/calig/ Calisthenics General

CaliThot Edition

It seems like the interest in home exercises has risen these days. I’m no expert, so I ask for the other Calisthenics fags to correct me and give their own tips and routines to help.

>Must-have Equipment:
- Door / A place you can hang from
- Two chairs with a thick stick in between / A Table (to do rows)
- The floor

>Recommended Equipment:
- Pull-Up Bar
- Gymnastic Rings
- Dip Bars

>Extras (will help ease the progressions):
- Resistance Bands (To increase difficulty or give support)
- Dip Belt
- Set of Weights (I recommend 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 20 (KG), these will give you progressions from 2 ~ 57kgs with jumps no higher than 2kg between them).

>DIY Equipment (the ones with no link are easily found in Google)
- Pipe Doorframe Pull-Up Bar
- Pipe Dip Station
- Pipe Parallettes
- Pipe Resistance Bands Handle (Criminally Underrated): youtube.com/watch?v=A6ttqLSW9eg


Start Bodyweight Strength: startbodyweight.com/p/start-bodyweight-basic-routine.html

Pair opposite movements, so: Pull - Rest - Push - Rest. This way you get enough rest in less time.
You can also change the abs exercise to some posterior chain one, here’s a good list:


>Advanced: ???

>Routines to Progress quickly on a single lift:
- Grease the Groove: breakingmuscle.com/fitness/greasing-the-groove-how-to-make-it-work-for-you
- Fighter Pull-up:strongfirst.com/the-fighter-pullup-program-revisited/

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nope. I won't

You tried making a memesthenics general the other day. It didn’t work. Just let it go m8

Go check reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/

Convict Conditioning by Paul Wade
Infinite Intensity by Ross Enamait
Overcoming Gravity by Steven Low

It takes literally 1 min of my time, and it's not like I'm already not wasting my time on other threads.

I also want to see if Yas Forums autism could help coming up with more optimal routines. I feel that places like /bodyweightfitness/ are too hang up on old dogmas.

Great additions, I totally forgot about Overcoming Gravity (still have to read this shit).

Ross Enamait has some great content as well. I just wonder if his beliefes on isometrics make any sense. And by isometrics I don't mean straight arm strenght, but the pic related isometrics

Convict Conditioning is good only for its progressions. The routines are pretty damn bad.

Common user.

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Is there much of a difference between old.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine and startbodyweight.com/p/start-bodyweight-basic-routine.html?

What's a good diet to eat when doing calithestics?

StartBodyweight has verticall push included, alternates push ups with dips.

It seems like the reddit routine has being update to add posterior chain exercises (called hinge progression), which is good. I'd then fallow the reddit progression (which also pairs movements, allowing for less time, or more volume in the same time) and substitute dips for a vertical push (like an inclined pike push up) and move the dip for the push up slot, alternating each day (like in StartBodyweight).

I'd say any diet would do, but you should avoid excessive bulk (+500 cal a day). You'll gain weight too quickly and this may screw how many reps you can do (especially in low rep movements).

A good thing about Calisthenics is that your training won't suffer as much from a cut because you'll probably retain relative strenght. I'm cutting (800 cal defitcit) on OMAD and I'm able to keep my bodyweight reps about the same.


With coronachan on the loose, we might all have to swallow the calipill hard

who is this?

that's the op who is anonymous

Bros, I've been trying to learn the one arm inverted row and can pretty easily do archer rows with a completely straight supporting arm. However, I get this really nasty pain in my left wrist when I'm close to the top of the movement and therefore I struggle to do reps when pulling with my left arm. I don't want to create any side-to-side imbalances. What do?


I just do pull-ups/pushups everyday for 3 sets to failure each and I have 18" arms, I don't follow any program or routine because they are unsupported by anecdotes or scientific reasoning.

you're doing p. much the right thing.

Peak calisthenics guys look like homos. why would you want to look like a homo? I do not compute.

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because unless you have a home gym this may become all you have access to in terms of keeping your gains
better to be jacked and have people call you a homo than to become a dyel


Could add this to the diy equipment section

Any retard can buy and keep a set of dumbbells with free weights at home.


