Do normies count calories?

Do normies count calories?

If not, how do they stay skinny? Especially women

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>stay skinny

also no, the normies I work with use the weigh watchers point system

40% of US population is considered obese. There's your answer

>Do normies count calories?
>If not, how do they stay skinny? Especially women
No. By boy sitting down all day. If you are active all day it's actually not easy to be fat. Hence why most people in the world have sedentary jobs where they move very little and are obese.
>t. Alcoholic smoker who eats what they want

Ok but what about actual skinny people?

Fast metabolism and height
plus I just dont eat alot

t. 6'2 155lb lanklet

Statistically, normies are not even skinny.

Skinny people watch what they eat unless they've got a fast metabolism or a stim habit.

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Not enough left to say. We must stick together

>Ok but what about actual skinny people?
>t.alcoholic smoker.
I really only look so cut because I am drenched in sweat all day every day.

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>watch what they eat

Like in what way? Examples?

women starve themselves during the week then binge on alcohol and mcdonalds on the weekend, it's enough for young girls to stay slightly skinnyfat

They skip meals and eat small shit. Daily reminder that to get a nice ass a girl needs to have her nutrition in check too

Shit you found out the secret

they dont count calories, but know they can have a healthy, portion breakfast, probably a salad for lunch and a normal sized dinner. Also, when they eat shit food like pizza or chips, they know to only eat 1 or 2 slices. It also helps that since this has been their life, their stomach is tiny and easy to fill. Once they get that full feeling, they stop eating.

If they do start to get a pot belly, they generally do meme diets like grapefruit for breakfast, head of lettuce for lunch and lemon water inbetween.

Man, seeing that reconstituted meat shaped like that is fucking depressing. I am in no way a vegetarian or vegan or whatever but something about this kind of shit is just wrong, have some base level of respect for the animal you're getting meat from.

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most skinny and fat people get there by eating intuitively, skinny people just tend to eat less. When I was a skeleton I would eat maybe one slice of pizza and 4 cups of soda a day, or something like that.

So what happens next is why people get fat:

1. they go to college where they can eat what they want when they want, which results in them putting on the "freshman 15" which later turns into 100 since they're just shoveling more crap into themselves
2. a girl gets pregnant, gets used to eating more to sustain the baby + more, this makes her fat and she never learned to control herself so she just keeps balooning, which gets worse if she has more kids
3. They are around people who eat liek garbage or who enable them to get huge

It all stems from ignorance about what calories and diet is.

mired a bit ngl


skinny person: "I had pizza and soda last night"
what they really had was 2 slices of pizza and a can of dr pepper

fat person: "I had pizza and soda last night"
what they really had was an entire large pizza, some breadsticks, and two 20 ozs of mt dew

So if I switch to Dr.pepper I'll lose weight?

You act like its hard to be skinny lmao

I was 350lbs but after years of counting cals I’m 145

I’d like to stop counting but get skinnier or stay this way

Nectar of the gods


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Our eating habits aren't fucked.

There is zero need outside of professional athletics to ever count calories Jesus Christ autistic retards

Patrick Bateman mode achieved, good job user

I grew up pretty chubby, but then I got depressed and lost a shit ton of weight when I was like 16/17. After getting my shit together, I started focusing more on how much I exercise and what I eat.

I know but how do I be skinny without counting

By not eating garbage you fucking retard

Do you count calories

You don't have to count calories to loose weight or maintain. I haven't seen a calculator in years and maintain my weight just fine. Meal prep and if I get a little too fat eat less unhealthy shit and eat more the other way around

Do you count your calories in prepped meals?

Same, just seems wrong. I eat meat literally every meal but at least it’s not whatever mystery meat OP’s pic is. Kinda sad really

>If not, how do they stay skinny
They dont

>skinny people

Literally just don't eat.
You know how many people who are skinny just skip meals?

Protip newfag, a lot.

Is it more respectful to just throw the otherwise unused meat away rather than turning it into products like bologna and head cheese that will be eaten?

Cut out all alcohol and lots of sugars
Lift heavy and often

The thought of eating something, even foods I like, is simply not appealing to me if I am not hungry.

