Fast metabolism is a meme

>fast metabolism is a meme
explain this Yas Forums

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why do the Chinese like to personally torture animals, rather than systematically like us Americans.

Why do Asians abuse their food before eating it?

Op you wanna be that opus doncha

she is korean . also why are you hating on some one culture . are you a bigot ?

no but it's a lot easier to judge things as obviously horrific when you don't grow up doing it.

kill yourself gook

Yes. Fuck insectoids.

1. octopus and much seafood in general have few calories
2. they dont eat like that every day

Because the absolute difference between two people with slow and fast metabolisms respectively is at the very most a 100-200kcal higher BMR.
>muh fast metabolism
is just an excuse used by delusional fatties who down 2-3x more calories than their "skinny" (read: fat) friends and stick figures like myself a few years ago who eat next to nothing because of a lack of appetite to justify being the way they are.

Good b8 m8. Just in case tho:
>Culture doesn't justify torture
>Even if it did torturing such a smart and conscious animal should be a fucking crime

imagine the pay he must be feeling . it like somebody pour acid on you while your drowning . this shit make want to go vegan.

Based qt waifu material

are you using culture to justify torture?

why don't you go respect islam while keeping your own beliefs, I wanna see you try

this comment went over the heads of both chinks and burgers

not really bait . we torture and kill millions . the only difference is that are culture shelter us from the torture

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bitch be like "oiishi!"

The difference is that they ALSO torture millions, except their regulations for factory farming livestock is way more lax.
You honestly think, that because they act like this individually their factories are plushy pillow forts for cutesie little calflings?

torturing an animal causes their meat to become more tender and savory, according to the pheasants in rural china


All of you do this shit. So many videos of gooks enjoying torturing animals. Why is it the smallest, weakest races are the most bloodthirsty? Compensating?

Because they're sadistic sociopaths, we're just the apathetic variety

>"... the Japanese started selecting prisoners and every day one prisoner was taken out and killed and eaten by the soldiers. I personally saw this happen and about 100 prisoners were eaten at this place by the Japanese. The remainder of us were taken to another spot 50 miles [80 km] away where 10 prisoners died of sickness. At this place, the Japanese again started selecting prisoners to eat. Those selected were taken to a hut where their flesh was cut from their bodies while they were alive and they were thrown into a ditch where they later died."

God i fucking hate Japan and Japanese people. Ive been there and my experience of them was that they're insecure, rage filled cucklords.

Shame anime is so fun to watch.

Except we don't torture animals. We stun them via a bolt to the head or electrocution before killing them in the fastest way possible. Meanwhile the Chinese routinely burn animals alive, boil them alive, or beat them into submission.

Stress makes them release adrenaline which spoils the meat.

>is just an excuse used by delusional fatties
No. I'm lean as fuck eat like a fatty and drink like a tank. I can do this because I legitimately have a higher metabolism than most people and I have a higher resting body temperature. No beer gut after 10 years of continuous drinking. Though all this agese like a mother fucker.

>No. I'm lean as fuck eat like a fatty and drink like a tank.
Unless you're some marvel of science you're chatting total bollocks

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>Because the absolute difference between two people with slow and fast metabolisms respectively is at the very most a 100-200kcal higher BMR.
Haha, oh wow.


Haha, oh wow.


Height weight and tell us what exactly and how much do you eat.

>Unless you're some marvel of science you're chatting total bollocks
Maybe I am because gymcels tell me the things I have achieved are not possible and I'm a larper. I actually ate 2l of ice-cream over the weekend have had about half a carton of beer since the start of the week, probably going to pick up a couple for the weekend and drink coffee and it tea every morning. My dinner plate each night weighs close to 1kg.

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They made some pretty sweet cars

>My dinner plate each night weighs close to 1kg.
Ok but what do you eat during the rest of the day?

175cm 67kg pic related is dinner every night. Breaky is bacon and egg muffin from corner shop, lunch is two ham cheese tomato and cucumber sandwichs and will usually have a chocolate bar or pack of chips in the arv at work still. 3-6 heavy beers a night and carton over the weekend. Have been eating lamingtons every day this week to.

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this bitch is cooked

vegetables and mushrooms are practically devoid of calories

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the potatoes and mead probably make up over 60% of the calories in that meal. You're eating way less than you think.

>dinner plate with calories equivalent to a handful of nuts
Here, have a double-dinner.

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>The difference is that they ALSO torture millions, except their regulations for factory farming livestock is way more lax.
What is Hoof-and-Mouth
What is Mad Cow
Yeah, grind up those cows and feed them to the calves. Get that swill infected, then try to unban it after billions in economical damage.

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Explain the webm or fast metabolism? Fast metabolism is a meme because most people don’t keep track of or think about what they eat, and how many calories people burn doesn’t fluctuate much, except for physical size — interestingly fat people actually burn more calories than thin people, they have to move more weight around and maintain steady temperature over a larger area. Other than that though, metabolism doesn’t really mean anything. It’s just an excuse for skinny/fat people.
As for mukbang
>only time you eat is when you’re filming
>stay thin

and it's not true. It just makes the meat shittier scientifically.

