PermaPPL with no deadlifts

how is this not the perfect program? deadlifts produce extreme soreness and don't build mass. they are a *display* of strength. Seriously
>bench, the Press™, db incline, weighted dips, and we're not even on isolations yet
>Pendlay rows, chin-ups and pull-ups (weighted or not), pl8loaded machine row, lawnmower starts
>back squat front squat leg press leg extensions hip thrusts hypers situps leg raises
There's so much good stuff to do. You never get the sadness from rest day. You get way more volume in. You basically maintain frequency (compared to 3day full body).

Why would anyone other than a competitive powersharter not do this??

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I like curls


I do perma push/pull/push/pull with no rest days, no squats, no deadlifts.

>no squats
Now that's just silly, they are literally the #1 mass builder forever

Fuck you.

post more bernie girl

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okay pussy
but i'm the one on top faggot

Same im gonna skip legs and just do cardio a few days a week and build up to 5 days a week soon.

> "I can't diddle so no one should diddle"

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>No deadlifts
You answered your own question



you're proposing not using deadlifts, you have to justify NOT doing them. The burden of proof is on you.

T. too weak to even deadlift 3pl8

She's nothing special.
The ok boomer bernie girl is nothing special in term of attractiveness.

Um I just did. They don't build mass, recovery is impossible, you can't fit them into a split program, a split program gives you way more volume

t. 38yo
master's degree
kids someday

her eye shape is unique af

thought she was alright, heard her say "all women should be spoiled and treated like queens, there's nothing wrong with simping"
instantly lost all interest


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who is this?

Based, I do push/pull 3x a week each, no leg day. U hit upper body 3x a week so massive gains. For me, I gotta eat over 3000 calories and its burns u out overtime so I deload 1 a month.

You just know she loves to worship Black dick and take raw BBC deep in her pussy

I like how as soon as she said she had a bf the incels gangbanged the report button and got her suspended.

Sauce ?

Please tell me she has a BLACKED RAW scene

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I often forget extreme autism exists outside of this website but things like that remind me there really are people out there that absolutely worship random girls on the internet because they might agree with you politically.

Sounds like a fancy way of saying "i'm a money slut"

This is fucking stupid, it might work for the first month as a novice but after that you will need to start lifting in a more structured manner.

how many reps/ sets are you doing in each, what intensity, how long do you rest for, when do you ass weight, how will this translate into sports or practical use outside of body building.

Why are you loading so many exercises of one muscle group into a single day. It only takes around 48 hours to recover from each workout.
Will it really be practical to do that many upper body movements in a day? unless you go so light that you will never get stronger, I see no way you could do the workout without fatiguing yourself past the point of where you could call this anything other thann exercise.

Just out of curiosity, do you happen to be Mexican and enjoy beating your wife in a fit of machismo rage?

God stop posting this ugly ass mutt, you guys really have no fucking standards

Ignore this shit post. Anyone who doesn’t deadlift is a pussy, a coward, and not a man. Do not be led astray by the siren song of easy lifting.

whats your routine brother

i can not understand how so many of you retards got memed by rippletoes into cucking your gains with deadlifts
literally nobody who looks good does crossfit let alone fucking DEADLIFTS?

>Anyone who doesn’t deadlift is a pussy, a coward, and not a man.
post body retard

A modified texas method
I do bench with the intent of hypertrophy
Front squats alternated like the press is.
I find that really helps build the necessary strength to keep my back stable in the deadlift.

I know you aren't supposed to sub out the cleans for rows but I can't do either of the olympic moves because my home gym is on the second floor of a house and my ceiling is low.

In the light days I add in a few Chins/pull ups just so that I'm getting adequate pulling motions in every week.

The thing I really like about this program is that it follows the golden rule of k.i.s.s
Its self regulating In terms of weights and you can add or drop exercises/volume as needed.
Look up a relative intensity chart and prilepins chart if you want to program a little better and avoid being the guy running around like a headless chicken at the gym.
That's what I did when I first started, I did 5x5 and every rep was done at max weight instead of at 80%, I remember I quit for like a year after i nearly passed out trying to do deadlifts at 150lbs.

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Fucking idiot, stop doing this hocus pocus mumbo jumbo retarded routine. Squats are for women and deadlifts are shit, both not worth it. Post body, u probably look like shit

Enjoy doing incel boomer lifts u absolute fucking moron. Absolute no one gives a shit have much u squat or deadlift, it's about looks and functional use of it. Ex, I do weighted pull +40 3x8 at 160lb. Weighted chin ups +65 3x8. I'm mobile AND look good with my muscle.

They do if you do them from a box or pins or some other variation of partials. Pleb

275x3 @170lbs bw
Working on eating more

Awe, did I hit a nerve? Looks like I was once again right.

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At least do one leg day a week, don't even need heavy weights. Get nice and solid legs with a tight butt but not huge T-rex legs.

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Post body with timestamp please. Literally everyone who really likes their body jump at the opportunity to show it off.

This setup is absolute garbage. No heavy dbs, no cage, shitty matts, shit body


in a fight, where does a boxer get his power from
When hiking up a mountain, where does the hiker get his power from
The legs are a factor in nearly every exercise you do. Ignoring them for the sake of looking good is fucking stupid, you do not begin to magically float simply because you put on a pair of pants.

In the squat you not only have your legs but also all of the tiny little stabilizer muscles that constitute your entirety of your core body mass. Choosing to exclude them from your core training because you think it will make you look like a t-rex, and then have the audacity to claim that you train for functional strength is the epitome of the fucking stupid shit i read on here every day.

I'm sorry, what?

Forgot pic

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Fix your fucking flag.

No. It looks cool

I'm cutting rn doing lowish carb so nothing special for 2 years of lifting. Back is my strongest suit

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Looks comfy but that heavy bag needs more space

I don't see a time stamp
Did you grab this from a cbt thread and crop it

It has more than you think, 2d view tells lies

Enjoy cuckboi, legs are for pussies.

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How do y'all not want nice asses
Guys n gals alike dig a nice ass

It's not really that hard to work deadlifts into ppl. Do pull/push/legs and deadlift on Mondays. Issa good lift

iron your flags plz

That's literally what the first well known PPL routine was. It was coolcicada's PPL routine posted on bodybuildingforums. No deadlifts at all.

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Yeah ok I'll keep doing it.

I hate benching with sore lats so I think I'll just do leg press and assistance work on the leg day after diddlies. Also not gonna do Pendlay rows the day after squats, but vice versa is fine

Found the hipster