Mfw HIV positive

>mfw HIV positive

How will this effect my (life) gains? I'm so depressed. I just want to die. I can't stop thinking about jumping into the baler at my workplace.

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Hop on Grindr and start pozzing negholes

Fuck as many black women and jews as you can
You'll be a bioweapon but a hero to the white race

i hope you're complying with lockdown measures
also how many dudes have you shagged

M8 at least it will force you out of whatever self-destructive bullshit got you into that hole in the first place (pun NOT intended).

assuming he is white

Provided you keep to your pill schedule this shouldn't impact your quality of life and life expectancy in any way. I don't know where you live but here our taxes even pay for the free HIV treatment distributed by government centres.

he would benefit the white race regardless of his skin colour

People with HIV live longer tham average nowadays because they get so mich medical attention and the pills pretty much leave no trace of it in your body. It's a nothingburger. This is not the 80's.

Get on steroids and become huge, i think you can have them legally now.
How did it happen by the way?

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In ten years you will be probably cured. If you take your pills you won't be biohazard aka it's not traceable

No. I'm buying a bunch of Xanax tomorrow and drinking liquor all month. I'm just gonna black out. I can't deal with this. No one will ever want me now. I'm a dirty degenerate who got what he deserved.

Are you asking if he topped or bottomed? Because he most definitely bottomed and his booty hole bled. That's the only way it happens.

There was no more than 10 occasions where I didn't use a condom.

How did you realize this? And for how long?

>be sodomite
>get surprised at receiving Judgement

10 times with your stable dates? Okay.
10 times with club whores? Too much.
10 times with prostitutes? Too much.

He's larping. The creepy part is the motive. Is someone trolling Yas Forums to fear monger dudes who are cycling tren out of fucking a trap at the risk of getting aids? I think yes. Also, op is a closet homo, no homo.

Just felt like something was wrong and I hadn't had a screening in over 6 months. It's been a week since diagnosis, I have an appointment with a Dr in two weeks to get on medicine.
I fucking wish dude.

We're u fucking dudes or girls? If so, was it vaginal or anal. And lastly, did u share any needles or some other sick shit?

He's a sodomite. Unless you're fucking sheboons it's pretty much impossible to fet unleas you're a sodomite.

It's almost like rampant degeneracy is unhealthy or something

Thinking like this is how you catch it, brainlet. You can still get it from vaginal intercourse, idiot.

Also op, this is a rough time, but if you stick to your meds (nowadays, a pill a day), your viral load will be undetectable so it will be like not having anything at all. You can do anything as long as you take care of yourself.

>nowadays, a pill a day
Is it just one pill? Afaik they develop personal mix of pills for you that work the best.

>here our taxes even pay for the free HIV treatment distributed by government centres
That's absolutely the most peak Jewish thing I've ever heard.

How did you get it?

Take a big ass knife and put your blood on it. Then download minecraft a build a synagogue, put some NPC's here and there and stab them

>free healthcare? do I smell, dare I say, COMMUNISM
This is your brain on hamburgers.

Stay poor, retard. Sorry that I dont want my tax money to be used to treat sodomites of a god made disease to fucking rid them.

OK, then complain when someone you care about gets cancer or some other bullshit treatable illness and you can't afford the treatment. Fuck off.

>willingly agree to a system that places wage caps for equal distribution.
>pharmacist unironically are forced to make money on the side because a system that is already heavily backed by the fed and occupies 1/5 of the american economy, cant pay them enough to have even an apartment with utilities and pay back school loans that were already federally subsidies.
Pick out any 40 year old pharmy and I guarantee you they'll admit to the legal stuff.
Ask anyone who lived under the USSR how they liked their "free" "healthcare" and "education".

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did you fuck guys, get fucked by guys or did you get it from injecting??


Says usassburger who is afraid a hospital visit will bankrupt him.

I have insurance. I'm not fucking poor. Get fucked peasant

Have fun paying over 50% in taxes and paying for other people's medical expenses

I live in England and seeing my taxes go towards fat, pack-of-smokes-a-day alcoholic drug users really boils my piss but I take comfort in the fact that on an individual level I am still paying less than you on healthcare.
plus there are less mental cases out on the streets and less STI's in the streets

So? They also pay for yours? That's how it works bub.

You're a homosexual aren't you.

>I'm sorry to inform you this doesn't fall under your insurance
Your healthcare providers and insurance companies weasel out of everything. Anything serious and you'll have to pay big time.

Lol no they fucking dont you retard. They have explicit understanding that they want to help people. You dont fucking understand how insurance works at all you fucking retarded European

I'm from the EU and I've lived in the US for a decade. It works exactly like, the US is third world shit hole


>insurance companies want to help people...

Christ, how retarded can you possibly be.

>They have explicit understanding that they want to help people.
You keep calling people retards but the only retard here seems to be you. Spare this board from your brain farts and go out.

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HIV isn't real brother, you are being lied to.

hiv is a hoax

oi boys, check out this retard

Brainlets. Get fucked.

Op, you just need to take 2 minutes off your daily routine to take your meds and that's enough to live your life as you normally would. Once you're undetectable you can't even transmit the virus through sex. You probably got it from someone who's scared to get tested and don't know they have it. Break that cycle and take your meds.

Remember, knowing you have it is empowering you to take back your life and live it in full.

OP needs to die cause he's either 1. a nigger 2. gay 3. an intravenous drug user or what is more likely all three cause OP is a gay nigger

Chances are 0.04% per exposure. Damn son you got some bad luck


>They have explicit understanding that they want to help people

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>jumping into the baler at my workplace.
do it you fucking degenerate but first do this

cringe, we should ban medication for hiv, gays are punished with hiv and stopping that punishment is wrong

Except its not only gays, you mental patient. Anyone can get it. And a lot of guys fuck other guys while living with /dating women. They don't have to be gay. BuT ItS DeGEnERAtE! How about, fuck off and leave your little shell every once and a while. Live a little.

We need to try to eradicate this disease and that can only be done by adherence to medication. For the good of everyone. Even your sorry ass.

gays literally deserve it you giant faggot

OP is trolling. I've seen the "I have hiv feel bad for me" thread on Yas Forums over 10 times. It's probably some anti gay muslims crying boohoos caus his gayness religion wont let him eat his goat dick until ninight time during gaymadon

>And a lot of guys fuck other guys while living with /dating women. They don't have to be gay.

Won’t someone please think of the traps

So does your mom for the accident that is (you).

Sexuality isn't binary. There are shades of gray. Weird, I know.

Hiv is not real. Read Aajonus Vonderplanitz

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agreed, chronic wasting disease is something I have, because I'd like to see every fag wasted lol