Fell for the "hehe straps are for pussies meme

>fell for the "hehe straps are for pussies meme
>decided to try straps today on DLs

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If you were afraid of doing something because it would make you a pussy you're already a pussy

Bro you're so fucking retarded.

weak forearms

I was too focused on developing "muh grip" but realized when in the actual fuck would i have to hold over 365lbs outside of the gym.

are you a fucking retard irl? have you ever heard of mixed grip

Die faggot i have a fucked up bicep and plus i dont feel like switching sides after every set

You didn't actually deadlift though are you fucking retarded?

A deadlift is holding up the weight and lifting it off the ground.

No fucking shit my squat would go up by quite a few hundred pounds if I just linked a bunch of weight to my body.

My dead lift would probably go up three hundred pounds if I didn't have to worry about holding it up.

Shit my bench would probably go up another fifty-hundred if it was just bolted to my body.
And no fucking shit I would be able to do x2 body weight on pullups if I glued my hand to the bar.

Fuck out of here newfag.

>doesn't feel like switching sides
>literally just remembering to put hands in opposite directions
i hope you don't plan on passing down your genes

Complete bs cope. Eat shit and die faggit strongman's deadlifts dont count?

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So instead of 5x5s youd have to do 6x5 because of muh mixed grip. Stfu coper i swear if i changed my post to say i hit 315 you tards would be sperging less

So hook grip dyel

And then you fuck your back up because grip not being able to handle it is your proper limit

How the fuck would strapping the weight to your shoulders make squatting easier? The weight is already being held to your body by gravity. Same for bench, gravity is pushing the weight INTO your hands not out of. And really? Your grip strength is your limiting factor for weighted pull-ups? DYEL?

Also Inb4 your stupid ass thinks i meant 6 reps 5 sets.

Straps are good, it's dyels that hate on them. I can deadlift 235 kg and I only use hook grip for first 1-2 sets, then straps for rest of it. Never had grip issues.

T. Pic related

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based turtle mode

Straps are for glutes

And quasimodo as well according to some other denizens of fit who tell me to not slouch in back pose despite the fact that I like to pose that way because it shows off thickness.

actual pic of ops forearms

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fuark, mirin lats

Thanks, deads and heavy weighted chins and weighted pull ups gave me that I think. Can do weighted chin up with 40 kg hanging from me for 4-5 reps. Full ROM to upper chest.


Friendly reminder that people vehementally advocating against mixed grip or straps generally don't lift hard, with the possible exception of those who oly lift and use hook grip. Anyone who lifts seriously will recognize the value of not letting your grip hold you back.

I've tried to get used to straps, but maybe I'm just a bit medically short in the head, because I cannot comfortably lift with them, and certainly not more than I normally do. Mixed grip works well enough for me, so that's what I'll do on the heavy sets of deathlifts.

based latbro

>being this mad someone called you out on your sissy lifts

Meanwhile with straps you'll never beat my deadlift without straps.
Keep coping children.

P-please post body that I can feel better about myself. :(
Thanks brother, imma do 40 kg weighted chin ups for 5 sets of 3, deadhang every rep.

you still are stuck, because you need assistance

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>but realized when in the actual fuck would i have to hold over 365lbs outside of the gym.
You never hold your mom?

Naw. Even olyfags will use straps for pulls and snatch variations in training to save their grip.

Everyone who isnt dyel use straps. There's not only value not letting your grip hold you back, but also not putting "mileage" on your forearms and being able to train and tax them a little less.

>didnt use straps
>injured my wrist

I will forever fall on one side of this argument, and thats to use straps if you feel like theres a major strain on your wrists. Its jut not worth it trying to get internet points and risking having those tendons slip.

Hi tumblr

>bros why didn't you tell me I'd be taller if I wore heels?! I'm 7ft tall now! manlets btfo
>bros, why didn't you tell me if I wore a strap-on over my dick, it would be longer? my dick is now a foot long, ladies love it


haha sick burn my dude xd

I don't use straps because I want to get better at rock climbing. Most people should use straps, if even just for one day a week.

You didn't lift those extra 90lb, it was the straps.
I can get an exoskeleton and lift 1000lb, would that mean my body lifted it? No.
What's the fuckong point of lifting if you can only lift heavy in a controlled environment, true strength comes from being able to apply the results in real life scenarios.

>mixed grip
>not recommending hook grip first
its almost like you want this prissy little la-la homo-man to get injured

>straps make your overall body stronger.

can you double overhand 365 for 10? no? die.

Based, anything is better than incel mixed grip.

Yes they do

Raw Double Overhand Hookgrip Master Race. Pic related. my recent 200kg PR at 75kg

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Explain you fucking idiot. The word of you, a dyel incel, over strong men. DLs arent a grip exercise and if you are lifting enough weight, high reps, your grip will end up failing FAR before the rest of your body does.

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>DLs arent a grip exercise
Spotted the dyel.

Straps, mixed grip, hook grip... all are fucking copes

When would you ever need to lift that weight outside the gym?


Fucking lel, how I'm the fuck did you not realize your grip was holding you back and not your back and leg strength, how out of tune with your body are you?

Only cos pulls and snatches will destroy your hands with calluses from all the moving of the bar during the lifts, and you're taxing your grip everyday with pulls etc most people have weak as fuck forearms like OP, can't even dl 365 raw


Lekker vriend, 217.5kg basic PR hier

Mixed grip wel, zonder belt

Post lift

>when in the actual fuck would i have to hold over 365lbs outside of the gym
It doesn't matter. Being able to would make anything you do have to do effortless. You can still want the grip strength, just realize that it won't scale 1:1 with your pulling strength and then double overhand your warmups and any working sets you can do it with.

The point of using straps is because your grip will give out before legs and back. DL is a leg and back workout. Get a FUCKING GRIP. You want stronger grip strength stick to farmer walks not DLs

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This but unironically. Egofags seething.

There's nothing wrong with straps unless you use them the entire time.

Grip strength is key, also lol posting world records with straps when people pull 900+ without em.

Come on bruh

Retrained my deadlift to hook grip after I almost tore a bicep mixed grip. Not only does it work for grip, my diddly setup is now perfect: legs are closer in, shoulders are even, abs are tighter, feels fucking good man

>improve grip strength through increasing your warmup weights slowly
>focus on literally everything else and use straps for your working weight
>also do 3x8 deadlifts at that working weight

Name a more based plan.

>use DOH on warmups until you can't, then hook.
>Do a single set of 5
>LP that until you're at least to 4pl8x5