Does having diarrhea mean that I am losing the nutritional value of the food I’m eating?
I’m not having uncontrollable shits or anything, but often my first poop of the day is watery. I drink 2cups of whole milk before bed for the casein, but are the shits a sign I’m intolerant, or is that just how one shits when drinking milk and eating a lot?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do any of you combine a preworkout supplement and banana?

If so, do you first take the preworkout and then eat the banana? or the other way around

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I bought myself a Roman chair for my homegym.

Can this effectively build hamstring and lower back strength?

I have a knee injury that prevent me from deadlifting and doing Romanian deadlift and want to find an exercise to work around it. I still manage to squat.

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I have a home gym with squat rack, bench and ez bar. I have yet to figure out a way to do weighted ab exercises for progressive overload. If I were to get one more piece of equipment, what should it be?

>I have bought X
>can it do Y?
consoomers I swear

am I norwooding? It isn't in my genetics but I kinda worry about it. Also what's the secret to preventing baldness, I always ignored reading the advice here and I feel dumb about it.

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Weighted planks user

another angle

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Hanging knee/leg raises.

I don't have a partner to place weight on my back

I'm too tall to do these in my house.

pic related is what I'm looking for. Found it for $130, any other suggestions?

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Hard to say at this early of a stage. Your hairline reshaping from a perfect straight line into a slight V is just a side effect of reaching adulthood for most people. You could be in the first stages of balding, you could just be done with puberty. No point in worrying about it yet unless it keeps significantly receding.

If it keeps up, then your options to prevent further balding are minoxidil (which you smear on your scalp twice a day) and finasteride (the pill). Literally every single one of the other 5000 hair loss "treatments" people waste their money on is complete snake oil that does jack shit.

> I don't have a partner to place weight on my back

Put the weight in a backpack.
Hold the weight on your lower back and go from a kneeling, to hands and knees, to full plank position and then hold it.

No partner, no equipment necessary

I've had a slight V for a few years now and it occured to me I might be balding, though now that you say it I was probably just maturing since I don't think it really change. Also looking at my father I see his grooves are kinda deep but he isn't bald, so I probably have nothing to worry about. Thanks for the help.

Thanks user

I have to get up for the gym at 6 am tomorrow. How do I ensure that I get enough sleep and actually get out of bed when my alarm goes off

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Is madcow intermediate gonna turn me into an assmonster with all those squats?

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How long to go from 20% BF -> 10%?

I've started working out again after having not worked out in ~10 months to a year. Being that I got fatter than I like I figured I would get back into lifting and eating better. I've been eating at a deficit for a little over 2 weeks and I've seen some progress in terms of just weight loss. Should I continue eating at a deficit and lifting as much as I can or should I be more concerned with trying to build muscle right now and worry about cutting later?

Will i die if I eat one of these everyday?

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>had spaghetti and a pbj less than an hour before going to bed
>next morning have constant stomach pain for 3 days, no diarrhea or nausea
It's day 4 and the pain has dulled a bit. I know eating right before bed is bad for digestion but what exactly did that food do to my digestive system?

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Hey bros this girl I like a lot likes badboys. How can I be a badboy? I already lift, I'm getting bigger and i already physically look intimidating but I'm beta as fuck. Not a virgin but I'm awkward a little.

What do I do bros?

Guy that posts the tiger threads here. Can a janny answer? I got b&nd cos of my last one, can I keep posting them or is that it for them

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Rows in olimpic rings
Start palms facing each other
Transition to end palms inwards.

Is this fine? Will it help my pull ups if I transition to palms outwards instead?

How can I cut myself and still go the gym? My life's going down the path where cutting myself might be beneficial, but I don't want to lose gains doing slit wrist squats.

when you change yourself for a girl you lose

there are many forms of diarrhea, there's secretory cause your body's just pumping too many minerals into your poop (like e-coli and shit will cause this, best way to test is, stop drinking water and eating for 5/6 hours and if you're still pooping, this is your issue). Learn how to make a isotonic mixture of minerals your body needs and keep drinking that every few hours and wait for the bacteria to go away.

If this isn't you then it could be malabsorption of certain foods, could indicate an intolerance to something or a much more serious problem

there's a few more types of diarriah but like just hit up your local doctor they know a lot!

You can't, cutting yourself lets blood out and your muscles need blood to provide oxygen and nutrients to them, if you cut yourself youre just shooting yourself in the foot and ngmi, dont be stupid eat your oats and do your squats

>do your squats
I can't commit to full depth. On my last one rep max I felt like I was going to drop the bar out of my hands. I wasn't even doing 2pl8! I thought that my form wasn't shit but, IIRC, dropping the bar is unhead of in a fucking sqaut.

