He is working out isnt he?

look at his arms here and his build in all other videos. he looks like he was working out during that off month right

Attached: pppp.png (463x611, 269.55K)

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I thought so as well.

nice try Felix I won't open that image


Is he v*gan? I got the feeling he was from the previous video.

yeah he works out every day

Achievable natty?

felix you're a nigger, just so you know

The more you work out the more right wing you become
Imagine an ancap pewdiepie

yes because you can make noticable results in a month lmao, but yeah he prolly started working out but before the month, cant wait for the lefties to call him a nazi for working out

he's pseudo-pescatarian, doesn't eat farmed meat for environmental reasons. he's also self aware of how fucking pretentious that is so he doesn't talk about it

going from untrained skinny dyel to serious about your diet and exercise, you put on 4-5lbs lean mass in the first 2 months

this was the wrong picture to comment on have you seen how fat his nose is you nigger

hes not a young man anymore and hes worked out in the past so he wasnt completely untrained, he definitely looks bigger but i dont think it was just from the 1 month, hes been training for a bit longer than that

he encouraging people to hit the gym in a lot of his videos and i don't even watch him that often

most niggers i've meet where unironically skinny or fat manlets

nah he's probably joking about the 6 vegans vs 1 meat eater video

>multi millionare
okay tankie

Attached: 1586360515725.png (720x960, 512.89K)

God damn it. I get called a dyel when I got an ffmi of 24 but he looks like he lifts? I'm never posting body again.

I don't see why not?

someone with a big platform actually giving good advice to kids... WHAT

he tells kids:
go to school, but higher than community college education is probably a waste of time if you're not really fucking serious about it
read seneca, kierkegaard, homer, etc
drugs are bad
spending too much time watching mindless entertainment is bad
doing or giving something in charity has a tremendously positive long-term effect on your psyche
go to the gym

he's your typical left-center european nordcuck, but the advice he gives kids is overall still a very positive one

pretty sure hes right leaning at the very least economically and yeah as you said the advice is very positive and its stuff that could actually help kids

>he's your typical left-center european nordcuck
he's really trying not to fuck up his career give him a break

>spending too much time watching mindless entertainment is bad
Im glad I stopped watching his videos then

He has a history of criticising immigration, making anti-semitic "jokes", saying racial slurs and attacking sex workers. So I doubt that he's left wing or center. It's sad that a bigot is so popular among the youth.

>history of criticising immigration,
he takes a really civnat position on that; brown people flooding my country is good, but they should be skilled
>making anti-semitic "jokes", saying racial slurs
stop shitposting
> attacking sex workers
he took a really cucked position on the idubzz shit, saying it's totally fine that his gf is a whore and people who care are losers

>and attacking sex workers
They're not sex workers, they're whores you double speak nigger

I am pretty sure he's just a dude that likes playing video games, japanese shit, and fucking his squeaky wife.

Not everyone has to have some retarded political label.

>I am pretty sure he's just a dude that likes playing video games, japanese shit, and fucking his squeaky wife.
truly living the dream




He looks good with glasses, first time I see him with these.

>spending too much time watching mindless entertainment is bad

Attached: pepe eyes.jpg (270x140, 11.32K)

he was training two years ago

Never going to respect him for making mindless entertainment (which is the basis of his fame). Literally worse than shit TV

>prison tats
why do millenials blemish their bodies so?


He looks good all the time man he's fucking beautiful. He mogs most men.

He takes every opportunity he can to make fun of vegans to get easy views, so I doubt it.

You're not in love with him are you, user?

Attached: 1585492296330.jpg (365x340, 70.79K)

Tattoos are literally ancient user


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It's just a body. Though I suppose you would be more cautious with it since you have no soul.

Haha you silly willy ofc not!

very cringy post

Hes been working out for atleast 4 years

I know
The thing is he looks comparably bigger before and after the month break.

Its time for him to start working out and throw alcohol until its too late

Ask me if I care.

>What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
>For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.


>You must not make any cuts in your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.


That doesn't make sense. If I were to ever be with God it would be without this pile of dust that my body will be.
That book also wouldn't allow your haircut, your polyester shirts, your dinner that came from modern crops, and whatever pet you have if I remember correctly.
I can't imagine a literal God whining about modern humans not being levitical, but who knows..

>he owns plastic clothes
Are you mentally ill?

Polyester is just an example of a synthetic blend because those are levitically forbidden. Lmao at you going to Hell when you're too retarded to know why.

If you own polyester clothes you're a peasant.

There's synthetics in a lot more things than bowling shirts retard.
I'll try to keep this simple for you. Your haircut is as degerate as tattoos are. According to your own source.

>your haircut
I don't have a haircut, retard.

>right wing
ancaps are hyper liberals you fucking braindead retard