I lift for her

I lift for her
Who do you lift for?

Attached: FB561214-1EEC-4A8F-9AE9-AF631B6C4FD8.jpg (1080x1350, 279.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


who is this?

>dat workout hair
>dat strong but feminine look
Fuuuck lemme lick those pits post workout.

Myself and my future

My sister, please report this thread, it’s a shame for my family

bleached girls mostly

Attached: EUx03X3WkGMcHZW.jpg (1176x664, 98.18K)

Your sister bouta have my cum on her face.

I lift for this particular Welsh military overlord.

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>“I lift for me”
It’s been 1.5 years idek if it was worth it.
Left before right after. M,19,5.10

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I lift for the ancient gods.

Attached: Lift with Mind, Body and Faith.jpg (246x354, 66.83K)

>brown "people" gods

You didn’t eat enough. Did your lifts go up at least?

I lift for our lord and saviour Jesus Christ can I get an AMEN

Attached: Savior.jpg (531x710, 289.57K)


I want to suckle on her pits

She's unrecognizable without makeup and contact lenses

Your face looks like a porcelain doll. I hope you're gay because only men will fuck you.

Attached: na0.jpg (590x567, 32.2K)

Most of her pics have no makeup and she doesn’t use contact lenses

>getting mogged by a black girl


Man, this girl is so disappointing outside of that one video.

>Implying they're not both uggos.

Are you legit retarded? You don't even need to to search for evidence to know with 99.9% confidence those are fake.


Most of those varbies look sub 6/10 IRL, sub 3/10 without makeup (roid face) and sub 2/10 when you hear their voice.

Prime twink

Women are masters of deception

imagine being a female bodybuilder
just look at those arms :(

Jesus they’re fucking brown, you can’t even tell on her Instagram she has lenses, kys

as opposed to what gods? those are the only gods that are worshipped today
you're not some retarded wh*toid who thinks jesus the kike was white, right?

She look surprisingly cute without makeup tho. But definitely worse than OP pic


imagine lifting for girls SIMP

>Submissive cuck who realize his delusional picture of his ideal woman is false

neck yourself pathetic simp

>incel thinks I even cared about her eye color
>incel thinks I have an ideal woman in my mind
>incel rates women on the internet
you’re an autistic piece of shit aren’t you

Also, if they aren't explicitly Indo-European, who vary from pale white to unironically blue skinned, it's gonna be even more cringe and there is no getting around that. Also Jesus was a Nordic blonde man btw.

Lift and eat moar.

bro you just know she's secretly hella autistic and wants to be dominated

If by Indo-European you mean Hinduism or Zoroastrianism (as in, religions that have a following that doesn't solely consist of online larpers), then sure. Anything else is dead.

She still looks good in the video and her voice isn't that deep


Why? Because they evolved beyond polytheism?

>dumb Yas Forumsnigger who doesn't know his ass from his mouth
uh yes you dumb redditor or hang around /x/ and educate yourself

dont look bad, just gain more weight

Your body with slightly bigger pecs and better abs is my goal body bro

I just watched some of her videos and I think I've fallen in love...help me bros

Absolutely seething

Attached: DEATH TO LIES.jpg (477x712, 84.39K)


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She doesnt even know you exist

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how make feel?

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Are you retarded? Can't expect much from kike on stick worshipper, but damn.

No. I'm not religious.

shes bigger than me

>"lift for me"
what a faggot

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I lift for myself right now to get as in as good of shape as possible, but I will ultimately lift for the community to be the best paramedic/firefighter I can be

I lift for her

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So the pain will go away

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My wife, cuck

what was his religion then?

>being a larpagan
Hitler would throw u in a gas chamber (assuming your fat ass would even fit)

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>Also Jesus was a Nordic blonde man btw.
He was a metaphor for the sun. So we wuzzers and LARPers seethe harder.

Probably a neopagan, kind of like David Lynch or that wrestler the Ultimate Warrior. With no real cosmology or anything entirely culturally cohesive (which is seemingly impossible to pull off in an industrialized society) just yet they just strive to stay true to themselves in their own way.

>current year +5
>shilling masonic inversions of Christian morality
>grasping at straws to justify Christianity
>also not being post-ironic still

I'm not a pagan.