I have tendonitis or something in my left armpit, think it's related to my pec minor or lat

is there anything I can do besides not using it?
I was doing pullups and trying to pull more with that side since it feels a little weaker, I somehow overextended it I think
I'm able to pull back harder now though, to where my shoulder blades really squeeze together now

I'm living veggie for the time between Mardi Gras and Easter, but I feel like it's reducing my strength and endurance
just a feeling, or do I need meat again?

Anyone any links to a decent kettlebell workout?

I remember seeing somewhere on here saying that for leg day you focus on quads or hamstrings only and not to do both on the same day. Is that true?

>oats give me terrible mucus
>no other fiber source as good
what do? chia seeds? how to eat them?

the pain is coming back does anyone know what's going on?

I lose either way


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How good of an exercise are skullcrushers for Triceps?

I live in the middle of nowhere and all I have is my power-rack, an adjustable bench and an olympic bar with 350LBS of weights.

My idea is getting an EZ curl bar so I can do a bit of isolation on tris and bis and I can use my existing weights without getting any other equipment. I already do enough compound stuff. Barbell crushers and curls are out of the question for my wrists.

anyone have an opinion on strength standards before even considering cutting? 1/2/3/4 or you think it's too high? I know there is no set rule and you can do whatever you want with your body just curious on some people's thoughts.

I just smashed my last 4 eggs that I was supposed to eat tomorrow on the floor, any good breakfast alternatives to that?

>deadlift stalling at 220lbs
>all my other lifts are shitty too
never ever ever going to make it

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You're probably lactose intolerant to some degree.

What are the most popular dating apps now? Tinder, bumble, what else

I'm struggling to get enough fat and carbs. I weigh 150 lbs but end up with 220+ grams of protein a day. I love chicken. What do?

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Does anyone have a good INTERMEDIATE POWERLIFTING PROGRAM that fits this format

-Rest rest of the week

Basically a 3x day a week program for intermediate powerlifting that doesn't start with leg day.

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Eat more rice

How the fuck do we know whats in your kitchen

I don't have room for a barbell / rack. Can I do my shit with dumbells?

Look up pavel's stuff

Better than nothing nigga. Look into kettlebells also if you want some variety

If you have a good pair of dumbbells with adjustable weight and a pull up bar you can put up in a doorway, you can literally work every part of your body. In fact dumbbells are superior to barbells in every way.

Nice, I got both of those as well as a ez bar.

I'll check it out.

is meditation just drugs without the drugs?

Get organic PB, no vegetable oils and preservatives. Don't eat too much, omega 6 is not good in large doses

What's with groin pain when doing pistol squats?

Why do football players always skip the eccentric on deadlifts?


You're constipated dipshit. It's giving you cramps. Go drink some strong coffee, smoke a cigarette and drink water. Then go poo on loo

Probably the same reason they half squat a lot of the time. They are taught to lift in a way that is complementary to movements in their sport. They are also ego lifters often.

Good protein options for a temporary poor fucker? I need to live the next two weeks on 20-30$ and about to go to the store. I'm thinking eggs mainly, some brown rice, canned veggies, and then some real protein but idk what'll give me the most bang for my buck?

When transitioning from SS to PHUL

do I just take my last SS weights for the powerdays in PHUL or should I take some of the weight of?

How should I calculate the weight for the hypertrophy days?

Or rather what are some other good 4day routines?

My workouts for the next half year will TUE/WED FRI/SAT

Has anyone had success with lean bulking gaining half a pound a week? This shit seems almost impossible. It's more mentally tough than anything, because I'm starving.

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Can somebody redpill me on Ashwagandha? Any of you noticed some effect? Whats a good Brand you can buy on Amazon?

Doing C25K and SS, and only now do I realize that I should be taking days between SS. I have 4 days to lift and want to run 4 days, so I guess I can do ABxAxxx on SS, but what can I do on that middle x? I have the app and I'm reading through it but I know some user can throw me a meme routine for that x.

>refresh page
>no new posts
>refresh page
>no new posts
>refresh page
>1 thread bumped
>click thread
>It's a wojak
>refresh page
>no new posts
I have three boards open
I did this all day
How do I escape this abyss

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>only recently started exercising
>getting winded, unsure if I can finish my reps
>start fantasizing about girl from work
>get a second wind, revitalized, exceed my goal and do a few extra reps just because
Is this proper form?

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Anyone else experience really bad hyponatremia from taking creatine? Stopped taking this stuff a few days ago because of this and peeing dozens of times every day. It seems I'm having a really unusually bad experience with creatine. Can't wait till this shit gets out of me.