Honestly beast mode man, my goal is close to that physic keep it up

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So let's break that down and use some google nutrition info numbers.
Potato: 200g @ 77kcal/100g = 154kcal
Beetroot: 200g @ 43kcal/100g = 86kcal
Pumpkin: 150g @ 26kcal/100g = 37.5kcal
Mushrooms: 60g @ 22kcal/100g = 13.2kcal
Broccoli: 150g @ 35kcal/100g = 52.5kcal
Carrot: 100g @ 41kcal/100g = 41kcal
Beef: 200g @ 250kcal/100g = 500kcal
Grand total: 1kg, 884.2kcal
Or put another way: equivalent to 2L of Coca Cola, or 2L of beer, or 150g of pistachios, or 150g of potato chips, and so on.
Conclusion: you're eating far fewer calories than you think. No worries, I was exactly the same way.

cause they are subhuman garbage without souls.

Not even 1000kcal. You need more than 3 times this you idiot.

They're sadistic and utterly lacking in empathy, whether it's in their dna or just part of their culture

fast metabolism is a meme is a meme, but fatoids need to be kept in check and held accountable for their shitty lifestyles so it's a vital meme. if you concede just an inch around them they'll eat the whole mile.

it's true to some extent
Your metabolism is determined by 4 different variables:

metabolism = base metabolism + non exercise energy expenditure + exercise energy expenditure + thermic effect of food

base metabolism varies very little between humans of the same weight and bodyfat%. In fact, fatties tend to have a massively high base metabolism because how much energy they need to sustain so much fat. Very muscular people also have an extremely high base metabolism because muscle needs A LOT of energy to be sustained, even at rest. Conditions like hypo/hyperthyroidism can affect this, but not nearly as much as fatties insist it does, and a slow thyroid usually causes weight loss because it also comes with a massively diminished appetite

exercise energy expenditure is self explantory, move more, burn more calories, people with very active jobs (like manual labour) and advanced cardiofags tend to get away with eating a lot more for this reason

thermic effect of food is a weird one, it's how many calories someone burns processing the food they ate. On one hand lean people tend to have a higher TEF from carbs and fat than fatties do, IIRC fatties hardly burn anything from fat and carbs, but lean people burn off 10% and 18% of ther calories in fat and carbs respectively. Protein is roughly the same for both fatties and lean people, 20-25%. On the other hand, TEF is directly proportional to how many calories you ingest, so fatties will burn off more calories due to TEF than lean people do simply by virtue of eating more.

Non exercise energy expenditure is the big one, this is basically how much you fidget. Some people fidget like crazy all day long and burn off between ~300-400 calories a day, other people remain dead still and don't burn off anything.

All of this is irrelevant anyway, hunger is directly proportional to bodyfat%. Fatties literally never experience real hunger unless they have extreme leptin resistance/hyperplastic obesity

Do you know what poor absorbtion means you moron?

It's actually roo meat so its leaner than beef, not that that helps my case. I guess I just eat a lot of volume. But I dont just eat this one meal a day not do I only eat what I said that is just my daily base.
I ate 2 litres of ice-cream in two days ontop of my normal meals. I eat more ontop of that it's just random shit, like I had an extra quater of a chicken after dinner last night. Been eating those pink lamingtonss every day this week and i eat rats slices of cheese when I makenmy Lunch eat extra ham. Some days I'll eat a family chips cheese and gravy and love milkshakes. Your all acting as if the only meal or food I waybis on my dinner plate. I don't diet I just eat what I want.
Thanks man. I kind of have an unfair advantage because I have been training in and off all my life, but good luck and work hard.

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fast metabolism isn´t not true however it is not something that "naturally" occurs. Fast metabolism happens when a certain type of body (any type) is given certain incentives that meet the correct criteria of said body. These incentives can be alot of things, including mental. But for most people it´s what they eat,drink, how much they sleep and excercise. Stress,anger,fear and other strong emotions are likewise linked to the speed of a person´s metabolism rate.

>These incentives can be alot of things, including mental.
I didn't think anyone knew this.

It´s kind of odd that some people dont know this but if it´s for the lesser percentage of people then i suppose it´s not that discussed, even on here. For example, stress causes me to shit out everything way before it´s been digested properly (near-to liquid diarrhea). Obviously, the extent of stress largely counts here. And the other way, if im 100% relaxed and have absolutely no worries and can fall into thought freely and 'do nothing', i get constipated easily. But it´s hit and miss with this because sometimes full relaxation can also mean perfect bowel movement for me

If I eat what I want I also lose weight. I'm doing it right now. It's not because my BMR is thousands of calories above the average person, it's because I do strength training and prefer eating slow with an already quite low amount of hunger. High TDEE, low hunger -> weight loss. Whether the latter is socialized or genetic, who knows, but my metabolism isn't the magic bullet in this equation.

>metabolism isn't the magic bullet in this equation.
I do maintain a higher resting body temperature than most people which means I do burn more energy at a resting state. I dont really figure out how much difference it makes but some days I can be close to a full degree c over what is normal which is dangerous for most.


we don't torture animals though you fucking chink apologist cucklord

yeah and notice how those events were quickly dealt with, retard?
there's not a single fucking cow that is eaten alive or slowly dismembered in europe.
in fact doing that to livestock would put you in jail retard, this sort of shit would never happen in first would countries only chink or tranny shitholes

we don't inflict unnecessary PHYSICAL pain on animals, but look into dairy farming practices

What is she even doing?

How would you even factory kill one of those things?