>Congratulations, user. Your application for the position of "High School Instructor" has been accepted. You will be in charge of the classes "Physical Education 1-A" and "Weight Training 1-B". We look foward to the start of the semester.
What is your curriculum?
Congratulations, user. Your application for the position of "High School Instructor" has been accepted...
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squats and oats
1-A: A lot of cardio and some calisthenics. Think of a toned down version of this classic video youtu.be
1-B: Heavy compounds, some kettlebell stuff, and conditioning exercises.
I segregate the class by race and gender. White boys lift weights, black boys run, white girls cook, and black girls clean.
FPBP. No twink bois in this school, just adult males weighing over 200 lbs.
FPBP beat me to it
>What is your curriculum?
Im not fat
It's the USA too
Were millennials the last generation to have actual gym class? I remember this shit like it was yesterday
Most of the kids in "gym," are the rejects that couldn't get into any actual sports specific classes.
To be honest I'd get all of them the girls too on a hypertrophy/strength based cycle and get them to look better than the cheerleaders and football players to the point they get more popular.
>tfw some loser as a freshmen is stronger and more aesthetic by the time they get to sophomore year than senior football players/cheerleaders
>sports related classes
Wtf are you even talking about? Those don’t exist. School sports are extracurricular, practices always happened before and after school at both of the highschoolsI went to. How old are you?
>make the other kids bully the fat ones
>have a bro split class
>have a calisthenics class and see which class is more aesthetic
>give everyone A-s and if they fail to get ripped or strong they'll fail the semester
Just watched the video. Think of what america could have been. It is now literally the land of fat people.
legit nobody do shit like pic rel anymore in school, a shame really, weaker and weaker men
>do whatever the fuck you guys want just don’t get me in trouble or make me have to do any extra work. I don’t care about you and you don’t care about me, if you guys can behave and not get me fired I’ll give you all an A. If any one of you dyels makes me do any extra work or get me in trouble with these faggot ass— shut up Jared no one cares if you enjoy cock— principals I’ll start deducting points form everyone’s grade. If you have any legit fitness questions I’ll be glad to answer them. Either walk the track, lift, play ball or dick around on your phones all class idgaf.
Hmmm. Nice post.
I'd probably focus on cardio; because that's the most important thing for health in general. I'd also put some emphasis on Calisthenics. I'll hope that by the end of the year the average student should be able to run 3 miles in 20 minutes, do 20 pull ups, at least one one-armed push up, and 5 pistol squats.
If equipment wasn't a problem. I'd at least make sure everyone knows how to properly do squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. I wouldn't necessarily care about how much they can lift so long as they know the correct form.
For AP I'd add power cleans and snatches.
>white girls cook, and black girls clean
Nah niggers can cook well
See Brazil for example
>physical education
semester 1
why exercise is important
correct form on exercises
what exercises attack which muscle groups
how to diet/count calories/importance of various vitamins and minerals
these are in the beginning of class while doing stationary work
semester 1 test
semester 2
various muscle groups, how to train them
isolated and compound exercises
learning about food in elaborate manner
DOMs and other exercise/diet related pains, how to care for, properly rest for exercise and diet related pains
exercises related to the two semesters learning
review of s1 and test of s2 (verbal and physical test, no paper)
semester 3
open gym, set goal, reach it, depending on what you set and how far you reached/overachieved it will form grade
verbal and physical review of s1 and 2
semester 4
same as s3
video on people in sports/fighting/power lifting/etc.
video collage of students progress
top students posing in stage
>weight training
prerequisite PhysEd, at least 60% or passing
semester 1
review of physed, muscle groups, training
work out programs
start smaller on SS, bigger on THOR or TestShock, anyone who has a program they want can do it after being reviewed by me (Yas Forums)
grade this semester on form and gym ettiquet, make it seem like grading on strength to trick them to try harder
semester 2
keep them on their routines, with the goal of reaching 1/2/3/4
grade based on how close or over each gets to 1/2/3/4
teach the ones who need how to advance their program or make a program
semester 3
set their own goals, and are graded accordingly
semester 4
another goal, part of final grade
review of the year plus physed class
get final grade early, rest of the year is teaching the ones who opt in how to workout outside of school and not rely on school grade to workout
rest of year is spent working out
bonus, weight training retakeable and you can skip the learning bits to work out, only review tests not skippable
I'd just throw them the ball and tell them to pick teams and play and then at the end I'd make sure that all the girls go the shower. That's how our teacher did it.
Have them playing a variety of sports with a focus on building leadership and social skills in these dumbass kids as well as personal responsibility.