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All I have right now is two 25lbs dumbbells and a pull-up bar. I can’t access a gym, but I don’t really mind. My main goal isn’t actually to get swol or anything, I just wanna be more fit and slim. I’m already running about 3-4 times weekly (using c25k, im on like week 4 i think) and I walk like 6 miles every day except saturday and sunday. I eat fine, usually between 40-140g of protein daily and usually 1200-2300 calories depending on how hungry I am. 5’10”, 140lbs and decently slim but have more weight from fat than I’d care to. What kind of exercises should I be doing the most?? Or like how could I form a good workout plan with what I have??

Currently cutting at 1500kcal, I’ve stuck to it for nearly a year now, bar the odd week off for vacation and holidays were I let loose. Anyway I’ve lost over 50lb and gained some muscle. I’m literally about 5lb from my goal weight, but I’m scared to up my calories as my recent weight loss has been ultra slow. My tdee is approx 2000 calories (being cautious)

I want to gain more muscle but don’t want to get fat

is there an easy diy to make that sort of bench?

im bulking right now and im about to finish my protein and im a broke college student and i dont know when ill be able to buy another 5lbs. How bad will it affect my gains? i fulfill my macros with foods like oats, milk, rice,turkey/fish/meat. but the whey helps me reach my 200g protein goal for the day and without it, I finish at about 150g

I think I have a stress fracture in my foot. I'm getting it checked out soon, but can I lift while having one?

My friend is now having a baby and I'm still an incel who only has the gym and an average uni stay
Wtf do I do with my lifeb

Any tips on making the soles of my chucks grippier? My gym's kinda shitty, there's no rubber under the rack, just a slippery floor and it fucking sucks.

I'm a skinny guy with still some fat on his belly (so no abs showing) and I wanna get bigger but obviously also lose the fat.
I guess I should train my core, but how should I eat? I calculated my TDEE and I try to eat on a surplus with moderate carbs, but will this help me lose the fat? I doubt it. Do I have to eat less fats than recommended?

That’s not how carbs and fats work (ex: eating fat won’t necessarily make you more fat). If you eat a CALORIE deficit, the fat will go away.
However, it sounds like to me like you’re at optimal stage where you can bulk for a few months and then cut down for the summer. Get some gains on your bulk, and then the gains will make your cut easier and more worthwhile.

Thanks for the response. The website where I calculated my TDEE gave me the option between low, moderate and high carbs, which should I choose to eat?

What's the proper way to measure your shoulders?
Sometimes it's 22 inches and sometimes it's 24inches.

how much muscle growth should I expect from starting strength assuming Ive never went to the gym before?
t. skinnyfat

Rows in olimpic rings
Start palms facing each other
Transition to end palms inwards.

Is this fine? Will it help my pull ups if I transition to palms outwards instead?

That’s up to you. Think of carb/fat balance as a way of reaching your calorie goal, the exact mix of % of fats/carbs isn’t as important as the end result of having consumed the right amount of calories.

Chalk? Lol

Only if you fantasized holding hands and settling down with her, and then eventually acting on that fantasy

1/2/3/4 is a strength standard that is very dependent on bodyweight (a whole easier to get while 300lbs vs 150lbs), so it’s hard to tell.

So why are proteins so important then? Should I even try to maximize those?

Hit your protein goal, and then mix fat/carbs to hit the rest of the calories needed.

guys how do i do this

this is hard

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Add cream cheese to your dishes. Alternatively, try a butter chicken recipe.

Based. You seem to know what you're doing without us

nah she probably messaged me because i used brock lesnar as my pic


The response is top tier. But you shouldn't pursue a woman who can't identify Brock anyway

what do you mean you seem to have this under control

Is this achievable natty?

Also, is muscle shape defined purely by genetics (insertions) or does the way you work it influence the way it looks? If it is that last way, then are bodybuilder routines the way to to? I wanna build a more aesthetic chest not just a fuller one and I always did only barbell compounds mainly

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Want to attend an oly comp, just to watch.
Don't know league names or anything to even look them up
Wyd how did Romans sit in that shit? I can't believe they ever conquered Gaul if they were that dumb.

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I don't train for any specific purpose other than to lift more weight. I can pull more with sumo and it's a much more comfortable way to lift for me. Should I do it and just do Romanian deadlift to keep my lower back strong?

wasn't planning on pursuing them lol, just killing some time

I could get nails that long if I never had to type on anything.

started lifting 6 months ago and ate at a huge surplus the whole time. I’m much stronger but I’m still a skinny dyel. on top of that I gained 20 lbs but I’m only 160. not fat at all but I’m really, really soft. I have a slight gut. should I cut or suck it up and keep bulking?

