There's a gun pointed at your head. You're presented a choice to fuck either Abby or Leon. You HAVE to pick one

There's a gun pointed at your head. You're presented a choice to fuck either Abby or Leon. You HAVE to pick one.

Who do you choose?

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why sony exclusives are so blurry

Obviously Leon, I'm not gay, unlike you and your shitty thread, OP.

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Neither they both hang about with flu carriers.

Abby of course
In the gay-o-metter fucking a manly woman is still less gay than fucking a guy

69 Leon

Somehow fucking Leon would be less gay than dicking that thing.

The brown woman.

>In the gay-o-metter fucking a manly woman is still less gay than fucking a guy
I don't know about that user, this is some grey area.

I go for the gun, it's the best option available

I'd let Leon fuck me


If they want me to fuck a man, I'm not pussyfooting around.

Leon —he's relentlessly handsome

I'd take the bullet desu

The one with the vagina.

One of them can bring a whole generation of superhumans with their DNA. The other lacks Balls of Steels. Yeah I think I'll go with Leon.

Leon if I have his consent.
Otherwise Abby.

Face down ass up, a little crisco on the cheeks... you know Abby's hauling a donker around

I'd take the bullet, because I ain't a homo.

Enjoy the bullet.

Your loss.

Yas Forums is so contrarian they'll fuck a man

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Leon of course but not that modded version. The real life twink model they used to face scan, i'd fuck. Full homo.

>implying you wouldn't

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kek, are you saying youd rape abby?

Not that user, but you can't ask for consent from an animal.

You underestimate how far we would go to own the libs.

Leon are you kidding me? I'd do it for free, especially twink Leon.

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I'd fuck Leon even without a gun pointed at me. Abby isn't even the hot kind of buff chick

leon is cute... CUTE

why does he look better as a video game character? is the model not accurate?

Leon, he's pretty cute

death because I'm not a faggot like you pathetic cocksuckers

I would love to be in a threesome with him and claires model.


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Abby, I don't fuck guys

wait, which one is which again?

Leon because I know he'll reject me for not being asian.

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A man is a man. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degreee is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one man and another… I’d rather not choose at all

The girl because I'm not gay.
ok schizo

Of course it's not accurate retard

Abby but only if it's non-consensual

i would totally fuck leon via mating press and then suck his dick dry until he cums (unless he came already, then well cuddle)

dude that's fucking gay


Abby. Imagine those tight vagina muscles milking your cock. She'd squirm and flex and squeeze your dick as if it were in a vice. Even if you weren't attracted to her, she'd make you cum before you lose your hard on.