Has finding a partner improved or detracted from your gains? Your life in general?
Has finding a partner improved or detracted from your gains? Your life in general?
Every time I've met a half-serious girl it's been a net detriment to my life and I'm getting tired of their bullshit games.
>finding a partner
i'd be embarrassed if i went out with my gf and she wore a high cut top like that.
>mfw no modestly dressed gf
>finding a partner
lol nice joke
Get lost Abdul
I can't even find my keys goddamn it.
I understand. I make my fiance dress modestly when we leave the house but idgaf what she wears at home. Modest girls are more respectable and respected in social situations.
From the reflection in her glasses it seems she loves the BBC
Finding a partner stall can gains somewhat, but breaking up greatly increases gains
trying to find one was my biggest gain goblin just let somebody find you or not
I'm literally the ONLY guy ITT who could get that girl irl. Most of you social retards couldn't even string together a sentence without stuttering after every word. I'M the alpha male, I'M the one in charge. Come talk to me when I'm talking to her? I'd publicly embarrass you the second you interrupted my conversation. In fact most of you would probably come into our circle and just stand there, taking down "PUA" tips in that notebook you retards carry around with you. If you decided to speak (aka ask "how do you do it bro?") I'd not only shove you back (I'm 6ft 210 btw, you'd fall to the ground) I'd give you a lesson on manners simultaneously displaying alpha behavior to this girl. Boom. 2 birds with one stone. In fact it would probably go better if you did interrupt our conversation
Literally a 2.5/10
Having a partner who motivates you can boost your gains, especially if she also works out and goes with you
But you can become complacent too. ANd then when she inevitably cheats on you you'll make the best gains of your life
Nice bait.
If that picture is even you Its phenomenal how you got a dad bod before you even left high school. And that Halloween costume is shit btw.
Please go outside.
Finding a girlfriend slightly decreased my gains but improved my life to a level that I never thought would be possible.
That was the happiest time of my life.
I lost her after I got frustrated with her too many times because Yas Forums taught me all women are evil and are playing games at all times. She never was, I was just seeing ghosts.
I'll never be as happy as I was back then.
Just reading this pushed me to the ground. Fuck, the alphaness of this user is crushing my testlet self from thousands of miles away. How alpha is that? Is this what they call.... OMEGA???
Also! I didnt read you were 210. I bench that for 5x5. and i weigh 150
Why didn't anyone fucking tell me how fucked you are if you don't lock a girl down in your teens and early 20s? The exact opposite was told to me and now 95% the women I see make me want to puke - and they wouldn't even date me anyway.
M8, there's a reason why men tend to date younger women. If there's one truth, it's that you should NOT fall for the "date women your own age or else you're a [insert whatever fucking men=bad meme here]".
Yeah but that was supposed to be like 4 years, tops.
Trying to date 16 year olds because they're ruined by 17 isn't going to go well when you're over 30.
who is this?
See .
>finding a partner
Confirmed personal army bait.
Lmao @ you letting this 5/10 cuckold you user
Do you really expect your delusional and incoherent ramblings to be read? Everyone plonked you long ago. Do you fantasize that your tantrums and conniption fits could possibly be worth the $0.000000001 worth of electricity used to send them? Your life is one big W.O.M.B.A.T. and your future doesn't look promising either. We need to trace your bloodline and terminate all siblings and cousins in order to cleanse humanity of your polluted genes. The good news is that no normal human would ever mate with you, so we won't have to go into the sewers in search of your git.
Japanese girls aren't into muscles so I've pretty much become a eunuch.
Im married and lift 4 times a week and do bjj 6 times, anybody that starts to cope, male or female, is a faggot.
I've only had one serious girlfriend in my life. Ended up gaining 30 lbs and gained a beer belly. never had time for gym. Only pros was constant sex and girls smell nice and are soft.
I just had the opposite experience. Girl I was seeing and having sex with lead me on and I slowly started to feeling something wasn't right. Came to find out she was just using me as a rebound and was seeing her boyfriend the entire time. At first I didn't want to believe the signs, but thanks to the Yas Forums memes I confronted her about it and ended whatever the fuck was going on between us.
I think I'm going to ask this weeb taiwanese girl who is cute without make up. I'm nervous because she might be only into Japanese/asian dudes. I'm 6'2" and white.
Honestly, it seems like getting to that stage would be easy enough, download some swipey-swipe app and go to town.
With my past experiences with women, finding a partner hasn't done anything noticeable to my gains whatsoever, with the only effects I experience are emotionally focused ones, having nothing at all to do with my progress within the gym.
Improved my gains because I'm not a fucking retard who stops trying in life as soon as he gets a gf, as if having a gf were the final goal and there's no other reason to improve. I use my gf as motivation to train harder so I can be strong to protect her, and to advance in my career so I can provide her with the best life.
My wife is a giant living gainz goblin.