Have this friend showing me around the gym who likes to talk a lot but isn't particularly helpful. During bench press he told me that bench should work "just the chest" which sounded retarded to me because it's my understanding that a compound movement implies that it uses multiple muscles. Is he full of shit?

Totally fine, it'll help you either way.

I was watching some porn and after cooming i started mirin' the dude. Am i turning gay?

Is hair loss normal when you're losing weight?

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bada bing bada bump


Yes , you could be partially intolerant visit a doctor or try deslacotse milk

if you are happy with whats happening keep doing what your doing. If you just lower the amount of surplus, you should be able to keep making gains without gaining a lot more fat,

Bumping again for this one.

The past week i've barely been eating, sleeping twice as much and basically falling into depression I think
Struggling to force myself to eat (eating roughly 1800 cals instead of 2700) and now i'm scared i'm going to lose all my strength and gains, especially when I cut later on to lose some fat (but I already look skinny)
What do I do? I also keep having intense night terrors

best vitamin C supplement?

I work as a teacher and middle school kids are fucking disgusting, last thing I need is to catch something.

Sumo you can always pull more. Do both. I started to plateau on diddly until I sumo'd, then after about a month of sumo I started to progress.


>The past week i've barely been eating, sleeping twice as much and basically falling into depression I think
Lift more. Sleep right. Wake up before 8 AM every day. Get in bed before midnight every night.

>Struggling to force myself to eat (eating roughly 1800 cals instead of 2700) and now i'm scared i'm going to lose all my strength and gains, especially when I cut later on to lose some fat (but I already look skinny)
It takes about a month to start LOSING strength and muscle. If you have any off days right now its because you don't have enough calories/sleep. You will not lost all your strength and gains over a few days. It takes a few weeks.

>What do I do? I also keep having intense night terrors
Night terrors always happen when I'm sleeping on my back. I recommend turning your phone off 1 hour before bed and just reading a book. After 1 hour you'll be calmed and exhausted and ready to pass out.

of course

Thinking about switching to sumo and adding Romanian into my program now. My glutes, hams, and lower back are my weak points currently. Think that'll help? I'm doing squats ass to grass currently so I was surprised my DL max was so low (355 lbs)

Towards the top of the ROM its your triceps doing the pushing, and depending on you grip you may feel it in your shoulders. As you progress you might find it worthwhile to learn body/leg drive.

355 is respectable. It's just ego now. Do some squats and presses. Romanians too. If you want to do sumo then do them, user. But I recommend you don't replace traditional with sumo.

Well it's just a strange number because my squat max was 365.

are slampigs worth it, kings? I'm so fucking horny and lonely and sad

Been doing push ups with my fingers lately. Progress is really fast but my fingers hurt like fuck and I'm wondering if it might do more harm than good. It's not like I'm building finger muscles.
My question is am I making my fingers tougher or just fucking them up?

Yes they great

Probably fucking them up because your fingers are just bones and tendons. There's safer ways to strengthen them if that's what you want.

Recommend Athlean X vids. Saw a video of him recommending Roman Chair, but it was slightly varied (for exactly what you're asking). He's also rec'd it for some back exercises.

Meal replacement shake-fag here, is it advisable to also add a protein shake in per day?
Worked it out at 120 grams of protein in 1400 calories but I want to bump it up to 140 for my swimming cut. Also the bag my expensive whey isolate came in broke so I might as well eat it up.

How long have you been training on an injured tendon?

If you stop as soon as it starts to hurt, wait 3-7 days and then start with eccentric movements (less weight, slowly lowering) you'll be fine in a month.
Keep in mind that pain doesn't set in until you've actually damaged the tendon.

>t. some faggot who dicked around and now has to wait 3 months benching .5 pl8

Honestly not very, you'll get more out of weighted dips.

Start eating more protein, getting more sleep, drinking more water, up your sets to 5x5
we're all gonna make it.

put that chicken on some rice

They train to play football, not to deadlift. The same reason calisthenics fags rotate their shoulders before lifting weights.

Get some green tea into you user, 4-6 cups a day.

Don't turn your obesity eating disorder into a different kind of eating disorder, you're gonna gain weight, you're gonna lose weight again, don't hate yourself or feel disgust at your body.

Volunteer for medical research to buy protein

Get in shape, impreg a cardio bunny

go barefoot

You'll get thicker but you won't get a lot of definition. Also your ass and lower back will gain a lot more than your upper body but it's necessary because otherwise you'll look ridiculous when you finally grow upper body.

An orange a day, vitamin C doesn't really stay stable outside of the fruit or source.

