles everywhere

>muscles everywhere
>lean everywhere
>if I completely relax myself, stomach becomes FUCKING HUGE and bulges out, looks like Im fucking pregnant
what the fuck is this bullshit
how do I fix this?
my stomach says 35% bodyfat
everywhere else looks like 15%
pic is not me, but it looks similar to this, not this extreme, and I have more muscle mass than the guy

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you've become boomer mode
embrace it

Stop relaxing pussy.

>just constantly flex your life through bro haha

That guy might have ascites


dry for better results
water fasting is a bit nicer on the body though

Broad shoulders, strong arms and beer belly is the most aesthetic mode.

>muscles everywhere
>lean everywhere
Then who's the guy in the pic?
>if I completely relax myself, stomach becomes FUCKING HUGE and bulges out, looks like Im fucking pregnant
If it's as extreme as in the pic, go to a doctor. that isn't normal.
if it's up to around half that size, it may be related to how you breathe. Most strongmen, martial artists and other people training for strength rather than apperance have bellies that bulge out even at low bf. Supposedly, that happens because over time, the lungs expand from the constant deep breathing and push the other organs downwards. I've not found any reliable source for this yet, but it fits with how often I've seen people like that.

probably visceral fat from an unhealthy lifestyle


stop drinking beer you fucking boomer

Nice try, that's a preggo FtM tranner.

I just googled bloated man

Interesting. Ive done martial arts for about 20 years and hurdled for about 5 at quite a high level and i get this

Legit used to look like this. Turns out I had developed a gluten intolerance that bloated me like OP. Try an elimination diet for 3 days. You'll know fairly quickly if you're intolerant to gluten or lactose.

take a ladder or smth,
jump and land on your stomach,
5 sets of 10 reps, try eating a lot before, helps

Learn how to activate your transverse abdominus
You probably have breadloaf and abs as well

*breadloaf abs


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how do you activate the thingy and why?

>muscles everywhere
You're just definition of skinny fat

Visceral fat

I'm just like you, OP

this is just our body, nothing we can do about it
my arm veins are fucking exploding, even on my biceps, but I have that huge stomach
it has never been different, no matter what I try

some people are blessed, some people aren't

Holy shit he's real! Im saving ops pic

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>pic is not me, but it looks similar to this, not this extreme, and I have more muscle mass than the guy

how to remove it
thats not me you imbecile
> nothing we can do about it
I refuse to believe this

I've tried cutting on 1600 calories for 2,5 months with cardio almost everyday on an empty stomach + real sport and I still had that stomach

tried low carb (max 20 g carbs / day) for 2 weeks, still had the stomach

but I also have pectus, not sure if that's my problem

I have pectus too user and know that suffering, you got a CBT pic?

why the fuck would you make a thread without posting yourself then. I bet you look even worse.

dont want to be that guy
but i have massive lungs from my pot smoking days and this is me

To my understanding, you're possibly consuming too much unhealthy fat. Usually it means too much red meat. I've heard that consuming too much alcohol and/or added sugar can do this, too. Something about the liver storing all the energy, which alcohol and sugar are very dense.

I wasn't too far off from OP. I watched a documentary called that sugar film. I decided to avoid anything with added sugar, which was not easy (EVERY FUCKING THING HAS SUGAR ADDED). I lost weight so ridiculously fast that people started joking that I was taking drugs.

Maybe this

lel dumbasses who can't read


First off, that's not just relaxing, that's actively pushing your stomach out. Secondly, train your fucking abs. They hold your organs in place

Your supposed to keep your abs tense. After awhile it becomes natural.

Maybe your core isnt strong enough

Hey look, it’s Bill Gates!

Have you tried vacuuming? 4 sets of 15 seconds before bed will make a huge difference. It’ll make your core more stable too.

If you look like this then you have a shitload of visceral fat.

When you eat a carbohydrate or mixed macro load your blood sugar rises. In response insulin rises to shuttle that glucose into fat cells, muscle tissue, and the liver. At the liver lypogenesis converts the glucose into fatty acids which are then transported out to the body's fat for storage.

Where this can go wrong is when there is a significant free fructose or alcohol load with the meals, and those meals are frequent throughout the day. In this situation the liver is making more fat than can be shuttled to subcutaneous fat. The fat then begins to accumulate within the liver and organ space.

If your body is composing itself like this it can also be a sign of developing hyperinsulinemia. Convince your doctor to order a 'Fasting Insulin Test' or order one yourself for $25 online, is who I use. Anything over 5 is abnormal and needs intervention.

The single fastest intervention to eliminating visceral fat is starvation. Barbaric patients with livers too fat for the surgery are put on a 500cal/day starvation diet for up to 2 weeks to reduce liver and visceral fat deposits before any other compositional changes can be detected. This dangerous fat is literally the first thing your body goes for.