Women are fun murderers. Everything you do as a man must be in SPITE of them. I love my wife, but her entire modus operandus is to TAKE everything. All women are like this, there is no escape.
She’d whine when I’d use the gym after work and not come right home. So i started skipping the gym and coming home right after work to try and make her happy.
Ultimately though she left. She’d rather work 3 jobs to support herself on her own than work 1 and live with me. Guess that says a lot about me.
You think I haven't already?
On tinder and bumble, literally 0 matches for months on end, every so often get some land whale who can't even talk for shit
I'm done with this shit I fucking can't anymore
I am subhuman garbage begging for validation, stooping so low as to associate myself with the retards of Yas Forums, my life has gone so far down the drain and while it could get better it could still get a lot worse, with the way things are going I don't think it's gonna improve much
I wish I could lift until I bleed, so I could punish myself for being such a failure, maybe that's my reason for going to the gym
Or I could just talk to girls IRL kek
>found partner
>suddenly less time for myself. Put on weight, she insists I'm fine the way I am instead of supporting me
Am I in trouble, bros?
I love her, but total detriment to my life in regards to fitness and life progression.
Has anyone ever thought that even if they do get a cute gf she'll always have more life experience and people pining for her attention? Any above average looking female is going to be bombarded with messages and offers to do things, with both males and females. My life has always been extremely reclusive and boring and I don't know how that would go over, especially since girls are constantly complaining about being "bored." It's like they need constant stimulation all the time.
Its over for us mate.
Just better to focus on copes, because focusing on women will just make you rope.
I go to the gym with my wife, shes lifts pretty good now.
I genuinely find I lift better when I know shes watching, shes very supportive of my dyel stature and when we met she was kind of chunky and i was skinny as fuck, so we've both gotten proportionally bigger and stronger together. Its nice moving up the scale together.
She meal preps and makes sure i get at least 100g protein daily. Shes big on food and all that, and its been really helping.
Same desu.
How do I get something like this user :’(
Oddly enough i disagree. As a somebody who went from a basically a reclusive NEET hermit to being throw into what can be described as a gladiatorial ring and somehow adapted (but grew fat, that's why I'm on fit). I've seen that most of these super social women's experience just what it seems they do, dating and relationships.
That's all good and great, but that's were it usually ends. Not a whole lot of depth but occasionally a unicorn or diamond in the rough appears.
It was my girlfriend who encouraged me to join the gym, and she was squatting more than I was. So, being the competitive dick I am, I made so I could improve and get stronger.
My girl improves my life in every aspect. Having her knowing that almost every other woman out there is useless its a blessing.
I guess
honestly i think a moderate summer dress is the hottest thing a woman could wear for public situations. it's a shame women would rather dress like sluts
Losing a partner got me into lifting. I thought becomming fitter and hotter will get her to want me back. What was I thinking. Got a new gf, didn't stop.
She cheated on me and destroyed my self esteem and i never really recovered
so where are you on the spectrum user?
It doesn't work for me. I need alone time, and every girl I've been with can't respect that. They get offended when I don't want to hang out everyday. Also there will always be a comment about how I don't 'have' to go the gym today.
Until the day I find a unicorn I'm going monk mode.
All downhill, this bitch just wants to lie around and eat fast food.
ill fix this by summer. She gets better or she gets gone
>brown eyes
i wann kick her to the tooth
Nigga how are you having a hard time?
Getting a cute jungle asian is hard for us brown niggas but whites have it easier
If unattractive girls find me attractive does that mean I’m unattractive? Because all the girls that show interest in me are fat obese goblins
>single for the past year after a mutual breakup of long and troubled relationship
>career taking off, feeling super motivated
>looking at options for doctoral programs, putting a plan in place for my next couple years
>taking classes, advanced certifications on my own dime because it interests me and is rewarding
>hobbies blossom, learn to scuba, get into cars
>making huge life gains and hungry for more
>foolishly hang out with ex last weekend due to lapse in control of my primitive functions
>spend about 24 hours in a hotel room together
>feel all that drive and energy ive accumulated literally leave my body
>just want to be a lazy shithead and lay in bed with her
>start thinking insane shit like "well going back to school probably wouldn't work out anyway" and "you should give her another chance" even though dating her did serious damage to my mental health
fucking spooky, like I know it's my reptile brain trying to get me to settle down and raise children but I'm still feeling unsettled
Been with my GF for about a year now. Don’t get as much time to gym, dropped from 6/7 days a week to 4ish so have changed my programme to focus on strength as a result. I’ve gained weight (about 10lbs) because can’t be as strict with my diet because she’s a veggie and also hates eggs. Strength is the best it’s ever been, aesthetics struggling slightly, but my god am I happy in a way I’ve never been happy before. Can’t wait to put a ring on it and raise a family and teach our kids to be Yas Forums.