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I interview for a supervisor position within my company on the 11th (doubt I get it but maybe, I could get in over my head though which is my real fear)
Another job posting for a different company closes on the 9th and they want references and I like the sound of this job a lot

How can I actually get references for job two when
1. My coworkers who I would ask references from may possibly potentially be my employees on the 12/13
2. My current superior who would normally give me a glowing reference is actually one of a board member panel who interviews me on the 11th for the internal promotion

pls help

And no I can’t ask any old employers because I haven’t been there in like 5+ years and that was “assistant manager at Dominos” and shit

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>Volunteer for medical research to buy protein

google medical research in your state, there's usually a company doing drug or vaccine trials.

alright i'll try and get back into the swing of things by manning up
I think the weather randomly dropping 10 degrees (normally january and febuary are really cold here in L O N D O N but for some reason it's been really warm until last week) and my sleep schedule being fucked up is what's getting me down, guess I just need to stop being a bitch and try to reach my goals (80kg bench for 5, currently at 1 x 4 2 x 3 and 120kg deadlift for 5, currently at 3)

I feel gassy, should I exercise?

why can't you use the internal references for an internal promotion?

Like what?

It’s internal references for an external position while currently applying and Interviewing for an internal position

How easily can you hurt your knees from doing squats? I tried them for the first time two days ago, and my knees started to really hurt today.

I was only squatting 40kg =(

Help me make this better please, anons
Also correct anything that’s just straight up wrong. And to add more context, all I have is a couple 25lbs dumbbells and a pull-up bar.

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It's difficult if you use proper form, try watching some videos on squatting.

Also it's possible you already have a knee injury and it's been exasperated or you're experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness, you're muscles will hurt for a few days after you train them initially.

Add some cycling, if you're not a jogger/ runner do something that is easier on your knees.

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ah I walk like 6 miles everyday except saturday and sunday because of school, so I think I’ll be fine on that front

First off, that's a sick picture!

Secondly, I've watched a few Omar Isuf, Mark Rippetoe, and Alan Thrall videos on low-bar squats but I still feel like I am lacking the mobility to get to parallel without my knees tracking forward over my toes. Is it acceptable to have a wider stance when squatting?

Yeahhh, my knees are pretty shit but I have never had this kinda pain in them before. Can DOMs really affect the knees?

this is the gayest post I have ever read on here

Really? You must be new here then, friend ;).

second gayest thing I have ever read here

Im planning on supplementing creatine, fish oil, vit d3, vinc and magnesium. I know how to use creatine and gonna follow the dose on bottle for fish oil. Can anyone shed some light on proper doses for the rest? Finding conflicting doses online.

That's kinda hot. Maybe I should give you a back massage whilst standing in front of you and looking deep into your eyes.

I already answered you in the other thread, you bitch. It's probably DOMS.

Just ask for the references for the outside company. You don't owe your current company and coworkers any loyalty. They'll understand hedging your bets.

Can you really get DOMs in your knees...?

If I can't go to the gym and miss a day in my routine, is it better to
>use the day as a rest day and complete the full workout tomorrow
>do a "lite" home workout that targets the same muscle groups but relies on making the most out of light dumbbells and calisthenics

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Can I work abs on rest days if my workout days mainly consist of heavy compounds? Or will it detract from my workout days?

how bad is it to not sleep the same day you work out

It can, if you've got muscles they can be sore. Although you should try to describe the pain as best you can and get off of your legs. Rest, ice, elevation if it feels painful.

Yes you can.

it's not great, you heal more during your sleep so you're missing out on gains.

any of you ever tried making a protein shake with chocolate milk instead of regular milk, good or bad idea

How should my diet be if I’m kinda skinnyfat and trying to build some muscle? I try to eat a lot of lean protein, but dunno if I should eat on a deficit or the opposite

I was deadlifting and I felt a sudden explosive cold chill in my stomach. Immediately dropped the weights and quit working out. What was it? Happened over a year ago, I dont think its a hernia. I want to get back into exercise.

Should I be feeling squats in my lower back and posterior pelvis? There's no pain, but I feel pressure especially when increasing weights for the first time.

Read sticky and post body

150g is enough anyway

Been doing squats for 2 months and they don't seem to be doing shit for my core. Should I add something else to target them, and if so what? Or could my form just be shit?

What's an ideal incline for the treadmill when walking?

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I went on a series of dates with a girl nearly five years ago, she moved states, I never managed to fuck her, and we lost contact.

Recently she hit me up on Facebook, asking what I have been up to, and asking about a brownies recipe that we used to make brownies once.

Since then I've escalated the texts a bit and made them a bit raunchier. She's not reciprocated in terms of adding anything but tonight we were texting and the topic of slipping onto a dick came up. I said,

Me: "Also, haha, I thought of a way that I could slip into you . Imagine we're making out, having a great time, and then you're laying on your back, naked of course, and you proceed to wrap your legs around my waist. If you were to pull me in for a kiss from that position, I reckon you could get away with saying that I tripped and fell into you."

