/fat/ - MAKING IT edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For butter golems who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.
This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss

>What do I do first?
1. Read the Yas Forums sticky
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
3. Calculate your BMI
4. Calculate your TDEE
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
5. Plan your weight loss week by week
6. Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Don't listen to memes, either of these are fine based on what you need
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>Now what do I do?
Count calories, all of them.
Calculate your TDEE at sedentary
Buy scales, be accurate in your measurements
Learn how to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 1g per lb of goal body weight.
Do cardio. Even if its just walking, cardio will improve your health which is sorely needed. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can off set the risks.
Lift weights. This will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat. You don't want this.
Post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
Eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
Drink your calories. Alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
Freak out over a stall in weight loss. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself.
Be a retard.

Previous thread:

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Gained 2 kg in 2 days, what how is that possible it took me a month to lose that

I skipped the gym yesterday to play wow

Ate a bag of cookies today with some Gatorade in the morning, did 30 minutes of cardio to compensate, walked up a hill and some kms. Then my dad came home and bought some burgers, I couldn't help but eat one since I was on my deathbed from hunger.

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I'm 190 even as of tonight. Gonna have some steak and cauliflower rice after I lift. Then finish off with a pint of Halo Top for dinner. Only around 10lbs left. Fuggin easy peasy.

Im not fat but im going to be an honorary member for a few weeks because Ive gained 20 lbs in like a month. Im slipping

im 170 and 5'8. All bodyfat barely any muscle. Craving food badly but going on a 1 hour walk right now instead, might eat something after (about to go to bed)

160lbs and 5'7

How long until I'm lean? should I bulk now or wait till I'm skelly mode? Currently around 23% bf if I'm correct

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im in the same boat user. Im personally gunna go skelly mode then bulk. If you bulk now youll end up fat

>Who is /fat/ for?
>For roly poly rotundo retarded roundbois
>Who is /fat/ for?
>For butter golems


I like Dough Elementals

Me too, but I appreciate the variation

What weight did you start at?

How long does it take for my muscles to stop being sore? I did 100 counter push ups on Tuesday pretty easily, tired doing 100 today and could barely get though the first set of 20 before my pecs started to burn bad.

ate some chips and half a pizza slice don't know if I went over my cal limit but fast tomorrow.

i was 240-250 when i started 2 years ago

Take a break if you get to tired

Any drawfags wanna make some new original fatjaks? There was an user with us that did the OP image last year

Just walked to ASDA and back, its 20 minute walk there downhill and 20 back uphill.

Not much but fuckinell I feel quite fat atm. Need to cut bodyfat rapid.

I've been on a wonderful deficit for 8 weeks now, down 20 lbs

I haven't even tried to step foot in the gym I pay $50 a month for. I'm to anxious, but everyone at work congratulates me for working out so hard, as they think that's why I've lost weight. I still get winded walking to my car.

Three weeks into my cut


Made it three-ish weeks into my cut. Binged, then fasted the next day and binged again. Currently 24hrs into a 56 hour fast to atone for this.

How to avoid binges? I think it was running out of meal prep and being to lazy to cook after my workout that "triggered" the binges

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Sorry for sideways I'm a mobile pleb

Week 2 into taking my diet seriously and Mom bought pizza but I'm not tempted to eat it at all. Have I reached true power anons?

>I think it was running out of meal prep and being to lazy to cook after my workout that "triggered" the binges

Do your best to not run out of meal prep. If you can, get a snack like a yogurt + apple and eat that the moment you are done with the gym, then wait a while before getting home/to the kitchen. The snack will spike your hunger for about 20-30 minutes, then you just wont be hungry anymore (at least thats what I found).

I used to do great during the day, then about 6pm I'd get home and binge. Having a satiating snack right before I left work took that edge off, and I could slow my roll enough to cook something and eat properly.

>How long does it take for my muscles to stop being sore?

You push through it until your body adapts via added strength and muscles so it learns to resist the pain. In which case you have to switch it up.

I made some healthy chili and told my mom what was in it and how many calories and she got irritated at me and said, "Am I going to have to listen to this now?" I have a fine relationship with her but every time I mention anything about trying to lose weight she gets mad and she even brought home a bunch of soda and chocolate to tempt me.
Why are people like this?

Crab mentality

heh heh dont forget to have your cheat day this week, anons! a little bit here and there never hurt. we're all gonna make it!!!

