Fast metabolism is a meme

>fast metabolism is a meme
explain this Yas Forums

Attached: korean.webm (426x240, 1.22M)

why do the Chinese like to personally torture animals, rather than systematically like us Americans.

Why do Asians abuse their food before eating it?

Op you wanna be that opus doncha

she is korean . also why are you hating on some one culture . are you a bigot ?

no but it's a lot easier to judge things as obviously horrific when you don't grow up doing it.

kill yourself gook

Yes. Fuck insectoids.

1. octopus and much seafood in general have few calories
2. they dont eat like that every day

Because the absolute difference between two people with slow and fast metabolisms respectively is at the very most a 100-200kcal higher BMR.
>muh fast metabolism
is just an excuse used by delusional fatties who down 2-3x more calories than their "skinny" (read: fat) friends and stick figures like myself a few years ago who eat next to nothing because of a lack of appetite to justify being the way they are.