Her: "ahahahahahhaaha. True"

Would it be fine to respond with this?

Me: Alternatively, I could always just pick you up from a sitting position whilst we're wrestling and making out in bed, and "accidentally" drop you onto it.

Just kill yourself faggot.

Wait... Have you never fucked a woman before?

Did you copy/paste this from reddit or are you actually serious.

I've been running SL for 4 months, want to do bodybuilding program next.
Can you recommend me beginner program that focuses on compounds, rep range of 8-12 and has less squatz than SL.
Thank you.

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Has anyone ever hurt their upper spine doing overhead press? Friend of mine got me heated because he was being a retard and I gave uncontrolled effort trying to rep out and and now it feels like my upper spine got crunched down a little. It's stiff as fuck and kind of hurts depending on what I do. Any tips?

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Reddit but also curious lol. I wanna send Yas Forums answers.

I concur with

What's better to include in my workout plan for abs: Crunches or planks?

do both
abs seem to benefit from higher volume

On leg days, I just do 3x5 squat, 3x8 leg press, 3x8-12 calf raises and maybe some cardio. Any suggestions on what else to include in my workouts?

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Concur is a big word. Did your daddy teach you that as he fucked your sweet lil boi puss?

We have some kind of machine at the gym where we hold two handles like it's a backpack and then pull it by using our abs. Is this any good?

You type like a literal nigger so have fun with that.

Is there a good hyperthrophy 4x a week program like push/pull with legs incorporated on both days? 3x a week is getting stale for me.

Mate, why are you self-hating? We both know you're just a lowly pajeet untouchable who wishes they were anything but.

they work, but as you start applying weight your body'll try to employ other muscles to help you shift the weight, likely the hip flexors
i'd recommend working up from easier exercises like planks for time and crunches to stuff like hanging leg/knee raises and dragon flags/partials
most of all focus on getting a good contraction in the abs- like try pulling your elbows and toes together in your planks

Thank you very much for your help and time!

This was posted in a previous thread. Is it really possible to do all in a single day for the advanced steps? I do 3 sets of close grips push ups and I'm done with arms for the day, let alone doing handstand pushups (which I could if rested).

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I just started lifting and I'm doing this program on a wikia about SS. It gives two starting workouts:
Workout A
>3x5 Squat
>3x5 Press
>1x5 Deadlift
Workout B
>3x5 Squat
>3x5 Bench Press
>1x5 Deadlift
What's the difference between press and bench press as such? Is it a typo? Do they mean overhead press?

>close grip pull-ups

Does it make sense to drink protein shakes daily if you can't reach your protein goal?

The Press™ = Overhead Press

How long should I rest between sets? I used to think it was sub 2 min for hypertrophy and 2-5 min for strength, but according to this
review of 74 studies it literally doesn't matter. Does this mean I can rest as long as 10 minutes if I so desire? (I know it's not practical, but still)

Cheers, thanks. Guess I started with B, I'll just do A tomorrow.

Do you think lifting would have led him down a different path?

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None gives a fuck of who you are and none recognizes you from your shitty threads
>Taking tranny janny seriously
Go back to Gaia

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help pls

Hey brehs,
Lately I noticed that I push way more with my right leg during squats. It went unnoticed until very recently. I am still at manlet weight (92.5 for 5x5), but my form really started to go to shit above 90 kgs because of this imbalance.

I want to deload to repractice pushing more evenly. Do you have any other advices that could help getting back in progression?


Yesterday was chest day and I hit it hard with more weight. I only slept 3 hours last night. Today is abs day.

Should I just go to sleep tonight or should I do abs as planned and just go to sleep?

How long should your loading phase be on SARMs? I'm doing 170mg of LGD and RAD daily for two weeks but am having a lot of liver pain

Will I have abs if I get lean enough even as a beginner?

I'm about 16% bf now, 5'10" 143lb. I bench 145x5 and press 90x5. Do I have the minimum amount of strength to become a slightly muscular skelly with abs for summer?

If so I'm thinking of losing 0.5lb/week while lifting heavy until I hit 10%bf at probably like 135lb

can i get rec similar videos for zyzz original video workout+music+bit of trollin brah


Have you worked out at all since? Was the initial sensation painful and has it persisted at all? Do you notice an a usual bulge in your abdomen or pelvic area?