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I'm so fucking weak bros, I can't even squat 1pl8... how do I fix this shit

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>doc puts me on phentermine unprompted
>figure I'll give it a shot
>not even a week in, the stimulant part doesn't work for me anymore, the appetite suppressant part doesn't work very well, if at all
>still have negative side effects
>I poop with half the frequency I did before
>when it starts to wear off in the evenings (right around dinner, fucking greeeeat, right?)
>when it starts to wear off in the evenings, start to get headache, irritable/angry

This is once a day in the morning 37.5mg which is the most they'll do starting. I had just asked the bitch for modafinil when I went in so I could fucking function and will power the rest of this shit but this has actually made it WORSE. I'm eating MORE than I did, and I'm afraid to just stop taking it because there are withdrawal symptoms, she also basically lied to me about side effects and shit.

Counting calories is very confusing to me. I bought a scale and I've been reading about it but I have no idea how many calories I should be consuming in a day and Scooby's meal planner said some ridiculous shit like 3000+.

Is it possible to get a little big and lose weight while on omad and doing calithestics? Realise I said a little so don't cuss me out

>Counting calories is very confusing to me. I bought a scale and I've been reading about it but I have no idea how many calories I should be consuming in a day and Scooby's meal planner said some ridiculous shit like 3000+.

Assuming you're a male between 18 and 45, between anywhere from 5'0" to 6'2", aim for 1500 to 1800 calories. Or just use one of the gorillion fucking calculators to find what your current maintenance is, then find what your maintenance would be for your goal wait, eat at the maintenance for your goal weight.

Once you cut out the sugar craving, user, you'll be in the home stretch

>tfw don't even care to get back to my thinnest
>right now 330 and would kill a dude just to be back at pic related weight (around 190-200)
>tfw the past four years of going from 220 to 330 means that even if I get down to an ideal weight of around 160, I'll have so much loose skin it won't fucking matter and loose skin surgeries always leave janky as fuck bullshit, and insurance doesn't cover them.

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as someone that went from 315 to 220 it's well worth losing the weight. I'd rather have loose skin than look like a semi-deflated blimp

Please don't do this, you'll crash your metabolism and gain it all back if you make it at all

Starting a 72 water fast today to try to reset my brain and stomach after the worst and weirdest month of eating in my life. I really hope that I can learn how to eat like a human my size when I start my new eating program on Monday.
I want to WANT to make it again.

tfw drinking beer and eating chips but still under 1800 calories

I went on a 3000+ kcal binge yesterday over my TDEE

then what da FUCK are you supposed to eat at, I have around the same TDEE as him and I don't want to eat fucking 2200 calories a day

Even if I got down to 220, I'm stil 60+ lbs away from being where I should be.

Been eating like complete garbage the last 3 days
finally got my shit back in order tonight

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Shoo shoo!

well i'm 220 right now and I'd sure as hell rather be at 220 than at 330. You're just looking for an excuse to keep getting that junkfood dopamine hit you fucking junkie

Pecs seem to take a little longer than other muscles to recover for me. I've been thinking about skipping pecs but still working everything else because they are still very sore when everything else is good to go.

>Went from 330 to 299. Started in January. 42% bf to 37%
>Lifting 3 times a week, OMAD/1200 calories with a focus on my protien macros. Also, walking 5 times a week.

(Posted this in thebother /fat/ not sure which is the offical one)

Almost 100lb loss. Good job. And only a little excess skin on the tummy.

im simping hard bros help me

Why do burgers have such a bad reputation? Because of fast food? If you're making your own with fresh vegetables then the only issue is the bread and condiments.

I'm a massive newfag. How much weight is in 1pl8? This meme confuses me.


What is your preferred cardio, /fat/?

Stationary bike. I wish I could run outside instead.

Are you getting stronger despite losing weight? I read that if you have a caloric deficit you won't put on any muscle.

stationary bike/regular bike by far
>easy on the knees
>can crank out miles pretty quick so it gives that achievement boost
>respectable cardio output

Fuck. I only just got up to 100lbs but that's holding dumbbells. Any heavier and I'll need a squat rack.

Make sure your dad isn't an enabler

I like to jog and walk long distances but my bad ankle is getting worse, I might have to get a bike just like the old days when I lost my license from a DUI.

Treadmill and punching bag.