Do you hope they'll release Nier Automata on Switch so she'll be in Smash?

Do you hope they'll release Nier Automata on Switch so she'll be in Smash?

Attached: 2B.jpg (444x386, 60.69K)

I want to fuck that ice cream

Dude, that's two ice creams splashed by chocolate.

kys faggot

Why would that be a requirement? Persona 5 is never coming to switch and Joker's in smash anyway.

Imagine a sentient icecream girl who pissed chocolate syrup and shit Snicker bars.

The Shitch would explode after 1 second of running the game

>not wanting to fuck ice cream
Pretty sure you're the gay one here, pal

BotW is a more demanding game than Nier Automata.

I-is that pic doing it intentionally?