I recently got a job offer as a package handlet at a fedex warehouse; only issue is the hours. I'd be starting at like 4am every morning. Usually my sleep schedule is something like 11-7 12-8. What would be the best way to adjust to it? Could I sleep 4 hours or so then sleep another 3 or 4 when I get off? Or is my only option going to bed at 8?

okay why the fuck when I'm fapping I care about ass but when I actually have sex, tits make my dick rock solid?

Your brains a nigger but your heart and dick are white

Bad idea. Your options would ideally be to sleep at 8pm or maybe even go to bed right after you finish work if you don't mind keeping odd hours.

Help please guys it really hurts but I want my gains

If I just started going to the gym a couple of months ago and I'm a small guy, will I have time to bulk up and still cut afterwards for the summer to get abs?

Yeah man, visible abs are basically all about bf%. I had visible abs when I was anorexic just because I barely ate and worked out a bit. Obviously eat a healthy amount, but if you stick to mostly protein, eat at a deficit, and do some cardio alongside your weight training you’ll have abs in no time. Also since you’ll actually be healthy, they’ll be somewhat impressive and only get better and better. Good luck user!

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The an undercut still an acceptable haircut?

I'm not OP, but still a question: I think I always ate at a deficit for most of my life yet I never had a six pack. Why is that? I didn't work out but I still think I ate less calories than what my maintenance would be.

I've been suffering slight but ceaseless jaw pain around the joints. I've had braces some years ago and a slight overbite. Will I have to live with this shit? It's been almost a year since symptoms first started to appear. Also jutting my jaw to imitate an edge-to-edge bite stops any discomfort instantly. I'm guessing it's ogre.

How to tell if Klinefelters

anyone ever tried this routine?


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I started lifting this week, I am following Stronglifts 5x5. So on monday I did the exercise (squats, bench press, barbell row) mentioned there and now my muscles are sore that I can't even walk properly, I had to skip today

my question is should I reduce the weight or keep lifting same weight

I started with 20 kg for squats and bench press 30 kg for barbell row
my weight - 65kg, height 175cm

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it would be extremely painful

how do i into protein shakes? do i drink them all day? or before/after workouts?

Why does protein powder taste so bad? What do you guys do to make it more bearable?

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If you can do it, dont reduce the weight. Your body will get used to having to work so hard and the pain will grow lesser as you continue. You need to take rest and recovery time anyway so its fine to take a day off. Come up with a regular schedule, be it full body, or a split. Youll feel like a demigod in no time

I'm doing a routine that is like this:
>Underhand/Overhand Rows
>Lateral Raises
>Back/Front Squats
>Incline/Flat Bench Press
>Overhead/Z Press
>Tricep Kickbacks/Skull crushers
>Weighted Hip Bridges
>I can't rest on weekdays
Days before somebody told me I was overtraining and drop some excercises, but honestly I feel so motivated with this routine and end happy at the end of the day, should I change it or keep doing this until I stop feeling the motivation?

If you feel happy at the end of the day, and you can feel the burn, stick with it. If one day you think its inadequate, do variations as you see fit. It would be wise to shift it around if you could to ensure theres at least one recovery day between the alternating routine, but if thats not possible, still stick with it. As long as you pace yourself, your body will adapt and stay healthy

Starting Strength or 531?

Whats the state of your wisdom teeth/tonsils?

if meditation leads to altered states of mind, why hasn't the US government made it illegal yet?

Neither but between the two SS

Thanks, fampai

The government sends ELF waves through cell phone towers and power poles to depress the mood or people. No one is capable of truly reaching an altered state via meditation due to the electronic/soul warfare being washed against us by the satanist cabal in power



SS has too low of volume and doesn't hit deadlift hard enough. 3 days is shit, you should be doing 5 days, hit some muscles multiple times a week

I've been looking around this week and the best gyms I've found had exactly one smith machine, one squat rack and zero power rack.
I'm halfway through SS book and already can tell this is a bad sign.
What other things should I pay attention to while searching for a gym?

>What other things should I pay attention to while searching for a gym?
Make sure you ask if the gym is segregated and if not ask if they have a count of their black members. I do a home gym because I wouldn't tolerate a single one but a ratio of 1:100 is probably fine for a non-race realist

Please critique my routine Anons. Was on basic Greyskull for a couple of weeks but it felt like too little volume after a while. Added some stuff and looking for advice (should i switch to 4 times a week?):


Bench Press - 2x5, 1x5+
Barbell Row - 2x5, 1x5+
Squats - 2x5, 1x5+
Side lateral raise - 3x12
(Weighted) Dips - 3x10

Overhead Press - 2x5, 1x5+
Chinups - 2x8, 1x8+
Deadlift - 1x5, 1x5+
Incline Bench Press - 2x10, 1x10+
Curls - 3x12


Thanks in advance senpais

That's a given.

