Got it, Yas Forums? You're distracted, not depressed

Got it, Yas Forums? You're distracted, not depressed.

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>someone who loves you

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This fits right into here. Good post you shoukd definetly come here more often user

The only thing I have from that image is tea.

The only one ive got is a loving gf, better than some people i guess. Cant go out and pursue my newfound dreams with coronachan anyway.


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>someone who loves you

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I have none of those things.

I'm 99% sure this picture is actually a troll to piss off people with legit depression

I really do feel like this image was made as a troll

>this is your brain on atheism

do not underestimate normalfags

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>someone who loves you
A little late with the April fools' joke

Fucking news keep blowing this shit up inciting fear in young people who don't know any better. They caused her death and then report on it for more views, fuck these news outlet niggers

how is it attempt if it succeeded?

I see it the other way around, all those positive things distract you from the fact you are actually depressed. You might feel happy but it is all external, if only a few of those things break apart your life is a mess and you are depressed.

>goals achieved


Hm... If he has all those things, and he is still depressed, then the depression is serious, and need to be treated before it does serious permanent damage not only to him, but to all those around him.

>girlfriend doing the dishes in the background
>fucking tea and cookies
>diploma on the wall (??? who does that?)
>the awful art style

What kind of pathetic cuck drew this? What's the message here? That living a made-up, 1950s provincial life isn't depressing? What?

friends is the only thing i have

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I don't even know where my diploma is. In one of filing cabinets somewhere.

All I have is the pet

All I've got are the cookies and they're seriously fucking up my gains.

I only have a pet that is happy to see me once in a blue moon

He's not depressed, just distracted. A good smile is all he needs

No don't kill the sun!

>You're not depressed, you're distracted
>You're not socially awkward, just nervous!
>You don't lack social skills, just be yourself!
>You're not boring, just tired!

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>good friends
1 friend
>goals achieved
mfw when forever small
>tea and cookies
>someone who loves you



based dubs

>no children
guys i think i solved the riddle.

>someone who loves you

How does a girl smell like?

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I dropped out of school. Broke up with my girlfriend of 7 years because shit wasn't working anymore. Essentially got fired like 8 months ago, didn't bother looking for a new job. Feel isolated and unable to connect to people. Was finally getting my shit together again and made some goals, like getting a job, then corona hit so all that is on hold now and I feel lonlier than ever. Always told myself that if I got to the point where I'd kill myself I'd just pack up and leave. Not say a word to anyone, gather my shit and basically become a vagrant. Travel to places I always wanted to go but now not even that is possible because all the borders are closed. Can't get a job either because nobody's hiring and I'm running out of cash. Fuck this shit.

Sour when they’re scared, sweet when they are unsuspecting.

All I want is supernatural powers. My lack of supernatural powers makes me depressed. I NEED MORE POWERRR!!

she unironically had actual autism

Smell, not taste. Do you actually eat girls?
How much protein is there in 100g of girl?

>How much protein is there in 100g of girl?
Lots when I'm done with her.

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I don't even have that. What tea are you drinking Yas Forums?

Woah that's actually pretty smart


Earl grey


>legit depression
Depression isn’t real.

user, think of a relative that loves you.
Now imagine that relative at your funeral.

Wait it out and travel. Maybe you need to meet other people.

Depression (and the ensuing suicide) is evolutions way of getting rid of bad genes.
If you do bad at life, you'll feel bad. If you suck at life even more, you'll feel suicidal and might even kill yourself.
This is the evolutions way of going: "Well, this shit doesn't work. Lets get rid of it and try something else."

You could say the same for love if you don't believe in chemical imbalances.

Do you make your own? Any store bought kind you like?

>Implying i have any of These
Jokes in you my friend

Sounds like what we call an illness.

I won't kill myself anytime soon, since getting therapy i feel a lot better and hopeful but quarantine is fucking things up. I do need to meet other people and get some hobbies, basically build up a life again after dropping or losing almost everything. Even lost most of my gains after not going to the gym since losing my job. But none of that is really possible at the moment due to corona, so everything is just on hold. Just have to wait it out but I'd rather be a slave to consequences than a slave to my own mind.

Depressions just being mopey, often times compounding with attention. “Oooh, look at me!! I have a condition that makes me sad, you have to say nice things to me.”
Everyone has bad moods sometimes. Recognize it, and move on mentally.

why is he friends with a child?

While I don't disagree with the attention seeking aspect, the idea that it's just a bad mood is blatantly wrong. I do believe that many people who think they have it likely don't and are just retarded as shit, but that doesn't mean it isn't a real thing.

Same with ADD/ADHD. It's human nature to get sad and not be able to focus at times. Some just have it worse than others, far worse.

He based

Depression wasn’t a clinical definition until the pharma companies had a pill patented for it. Most of those zoomer conditions are just marketing ploys. Depression, fibromyalgia, add, anxiety.

Read a book nigger

>died following a suicide attempt
So she committed suicide

tbf she had legitimate autism so if it wasn't this something else would ahve set her off, its still irresponsible to overhype it though.

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user I cried myself to sleep everyday for 2 years before I told anyone. I was always a man around my family and friends. You’re part of the reason why men kill themselves. Imagine you’re falling towards the floor face first, but you never quite reach the floor. Every time you get closer the floor moves forward. That’s what severe anxiety feels like. I’ve seen my own brain scans and it’s not a normal brain. How is it ‘made up’? I don’t want people to say nice things to me, fuck does that have to do with anything. They recently did some research where they discovered that depressed people have a more realistic worldview than normies, I’ll link it if I can find it. I believe that to function as a normal human being there is a host of cognitive biases required which can be broken from trauma or repeated affirmation, which is why shifting out of a depressive paradigm is so difficult, it’s like reprogramming oneself. In other words shaking off the black pill.

Before depression and pills was a thing, doctors would diagnose depressed people with "melancholy" and other similar words

>I'd rather be a slave to consequences than a slave to my own mind
Nice. I like that phase

I haven’t had a friend since I was 16. Got a diploma from a top 50 US University. Nobody cared until I hit puberty ultra late & was 6’5/in shape, now I have infinite disdain for most people. Only reason I haven’t taken myself out of the gene pool is my parents and to pass on my height/fitness/above average IQ genetics (since the future is dysgenic enough already)

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gween tea



Yep, this is based