Fat people eat just to eat, boredom whatever I don't know why they do it they are fucked in the head.

I still have the fat mindset even though I’m 145 pounds now sadly

I think it has to do with how you grow up too.

My parents didn't keep snacks and shit in the house. If I was hungry I would eat top ramen or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Getting something to eat meant I had to make a bunch of shit to eat and then eat it and possibly need to make even more shit and eat that until I wasn't hungry.

You start associating eating with being a hassle and a pain in the ass and just something that you have to do when you get hungry enough.

Then you get the occasional danish or donuts and shit and you aren't used to it and it makes you fucking ill so you learn to avoid eating those things too because they make you feel like shit lol.

So I guess the trick to being skinny is to grow up poor and never have any snacks available.

My brother is one of those skinny gamers. He just eats as fast as possible to go back playing Crusader Kings. Sometimes he forgets altogether.

The body is designed to stay at maintenance. If you only eat when you're hungry your weight won't change, thought some people are naturally leaner than others. People are fat nowadays because they eat out of boredom, stress, etc..

Actual fight club mode, mirin

I wish I had something to hold my attention that well

That's clown meat you dyel. Clowns are notoriously lean, so there's nearly 200g's of protein per 100g of clown meat

We just eat very little compared to you, you fat fuck. We're not asbdependent on food.

Alot of the skinny people either eat small portions throughout the day or just do a variation of IF their whole life, like 16/8, withouth knowing. 'i just don't eat breakfast, not hungry'. They're just not as interested in food. They eat slow and talk alot. They stop eating when they're not hungry anymore. A combination of these points can keep you skinny for life without counting. They're just very in tune with their body. Their life doesn't revolve around food.
By implementing 'skinny people' habits I slowly lost bodyfat without counting. And because they're habits I will maintain my weight too.
Most of the time I eat two meals a day and do 16/8 with a black coffee for breakfast. I focus on hitting my protein and try to skimp on the carbs on non lifitng days. Try to hit my vitamins with organ meats and don't drink my calories 95% of the time.

Intermittent fasting, maddafakkaaaa

both of my younger brothers are skinny
the older one just goes "lmbo I just don't feel like eating during day, sometimes I just skip the lunch because whatever, usually I just eat some nutrient bar or something to get nutrients"
the younger one eats like a fucking bird, says that he simply doesn't have room in stomach for more
I got to 130kg by "eating intuitively"

most normies are retarded mongrels and dont even consider what they are eating and only eat based off what they want or what they think is tradition/aceptable. Like my rents will think theres somethign wrong with me because I eat meat for breakfast.
I see what people buy and 90% of it is carbs they use to "feel good"
No wonder these countries are filled with incompetent braindead retards who trust the zionists, vaccinate their kids, and believe everything on the news.
The NPC meme is real and it begins with food and nutrition. When you have people who cant be responsible about what they put in their bodies and excercise some discipline will you trust them to excercise proper discernment or action in other areas of their lives?

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You don't need to count calories to learn how much is too much to eat in a day. I know you like to separate yourself from "normies" because you have an inferiority complex but people aren't as fucking stupid as you think.

Yas Forumsgo back

Bro how's the war in Syria going

They don't eat enough calories. Most of the people around me are full after one kebab or a couscous salad, just that and call it a lunch. Breakfast for them is a fucking pretzel or croissant and a latte. No wonder they stay skinnyfat

You sound absolutely retarded

No. Normies are obese. The ones that aren't just dont eat a lot and do lots of cardio


fast metabolism but doesnt mean they are fitter. I way more than my ex roommate but could beat him in a foot race because his cardio is trash and lungs are fucked up from smoking weed all day.

depression, it's easy to just not eat.

>skinny people just tend to eat less
Not at all.

>When I was a skeleton I would eat maybe one slice of pizza and 4 cups of soda a day
Must be hard being an orphan.

To OP: Most skinny people don't do anything for it. They are naturally skinny, no matter how much they eat or move.

t. was like that before hypothyroidism

>brb 8000 calories a day
>brb 300 calories a day
>weight not changing either way

>No. Normies are obese.
In America maybe. Nobody cares about America.

Just do some more crazy diet shit, I'm sure it will help lmao.