Cringe Thread

Post ‘em.

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cringy thread indeed

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this thread

Do Americans really go to the gym to stuff their face with pizza and lard?

Why is the circle around the guy just standing their and not the pizza boxes?

What's the problem with this photo?

What's wrong with it?

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He's doing squats with really light dumbbells, but that's completely normal at his weight and especially for a beginner. People making fun of other people for being realistic with the weights they choose is the true cringe.

He's exercising in planet fitness

he's standing upright how the fuck do you know he's doing squats he could be doing curls

Shit you got me.

Regardless they're making fun of his weight choice.

the real cringe is that whoever took this picture goes to planet fitness

No accessories, benching/ OHP every day. Just going to build shoulders and chest.

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Oh my god, can't believe this shit is real. I hope the dude that took the photo corrected him or else the police might have gotten involved

>unnecessary volume
>push focused when pulling should be the one thing that is favored
>unrealistic progression
>OHP and benching on same day
>doing it every workout on top of that
Very flawed program, but it does have some nice ideas that could be better implemented.

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>dyel weeb
Didn’t read.


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Weak faggots like him need to be bullied and pissed on (literally). It'll teach them to stop being skinny and weak.

>Just going to build shoulders and chest.

Sounds based

There's a black person in it.

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>planet fitness 10 bucks a month
>free pizza fridays
>eat more than 10 dollars worth every friday

good deal bros

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reminds me of why I've always worked out at home or outside somewhere, you gymbros are literally worse than women with your drama, just mind your own fucking business

also gyms are absolutely filthy, herpes simplex viruses all over the equipment will give you warts and whatnot, even if you wipe down the equipment

At planet fatness they do.

What the fuck is cringe about pizza you absolute DYELF?

I once looked into it, they have other things like startup fees, parking fees, bullshit "site fees" or whatever, it's bullshit.

How do you know it wasn't a woman that took the picture?
She may not have been the one to circle the dude though.

Good god I want to give you a swirly so bad.

The point of the picture was how they have pizza at a gym you fucking autist. OP probably just circled the kid himself.

I really want to bully you, especially you

zoom in on the grey t shirt

Ooooooooh can someone please post the picture of the red shirt guy in the gym that looks uncomfortable at the camera man? I always cringe so hard when i see it! LOL

For twenty bucks a month i get free pizza twice a day on pizza day, a shower/gym pretty much anywhere i travel, and i can take girls there and watch them do planks and squats

You’d be my bitch.

Haha here it is friend!

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that fucking guy is an asshole. i hate his guts so much.

I want to put you in chastity.

Kek looks like 140 lbs.

Hahahahah he's so cringe, basado red shirt guy poster hahahaha!!!!

Based double-dubs basado nigger

>40 reply cringe thread
>4 pictures of cringe
>rest is faggots larping and spamming garbage

yeah this is cringe

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mfw I see someone doing non-specific warm-ups

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look at all the larping gymlets i triggered with a simple factual observation, stay mad

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Are Americans really so fat they can't eat a slice of pizza after their workout?

This. I signed up two months ago. So far I've paid the $60 sign up fee, two $10 monthly fees, and a $39 annual fee. It's textbook bait and switch. I'll be switching to LA Fitness/Gold's soon.

You’re my bitch dyel.

Why do they give out pizza at planet fitness? Isnt the point of signing up for a gym is to get fit?

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look at his shoes lmao


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>he can't eat pizza and get fit

literally soi at its finest people.

I actually make Pokemon-themed workout routines. Makes it easier to get through if I imagine myself as my favorite Pokemon

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hahahaha HOLY FUCKING SHIT, this picture does things to my sides

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Shut up bitch. You weren’t addressed. Get back in your cuckshed home gym until I call for you.