The Outer Worlds

Is it really as bad as Yas Forums made it out to be? I just want to play a half decent rpg while I'm stuck at home.

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Half decent is right. It's got a decent foundation but the details fall apart.
>Small variety of weapons that repeat half way through the game with an added "+ 2.0"
>"Unique" weapons dont differ in anything but name and acquisition
>Not much reason to explore off the beaten path
>Characters are decent but if you are sensitive to "sjw" stuff you will be upset
>Gameplay doesn't really change or advance throughout the whole game
>Story is very predictable
>All quests are "go here, kill thing, interact with object, return"
It's not terrible, and I was still motivated to finish it, but don't expect anything groundbreaking.

Play divinity original sin 2

im glad this was an epic exclusive, saved me splurging on it day one on steam.


I can guarantee it’s better than the outer worlds

The dialogue, world, and concept aren’t bad. Everything else is so bland and mediocre it hurts


>The best character can't join your party
I was disappointed.

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If you're expecting something like New Vegas like I did, don't. Everything about the game is boring. You can't even see your own character that you've created

It suffers extremely badly from being front-loaded. Edgewater and its area is an interesting start with a fairly decent moral dilemma and a good insight into the weird culture of this universe, without being just a caricature. Groundbreaker loses out on the explorable stuff, but it's tightly packed and has some decent story stuff. Everything else feels like they ran out of time or funds or whatever. Scylla is a wasted opportunity, Monarch is far too big and demands too much time spent on the meh-at-best combat, Byzantium is alright but it's really on the nose. If every planet was like the first, it'd be a decent, if somewhat short alternative to Fallout. As it is right now though, it's kind of disappointing.

>stuck at home
lmao covidiots

Much better but overshadowed because of nearly identical name

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It is that. But expect nothing beyond that. Its a game. But the thing that really pissed me off is that all of its little funny details such a being able to kill everyone and npc taking notice of choices you make totally stops being a thing really quickly. I've loved Bethesda rpgs since I was a kid and this is absolutely the bare bones generic rpg of all time. Even people who like say it turns to shit really quickly.

It's TFA of videos games; highly praised at released, but as time when on people realized it was mediocre at best.

From what I know, they had a different designed and/or writer for the first planet, than for everything else. If that's the case, that explains fucking everything.


didnt this game get a few game of the year award? i'm sure the devs are happy with the final product's reception.

sure, they don't have obsidian/microsoft money backing them, but who the fuck cares

They did. iirc kotor was the same way.

go play disco elysium instead of some soulless nu-fallout clone

I played it in October and had already totally forgotten it ever existed. It's the kind of game that gets posted in "Oh yeah, that happened" threads.

It's extremely boring and the writing is horrendously bad.


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It's not trashfire bad, but a boring and half cooked kinda bad.

Also I'd hardly call it a rpg, more of a action adventure experience. Sure, there are some rpg-ish elements in there but they don't matter for jack shit.

It's not bad it's just boring. I got tired after reaching the 2nd area. The game felt way too repetitive and the gameplay wasn't that good either. It's the same with fallout 4.

It's boring and disappointing.
Writing is shit, factions are a complete joke, character builds are pretty much irrelevant, perks are super fucking boring (+25% to bing bing wahoo), copypasted weapons and armor.
5/10, dropped after ~10 hours.

im on the same boat. I've never played fallout and this seemed appealing because of all the good reviews. I asked my friends who played it and said they weren't compelled to finish it because it was very meh. should I just play fallout 4 instead? a lot of people love it but others say its shit without mods. are those the same people who said skyrim was shit without mods? because I liked skyrim.

What a terrible, soulless game. It made me change my opinion on the underrated gem known as Fallout 4 by Bethesda Softworks

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>should I just play fallout 4 instead?

It was Obsidian without training wheels.
Of course it sucks.

If you try to mention the Outer Wilds to any single person in public they are 9 times out of 10 going to think of The Outer Worlds and then not know what the other is

You character gets to dilate time and I love dilating

what should I play then? pls give me some recs. I started playing god of war 4 months after I put it down but its boring af.

You’re right, pillars of eternity isn’t very good, I haven’t played tyranny but I haven’t heard a lot of good things about it and outer worlds is mediocre

Yikes if Edgewater was the best, I dropped it because Edgewater turned me off. Felt like some old hoarder's backyard.

I had a lot of fun for 10 hours.
After that I couldn't get myself to finish the game and deleted it.
I'd say give it a try but go in with low expectations

It's too short and I hate the characters, they're all terrible.

As a game, it's a LOT more solid than Fallout 4, no fucking comparison. But I ended up liking Fallout 4 more because 1- it has a better world without reddit memes, 2- I like the characters in that game.

>Reddit-tier humor
>pitiful weapon selection
>no unarmed or explosives skills
>forgettable companions
>Shit perks and leveling system
It’s bad