so how does one achieve the low bf% dyel body natty, without doing heroin like Iggy or steroids like brad pitt?
So how does one achieve the low bf% dyel body natty, without doing heroin like Iggy or steroids like brad pitt?
If you have to ask, you won’t have it
Meme answer would be put the fork down. Its just staying below your TDEE, I've reached 10% by working at a warehouse while eating 2000kcals max and i shredded down 7kgs in less than 2 months. Currently I went from 73kg to 68kg in less than 3 weeks from doing OMAD while eating 1200kcals max, its hard but the results are worth it
how do I achieve this mode if I'm already underweight (6'0, 130~ lbs), will lifting at a calorie deficit do anything or do I need to bulk and then cut to see results?
bulk first mr skeltal
hit >150 and then maybe you can cut a bit
but at 6', to look really good you probably wanna weigh 160-170 with a low bf%
Yeah what that user said, bulk somewhat clean for like 9 months then cut. You're very light for your height. I'm 5'10" and would be 145lbs at 10% bodyfat which would put me at ottermode. If you cut to 10% or less you'd basically be a skeletal
Don‘t bulk don‘t listen to these bloatards. If you are ectomorph/mesomorph with low bf and thin skin just train and dont eat too much crap food. Sometimes run and do core workouts
i still look skinnyfat because i'm at roughly 15% bodyfat, how do I lose fat while building muscle?
diet, cardio, calorie deficit
a grown man weights at least 200lbs
Hello, Mr. bones.Please eat and or measure correctly
bottom left is goals
i am 6ft, 67kg. what can i do at home to achieve this. i have adjustable dumbbells and bodyweight.
Just curls and bench every 2nd day. 150g of protein a day, eat clean.
for some reason you guys not realize that they do have some muscle. But just very lowbodyfat.
You have to lift decent numbers (close to 1/2/3/4 but maybe less) and have SIGNIFICANTLY low bodyfat. Not just average or low but crazy low like under 8%.
Doing cardio won't do anything. Obviously they have more pec and arm size than half this board.
I answered in previous thread. Bodyweight till failure, cardio, eat big and clean and a shit tonne of OJ, like 2l a day to keep that tight cut look.
despite what these skinny fat retards say, brad pitt was benching 2 plates+ for 10-15 reps and was at "elite" strength levels for his weight
someone saved my collage nice
1. hate yourself with a passion
2. that hate results into you eating less, not more (prerequisite)
3. wait x months/years, where x depends on how fat your ass is
4. you made it
if you fail at 2, you're doomed to be fat for ever
>2L of OJ
Fucking lmao
I started drinking it just to boost my immune system while all this coonrona shit is going on since I get to work through it and realised it was making me more cut. I only rink OJ though not OJ and sugar like 99% of it you buy at the shops will be.
This. Whittled down to 12% from working at an Amazon warehouse overnight during the summer, eating very little, drinking a lot of coffee and taking a lot of adderall
That's still 160g of sugar a day.
Not him but sugars from real fruit really dont count. Really.
Man, Yas Forums's really gone downhill.
I have a feeling the vitiam c content stops your body absorbing a great deal of it but I didn't realise there was that much sugar in it.
depends on your height and metabolism
if youre short you might have to starve yourself,
but as you approach higher height usually, metabolism increases.
for me as a 6'1 i still have to force myself to eat more, to maintain the weight i climbed to
and low bf is purely diet, SHITLoads of protein and then nothing retarded like soda, if you drink soda youre actually mentally deficient.
good luck, eat right, training is important but not as much as you think.
the fuck are you talking about, defend your statement
How do you not get hungry?
And how do you make sure you get all the vitamins and nutrients you need? (To keep hair)
I'm 5'10 and 142 there no way that's ottermode
Pic related, it's me
top right picture is like 10% bodyfat, lower left is like 12%. Its not hard to get to that. In terms of diet eat clean, medium carbs, lower fat, high protein.
What’s the point of being low bf? Just be below 18% and strong.
Low bf is aesthetic goal no matter what you strong ugly cunts say
>aesthetic goal
You can be Bruce lee all you want id rather be Bolo Yeung.
Bf estimate ?
Ask your gf which one she prefers.
Oh shit you don't have one, sorry.
My goal body bros. But when I get there, how will I sustain it? Seems like genetics aren't in my favor.
Errr i think I'm 17%
20% honestly
you are such a stupid nigger. Don't assume retarded biological things like that, research it you fucking retard.
>drink 2l of sugary water to keep that tight cut look
lmao ok
I actually did after posting that and I was entirely wrong. Apparently it should be making me gain weight not loose it but apparently my body didn't get the memo.
Fructose can be directly converted to fat by the liver and stored. This is one of the reasons people say to avoid high fructose corn syrup (which is only ~50% fructose). If you over consume carbs, especially fructose, there's a good chance that you'll have chronically full liver glycogen which would trigger incoming carbohydrates, specifically fructose, to be stored as body fat.
I also drink 2l of OJ a day.
I was pretty sure nobody else knew about this trick wtf.
How close am I to looking like top right? 5'10", 168 lbs.
>drink 2l of estus a day to keep that tight hollow look
honestly you dont have to "bulk," just lift weights and eat when youre hungry. Just make sure what youre eating isnt total garbage. at that weight doing any sort of program will yeild the results you want. Eat the same shit every day. Lift weights. Consistency is the biggest thing
You are not 142.
I am at 135 and I look waaaaaaay bigger than you
Is there any source for this? I tried looking and couldn't find anything.
2plates for 10-15 reps seems like a high for that physique.
What the fuck
20lbs to bottom left
His advice is for people who can't gain or maintain weight, they definitely need a lot of sugar since otherwise they'll burn through their fat stores super fast and eat away at muscle. If you gain weight easily, you're better off with keto, and a heavy deficit with a lot of protein. Maybe something like 60:40 fat to protein, can get away with 50:40:10 if you're making sure those carbs are planned post meal.
Post workout*
Eat till it hurts, eat often, superset accessories after doing compounds. 6'4'' 176lbs 4.1% BF. It's torture.
Kind of unrelated but Lately omad has been super easy thank to quarantine making me fuck up my sleep schedule. I eat once in the night, go to sleep all day long, eat against once in the night, etc
>American biochemistry
>"Avoid fruit, drink bacon grease instead"
No wonder you're all fat as fuck now lmao.
>Takes a shot of bacon grease to this dude being a bitch
>drink lots of water
>eat cucumbers regularly
>chew gum
Cheers mate, 40" average waist size for Americans - it's hard work.
I hope you realize that if anyone hates fat Americans it is Yas Forums Americans, you're barking up the wrong tree.
>t. 6' 168 pounds but still not afraid of bacon
>I hope you realize that if anyone hates fat Americans it is Yas Forums Americans, you're barking up the wrong tree.
>"eat more fat and ignore fruit and veggies as much as you can, bro!"
>"an adult human male weights 200lbs+, bro"
>"Pitt in Fight Club - meh too skinny"
etc. etc.
I hope you are kidding, man.