The only routine you need

whats a good alternative to dips?
only have a pullup bar currently because my dip station got stolen when i left it outside

*sniff sniff sniff*

Can't go to the gym cause of corona, how do I do bodyweight squats and deadlifts?

pushups for chest, chair dips for triceps, if you have rings do ring dips
not much else you can do bud

Do pushups as if you are pushing the world away from you, rather than lowering your body towards it. Might sound stupid, but you get better chest activation that way.

Someone told me recently I won't make any muscular gains from calisthenics. Is this true? I have very little muscle right now and some excess skin and I know you get more ripped doing high intensity lifting, but I like BW exercising because it makes me feel like I'm getting more in tune with my body and balance and such. I also mainly just want to be lean not bulky really at all.

Right now I do calisthenics 3x a week
A circuit of:
20 squats
10 push-ups
20 walking lunges
20 dumbell rows
30sec min plank
30 jumping jacks

3 times, with about 30 seconds between each circuit - while trying to push for doing extra of each.

Then 2x a week I do 5x5 of each:
Barbell row
Skull Crushers

But currently with only about 50lb of weight. I'm still weak but I need to add more.

I also try to go jog multiple times a week. About 2 miles, alternating jogging and walking each lap and ride my bike to and from work 5 days a week (2.5m)

I want to get into dips also, I really would like some visible ab muscles and I need to grow my chest. Both stomach and chest are flabby.

But I really do like calisthenics. They make me feel in touch with myself and healthier. Also, if it helps, I'm eating at about maintenance (2200-2300 calories) and am 5'10", 150lb give or take.

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Lol i kind of wanted to start a cali general around a week ago but didnt, also was going to use a calithot as image.

I cant do even 1 pull up, i can do 5x4 chin ups, around 15-12-10 dips, and 10 muscle up in a low bar. How can i train to actually do at least a full one?

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Do less legs and more upper body faggot, eat more and eat well, no shitty fast food

Also drop the gym, street workout is the real way to cali

How to even out my chests with calisthenics? I only have a pull up bar and I don't want to go to a gym

how's this for a start?

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I only eat chicken, vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, fruit, etc. No fast food ever.

Put your hands together in front of you with your arms bent and push them together.

Its called calisthenics, move the hands side to side slightly while pushing.

What's street workout? I don't do gym, just have a couple weights at home.

Also, any suggestions on simple do anywhere workouts for chest/abs?

I want to fill her full of greek yogurt and dip strawberries in there

How effective is the this routine on legs and back. I'm seeing results on my chest, but want to sew more in those other areas

Are you doing with rings or lower bar? Could you post some pictures?

You could also go for Myo-reps and make your routine even quicker.

That's a great addition, I'll be sure to add it. Thx fren!

Come on user, we're trying to erase the gay stigma attached to calisthenics.

Jokes aside, Bret has some great content.

Ring Dips, or make your push ups more difficult with tuck planche push ups (you'll need to find two chairs to allow for greater range of motion). Archer push ups are great as well.

You'll have to increase the volume a shitton, I'm not sure how much, but pistol / shrimp / bulgarian squats aren't enough. You can try sissy squats and kneeling leg extensions, but be careful with your knee.

For Deadlifts you can try all sorts of Ham curls, both from knee and hips. These here are also great exercises:


You can also try to load a bagpack with books to make it harder.

Have you tried negatives? You seem to have some imbalance or lack of mobility somewhere, being able to do these much chin ups and not a single pull isn't normal.

Do one of the two from the main post. Don't do these circuits, do fullbody 3~4x week and maybe some cardio on other days.

Thx fren.

Push ups, lots of variation to hit your chest, you can also do chest flyes with rings.

Abs: Leg Raise / Ring "Ab Roll"
Chest: Archer Push Ups / Tuck Planche Push-ups

If by back you mean lower back, I answered here

I want to do dips
I was thinking of buying some steel chain and 2 rings with the intention of making still rings like the Olympic event
Pic, pull up bar where it'll hang. I'll put it on the chin up parallels
Good idea?

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Starting my calisthenics journey a month early because of the wuflu. I have parallettes and a pullup bar. Also live nearby an outdoor dip station. Sucks that pistol squats won't uphold my leg gains that I've been grinding for since december.

