Do you hope they'll release Nier Automata on Switch so she'll be in Smash?

It would be very cold.

Go back to "playing" your tranny movie game lol.

wtf nooooo you cant just eat all that ice cream you'll just get fat!

Attached: EWva7NSWAAY7maD.png (765x896, 130.56K)

cope, you know I'm right.

You would get cock freeze or a HEAD rush hehe


That was a curveball erection. I'll give them that.

Attached: 56578158-old-man-looking-in-his-pants-and-showing-thumbs-up.jpg (1300x866, 107.83K)

Which one, the one you’re begging for a port of in this very thread?

Attached: EWqZ8GpUEAAS06b.jpg (1000x1500, 594.51K)

You're a hot guy