Your volume is garbage do a minimum of five sets for every workout user

deload, start programming in unilateral work like split squats and lunges to strengthen your weaker side, progress up on them like you would your main lifts

Not that user but this is false bruh

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Yeah your chart doesn't say shit about reps you dumb retard, fuck out of here with that gay shit and your queer ass faggot

use milk, not water

Wait so.. everything? Even deadlifts?


what are your stats
how much do you lift

>natty lifters
>6 day routine

I started lifting about two months ago, doing Stronglifts and I have some questions.
I'm currently at 35 kg OHP, 55 kg Bench, 80 kg Squats and 50 kg Barbell Row all 5x5 and Deadlift 85 kg 1x5 at 70 kg bodyweight. Is this progress alright so far?
Also when I bench after squats I feel that it's difficult to spread my legs properly because the insides of my thighs (hip flexors?) start cramping. Is this normal or is it a sign that I'm squatting incorrectly?
Also is it normal that I feel deadlifts mostly in my upper to mid back or is that a sign of poor bar path?


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I'm a beginner - 177 cm, 63 kg (I started at 59 don't judge) so I'm still putting extra weight on the bar every workout but:

Bench: 51kg
Row: 49kg
Squat: 68kg
DL: 70kg

for 3x5 rep range. Don't know 1RM.

yes it's good progress. ignore anyone that tries to troll you and say otherwise
no idea, never heard of that issue
you are going to feel it in your back but if it's mostly feeling like a back workout then you may be doing it wrong. record your deadlifts and check, be honest with yourself. the bar should be rising from the power of your legs, not your back

>"leg" day
LMAO ngmi

looks like a fine routine. if you want more volume you can maybe try
>4x5 1+x5
but as soon as you stall/fail the 4th or 5th set drop it back to 3x5 and keep progressing. don't get stuck spinning your wheels on 5x5 bullshit


How important are rest days?

Depends, how low does your pussy sag?

user pls
I did a full body workout yesterday and want to know if it'd be a good idea to do one again today or just rest

I already said yes you homo, can you not read?

You still need at least a bit of size on your abs to see them in addition to a low BF%. A minimal amount of core work and the usual compound lifts is usually enough.

Is this /our song/?

Ab wheel Ross Enamait is good inspo for this.

How long does it take doing an routines 3X a week to see abs at 15% body fat?

*ab routine

Karen Smith SFG on Yt or Srrongfirst dot com

Just buy some food grade cellulose lmoa

Is doing the same lifts twice in a week okay with adequate rest?


Will anyone please post that picture with the quote "wanting it to be easy"? I could really use it.

NO WAY!!!!!!!!! stick to brosplits. the human body is only conditioned to intensively use a muscle one a week at maximum

well using all the detail you have provided, that routine, your current athleticism, work rate, planned reps and sets,,,,, i would say 2 weeks max


I got you bruh Ayo brrrrpttt bruh bruh

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Coffee and multiple bananas. The order doesn't really matter, as long as it kicks in during the workout.

nice trips
use your brain dude

anyone else here having elbow pain after bench presses? Same thing applies to OHP.

Does anyone have a good PPL split that used mostly dumbbells? The bar bench and racks always have a line up for them.

>5'10" 135lbs
Nice job supporting an eating disorder you fucking idiot.

while i was training my lower back i suddenly had a electric, tingling feeling in my face for a minute. what was that?

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I'm curious about this as well. I usually make shakes after a workout but thats mainly because I dont like eating beforehand. Especially if I do ab stuff. My bud drinks a huge one throughout the day tho, and I don't know which is better

>are corn tortillas bad for you if they are within your calories and etc?

>how much fat should I be taking in a day at about 150lb/5'10"?

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Im a begginner, taking a week off lifting due to an (unrelated) injury. Do i keep bulking or do i cut?

Do neutral grip pull ups work the lateral deltoid?

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i'm lifting and my lifts are getting bigger but i still look like a fat fuck with belly fat, what do i do
my weight has remained a constant 86-89kg

eat at maintenance. don't cut or could lose strength, don't bulk because it will just get you fat

Can't convert fat into muscle. Drop your calories.

if i don't eat big though i will plateau quickly, right?

post lifts

57.5kg/125lbs squat
40kg/88lbs bench press
27.5kg/60lbs overhead press
60kg/132lbs deadlift

1.78m/ 5'10 height

If you eat big you gain fat as well as muscle if your training and macros are also on point. If you eat small you work to maintain your muscle while losing fat. You have to choose one or the other for the most part. Yes, I know recomp exists, but yeah go on a cut if you feel you have too much fat.

Those are like... month 1/2 numbers user. You're not going to be plateauing any time soon.