Like the beginner routines posted? Have I just been wasting my time then?

See, I thought my circuit was full body. At least that's what the program touted it as

do some hill sprints

Good idea, will start when there isn't any ice anymore

It works, just be aware that it's much harder than dips in static stations. I can easily do 12 reps with bodyweight + 20lb and only 6 ring dips.

Try sissy squats and kneeling leg extensions.

It is full body, it just lacks the intensity you need to build muscle. Pair opposing exercises, rest for 2 min in between and include some 5-8 reps calisthenics in your routine.

Literally going to some plaza or something where there is bars/equipment for bodyweight

Push ups at different altures, dips, chin ups/pull ups, do the whole movement and slow, dont pay attention to reps for now, also have in mind that growing muscle take time

No, but im doing upside down in a bar for dips, it might be because of my weight (90kg) but idk

Thanks guys. What do you mean by 5-8rep calisthenics?

Also, push-ups at different altures like planche push ups?

Also, what sorta intensity do I need to build muscle? I'm sorry. I'm just really a newbie outside of trying to lift for a few months.

I pretty much just want to know a routine to follow to build chest and abdominal muscle without much equipment and how many of each exercise I should be doing

Supposedly 3~20 could get you muscle, but it's better to be well rounded and have different rep ranges on the same routine.

But since you're a beginner, just stick to the bodyweightfitness reddit or the start bodyweight routine. It'll build your foundation and then you can move to higher rep counts after adding accessories like bicep curls (you can do those with dip bars, but it's easier with rings), tricep extensions, etc.

Why do you want to trian abs specifically? Calisthenics routines usualy have abs exercises like once a week or none at all. You'll be working your abs a lot to stabilize yourself while doing most exercises, so there's no need unless you have a really weak core.

Are you experienced with lifiting already? Why would you just want to focus on those parts?

Well, I only specify abs and chest because I'm this guy:
I used to be super obese then lost it then had excess skin surgery but I'm still flabby because of it even at a normal weight and I don't have much muscle mass or core strength and I'd really just like to have some tightness/muscles in those areas so they'd look somewhat okay for the first time in my life. Whereas, I definitely want to do calisthenics for general fitness and health, it would really help to boost my confidence to fix these problems areas.

Also, what you say "3~20" do you mean 3 sets of 20 and of all exercises?

I mean you can supposedly gain muscle from low reps (focus on strength) as well as higher reps.

If you want to focus on pecs more, do the bodyweight fitness reddit routine (having both push ups and dips 3x a week will be great). Add leg raises on one day and ring ab rolls on the other (3 x 8~12). Do leg raises both days if you don't have rings.

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This look okay then?

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Looks good, just drop the Core Triplet and Just do LR or Ab Rollouts in the end. I don't understand the "add leg raises" next to Dips.

You can also raise the number of sets to 4 or even 5 after some time, but drop the number of reps accordingly so the jump in volume isn't as big.

For example, you may be able to do 3 x 8 push ups, but aren't strong enough to do 3 x 5 archer push ups or diamond push ups, you could keep doing push ups:

8, 8, 8
5, 5, 5, 5
6, 5, 5, 5
6, 6, 5, 5...

or even 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

That way you get more volume and the jump of 1 extra rep each workout isn't as big, and you'll probably be able to do 3 x 5 of a harder variation later on.

I just added that to remind me to do leg raises since I read the previous post and they weren't in the reddit routine

Also, good with the dropping of the core triplet because I didn't really understand them so much.

A couple more questions.
Is it okay to substitute rows with barbell or dumbell rows? I don't have a surface to do them with.

Also, I can't do a pull up at all yet. Should I just pull myself up as much as possible or do the scapular pulls where I brace my back for a few seconds? Also, this should be an all over workout? Any Idea when I might see strength improvements and muscle developing if I do this 3 times a week and jog?

Also thank you /calig/. I'll try to keep anyone interested updated with results

pic related is a good book for beginners, it outline core exercises any neet in his room could do

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I'm looking for the best pre-made ring only based routine.

Does overcoming gravity have one? Any recommendations?

pullup progression
dead hangs
scapular pullups
negative pullups (jump up and then lower yourself down)