Building a home gym what are some necessities?
Home gym setup
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a place at which you reside for starters
Very funny user
Bench and dumbells probably would give you a good amount of flexibility, really you could just keep an eye out for people selling slightly used equipment for cheap. Least thats what I do since retards buy a whole bunch of shit thinking they'll use it and then leave it sit for a few years til they sell
Pullup bar to start.
By the time you outgrow that, you'll know a lot more clearly what kind of home gym you will want.
>power rack with pull up bar + dip bar attachment
>olympic barbell, something like ohio power bar if you aren't into oly lifts and just do general strength training/bodybuilding
>olympic plates (pair of 1.25 kg, 2.5 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg and multiple pairs of 20-25 kg)
>adjustable bench
>rubber mats for deadlifts
You can also get adjustable dumbbells, bands and plate loaded pulley.
T. pic related, gotta get cable pulley
This is my setup, a rack is all you really need.
>imagine the smell
Kino. Even got some Nazi literature for down time.
>t. Every other human in the world
>inb4 “I’ve left humanity behind”
You squat @ max like 185lbs retard.
Piss jugs...
Nice little setup, clean too
>people live like this
>power rack
This isn’t a hard question user
Based. Good literature to peruse between sets
mirin that slobmaxxing
link to the tiktok please
>gym hobo sleeping in the squat rack again
And if you doubt that it's possible to get gains with this kind of set up, think again
Never underestimate the power of autism.
Ive been operating on a pullup bar, resistance bands, 10kg weight vest and an 18kg adjustable dumbell for about 5 months now since becoming an NEET. Use the bands and bar for resisted pushups and not fucking your wrists by holding the bands down with yer hands.
Imagine lifting for this, I hope you've been lifting for like 3 months max cuz otherwise it's not been worth it/you got a bad case of fuckarounditis
seething jew
incredibly based, how much did the rack cost you? what are your stats?
>adjustable dumbells 100lb (50 x 2)
>single dumbell 60 x 2, etc. as you outgrow the adjustable
bodyweight, mobility, and stretching
>pullup bar
>dip bar
>perfect pushups
>ab wheel
>resistance band
>foam roller
>jump rope
>stability ball
>medicine ball
>yoga mat
Bench, weights, pullup bar and a good surface
not bad, you look like some starved farmer in Ancient Greece
Fucking this
Top kek
He looks as hideous as the room
Never has this creature known the warm embrace of a vagina
Can someone post the webm?
post your body
Gonna buy a rack in November, wanna get all the accessories so I can just pay freight shipping once. Just planning on getting safety straps and dip bars. Any opinions on attachments for landmines? Worth it at all? I have a beater bar already.
>starting strength book
>baby legs
Was February 23 day 1?
>men live in apartment like this a don't see any issue
Are you retarded? He's not bad looking at all
Replied to wrong post
This is me, please for the love of god will someone post it
fixed it for ya
Gotta keep the thread alive
So are the bottles filled with piss?
Take the Scooby Pill, all you really need are adjustable dumbbells, weights, and a pull up bar.
Bernlet cope.
>Power rack (full or half)
>bench (if you can get an incline bench that's better but you can always use plates to incline it)
>olympic bar
>olympic weights
that's all you need to get started.. then add on adjustable olympic dumbbells, maybe some bands, fat grips, kettlebell, etc as you need.
This is my gym
now with a squat box added. kinda messy
Someone please post the original webm, come on I know one of you must have it!
Where is the Nazi reading material, virgin sleeping quarters and bottles of piss?
OP has set the bar pretty high sorry user
>puzzle piece foam floor
That shit is too soft, at least remove it from where you place your legs.
I would agree. I should of went with horse mats. I might still do that if I decide to live in this apartment for another year+
I know from experience. They weren't a total waste since you have iron weights, just don't put those squat shoes to waste on a soft surface.
Now that I live alone and made my own home gym I just got bumper plates since I want to do oly anyway, still gonna need stall mats when I move again.
Kys. Even the books you read are /midwit tier
what gains? you're lean, that's it.
Fuck all these faggots shitting on you. Stay based King
>starting strength on floor
>piss jugs
>tortured soul of speaker screaming in pain
>nazi literature
And thus, a meme is born