The second strongest intervention will be any intervention which targets insulin resistance. This means eliminating so-called "fast carbs". Eliminate seed oils. Introduce a minimum of 12-14 hours per day of zero calories intake. And increasing both saturated fat and Omega 3 intake.

Jeff has the answer, as always

Interesting. I just quit all white bread, noodles, energy drinks, processed foods, fast food etc. cold turkey a week ago. Were you trying to lose weight or why did you quit? I haven't seen any physical changes yet but then again I still eat a lot of calories. I do feel way better though, I don't have any kind of brain fog and I feel more energetic.

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Not OP, but I have the same problem.
192cm (6'3" I think) and 80,5kg (177 lbs). 15% body fat according to one of those smart scales from a pharmacy
I know I am not muscular, but I do like exercise. I do hiit with a spinning bike 3 times a week, I can do 3x8 pull ups and chin ups, I've been using Jeff's paid app for abs for months. Before the lock down, I was doing bouldering 2 times each week.
I don't consume sugar in any form, I have a healthy diet. I don't fart a lot, I poop everyday.
What's wrong with me?

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you're disgusting, thats whats wrong with you

Lift on a small deficit

This, this, this

>I do hiit with a spinning bike 3 times a week
bruh stop doing this shit
put some weight on a barbel and lift it

>To my understanding, you're possibly consuming too much unhealthy fat. Usually it means too much red meat. I've heard that consuming too much alcohol and/or added sugar can do this, too.


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you have no muscle and are skinny fat. eat more protein

I like to try different things. I was getting the idea that added sugar is evil, then I saw the documentary that I linked and decided to try quitting added sugar (including "natural" things, like honey or fruit juices) and artificial sweeteners. I was not trying to lose weight. I wanted to see what happened if I quit consuming products with added sugar. I didn't quit simple carbs, like noodles, but only things with added sugar. That being said, almost all products with no added sugar are made of complex carbs and not simple carbs. For example, for bread, I buy ezekiel, which has 0g sugar and is complex carbs. For mac and cheese, the only manufacturer I found with no added sugar is Annie's, which is made in part whole grain, otherwise I have to make it myself from scratch.

>I just quit all white bread
Look for something that looks similar to pic related, otherwise you're probably buying into some gimmick, even if it says "100% whole grain" on the package. Multi grain isn't whole grain. You wouldn't believe how much manufacturers fudge shit. They're like teenagers

>I do feel way better though, I don't have any kind of brain fog and I feel more energetic
Look up all the different names for sugar. You'll realize that _EVERY_ _FUCKING_ _THING_ has sugar added. It's so bad that I look at the nutrition facts for things like water, table salt, etc just to make sure. I actually had to give myself a daily allowance of 5g of added sugar, because otherwise I couldn't eat anything. Not even "healthy" food from those hippy stores is safe. Once you start really avoiding sugar, you'll really start noticing increased mental capacity, energy etc. It sounds like you're off to a good start though

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Congratulations! Boy or girl?

no way you've been blouldering two times per week

Looks like you have never gone outside in your life

I don't know what it could be for you.
I have visceral fat from being an alchy for 10 years though.

The last few years I was drinking the equivalent of 40 drinks a day and it took its toll.

impressive, I had to make very few edits to make it a 100% match

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>Look for something that looks similar to pic related
I'd like to add that just because bread has pic related, doesn't mean there's no added sugar. By nature, almost all bread has added sugar

At least I am not bald

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you're not bald yet user. It'll always get worse, there are no better days coming. accept it

you're just fatter than you think you are m8. i know you probably think you're "about 15%" but you're probably 20+

lose weight and your gut will disappear.

You're actually just skinnyfat mate, I'm sorry to break it to you.

OP, if you're actually like in your first pic and not also just skinnyfat and delusional:

1. You might just get very easily bloated, a lot of women I know have this issue and they're usually better in the morning and if they fix up their diets a bit.
2. Some people have a really impressive ability to push their stomach out, your diaphragm might just be unusually large. If you have a super big stomach when you're "relaxing" - make sure you're not feeling uncomfortable, if you are, chances are you're not actually relaxing but just pushing your diaphragm out.

But... lets be real, you're probably not more muscular than pic and you're just skinnyfat. RIP.

try planks maybe? Several times a day 1-2 minutes at a time. that looks weird though so idk. I'd ask a doctor.

shave that shit retard, from the thumbnail I thought I was looking at your balls

I will m8, I just wanted to see my beard during lockdown. I lack every manly quality

do you have one of those micro penises? I had a friend who had one, most insecure dude I've ever known, he got pussy a couple times but usually fucked it up during and afterwards