Do you hope they'll release Nier Automata on Switch so she'll be in Smash?
Do you hope they'll release Nier Automata on Switch so she'll be in Smash?
Dylan Garcia
William Wilson
I want to fuck that ice cream
Brody Harris
Dude, that's two ice creams splashed by chocolate.
Charles Hill
kys faggot
Benjamin Hughes
Why would that be a requirement? Persona 5 is never coming to switch and Joker's in smash anyway.
Jayden Collins
Imagine a sentient icecream girl who pissed chocolate syrup and shit Snicker bars.
Easton Gutierrez
The Shitch would explode after 1 second of running the game
Jaxon Ross
>not wanting to fuck ice cream
Pretty sure you're the gay one here, pal
Dominic Jones
BotW is a more demanding game than Nier Automata.
Brayden Miller
I-is that pic doing it intentionally?