There should be a variety of movement patterns and goals for everyone to stay accountable to as part of their grade.
Ask to get switched over to female locker room attendant
extremely based
Youre all fucking poofs
Just let the lads play football
>Phy Ed
M- cardio
T- calisthenics
W- cardio
T- calisthenics
F- sports
>Weight Training
M- push
T- pull
W- legs
T- push
F- pull
I’m a 21 and we still had to do pull-ups pushups and lots of running in school (USA)
I was there when it changed, I remeber when we had to climb the rope in primary school, a year or so into high school they remove rope climbing and most of the other actually hard things and turned it into light cardio hour of the day. Thank god I started going to the gym around that time.
>0 results
The first thing kids should know is how shit most of the food they eat is. The best way to combat fatties is to make their kids resent them for feeding them over-processed shit.
Anyone else ever get intense orgasm-like sensations from these climbing ropes? I only climbed them a couple of times in gym class, but every time I did I'd feel this intense stimulation and pleasurable release throughout my whole body, and be unable to walk or focus for a minute or two afterwards.
I want to set up one in my apartment for me to use, but I don't have a place to mount one.
Don't worry user, I too got boners every rope climbing day
>Weight training in PE
I wish we had that
It’s football time, mixed 11 vs 11 the fatso is the goalkeeper
You're 21 and still in high school?
As a millennial, I don't think I had a proper gym class since junior high. Even then it was a sort of half-class, alternating physical activity on some days with book learning on others.
Above all: try and teach them the importance of stretching and mobility, even though they won't listen.
>Physical Education 1-A
Copy whatever I did during my first two years of boxing, plus road work and swimming. Preferably keep the sparring if regulations allow it. All of this includes calisthenics too. Also, sprints.
>Weight Training 1-B
Teach form for the most important compound lifts. Have them spot each other. No machines (don't need a teacher for those.) Add some strongman stuff such as tire-flipping too.
Hey user, a (You) so you don't feel like you typed this up for nothing.
>Have them playing a variety of sports with a focus on building leadership and social skills in these dumbass kids as well as personal responsibility.
Popular Chad will just be the leader in this scenario. You're not teaching anyone anything. Just letting nature run its course.
We had it as an elective PE my senior year. The teacher didn't know shit about lifting and pulled a program template out of his ass.
Everyone must lift naked for maximum mobility and gains, girls must have three spotters one on the bottom and two on the side
We always did the whole "try a new sport every three classes" thing which meant that you didn't enjoy 80% of PE unless you were part of the 1% who likes every sport. It was heavily biased towards ball-sports like soccer and basketball too, then they also added some dancing classes so the girls wouldn't complain. The only thing I really liked was the actual gymnastics. We had a mandatory yearly karate or judo class but never got into boxing which is what I ended up doing myself. A shame.
This was exactly how my senior gym teacher was, extremely based
The last week he had us write questions we had about health/fitness anonymously on a notecard and he answered them all. I remember somebody asked if creative was safe, he actually knew his shit, too. I suspected he did some powerlifting when he was younger since he had knee surgery done lel
>I suspected he did some powerlifting when he was younger since he had knee surgery done lel
Just remember that all of your teachers had dreams at one point, too.
Incorrect. But I actually teach the subject so I know arguing with some dumbass user won't do anything.
>I teach leadership and social skills
>that's why I post on Yas Forums, calling people a dumbass and not supplying any arguments beyond "you're wrong I teach this" on an anonymous internet forum where no one cares who you are
Swimming and gymnastics for the girls. The boys can play soccer or something it doesn't matter
I remember being sorely disappointed because the middle and high school gyms had extensive built in equipment like climbing ropes, rings, etc, and we never used them. Everything was fucking gay.
Yelling at the boys and seducing the girls (alternatively I'd put hidden cameras in the girls locker roomer/showers)
the right answer
>day 1 dodgeball
>day 2 mile test
>day 3 badminton
>day 4 penis inspection
>day 5 jump rope
Most schools have athletic periods where you lift and do sports stuff
fun games like tag, dodgeball or obstacle courses + lifting and nordic ham curls. health and fitness videos and articles for homework.
>somebody asked if creative was safe
I hate those niggers
>What is your curriculum?
100 pushups
100 squats
100 situps
10 km of running
Every single class
wow...what happened? at what point did all this stop?
Calisthenics and running
>Mandatory purchase for all Weight Training 1-B students:
-5% Rich Piana Gallon Jug
soap de macacao uma delicia
the first time I ever orgasmed (before I was old enough to really ejaculate) was when I was climbing up a basketball hoop pole as a kid. Didn't really understand at the time why it felt so good, but every recess for a while I would do it