A random Yas Forums user writes a better story than the actual writers

A man beat up Ellie tho

It's low hanging fruit, but I still can't help but chuckle at it.

I honestly hope resetera latches onto the unintentional implications of a very masculine woman beating up a relatively normal young lady. I want these people to eat each other.

This was exactly how I thought it was going to play out since they loved to tout Ellie's gay relationship and "something bad happening that makes her seek revenge" in interviews. The worst part about this entire shitshow is that they think their basic message of "revenge is bad" is so profound that its worth all their edgy and miserable writing when they could have done this basic story instead. Having a simple or predictable story isn't a bad thing, so long as it's told well. I'm so tired of these video game writers thinking their avant-garde artists.

>A straight cis man saves the day
Yeah that's not going to happen ever again lol

Nah, it should be expected. As brainless as some people are, most of us have an understanding of what makes for a satisfying story.

Because “obviousness” implies a detectable pattern.
Humans are pattern recognition machine. If we see a pattern, it clicks in our brain and we start making sense of it. What is obvious to you is just you knowing and immediately identifying a pattern.
Things that aren’t obvious require additional explanation or it needs to pivot in order to make sense. This does not jive well with our senses and our desire to understand and recognize patterns. Simply put, if I’m missing a piece of the puzzle, I can’t complete it. A good story, a good idea, are often simple and “obvious” because it’s easy for you to get on board and understand it because it’s a common problem that you might have even encountered in real life, hence you picked up the pattern and it’s now making sense to you when you see it. See tropes like hero rescuing the princess (male performance), or hero’s journey for character development

I'd rather the story be good and predictable rather than SHIT and unpredictable to the point where they just retcon shit and add a random character who just needs "MUH REVENGE!!!!"
Seriously, the fact that these retards expect people to sympathize with the tranny when her/his main goal is to kill the MAIN FUCKING CHARACTERS. Shittiest route they could've taken.

I want to imagine that at least Joel doesn't die right away and tells her the truth before he does, or perhaps tells her sometime before being beaten death, we don't know the entire plot yet.

>Woman dumb
>Woman powerless
>Strong man rescue woman
>Strong man kill everything in his path
>Woman understand and agree 100% with man
Why are incels so dumb and lacking in self awareness?

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>lacking in self awareness
but OP's is the most realistic