This game is literally impossible to beat without using the extra lives cheat code.
This game is literally impossible to beat without using the extra lives cheat code
No it isn't.
Yes it is, and even with the cheat code it's still ridiculously difficult.
Are you bad at action-platformers? Castlevania III isn't an easy game, but it's far from impossible. I've beaten it many times. If you're having that much trouble maybe try playing the Japanese version; the damage is scaled differently and the game overall is a fair bit easier.
All of the old Castlevania games are clunky shit yet celebrated for some reason. 3 is the worst of them with those fucking stairs though.
I would like to thank faggots like you for eroding any sort of meaning the word 'literally' might have had. Please take a swim in a tank of bleach.
literally seething
>clunky shit
>Forced to jump in one direction
>Can only attack in one direction
>Get thrown 5 metres back if a bird so much as grazes you
Face it mate they don't hold up.
Not him but it's called getting older. There are games I beat as a kid that I would absolutely never be able to beat now. A lot of it has to do with the amount of time you have to devote to it and the child-like ability to fixate on one specific thing, as well as having more important things to worry about..
Doesn't this game have unlimited continues? If it does, then you think a specific room is impossible to complete without dying 3 times.
Post the room.
You could say that about just about any game. Either way, Castlevania III is far from impossible. It's no pushover, though.
Not every game needs to control like Mario or Mega Man.
You have to continue from the beginning of the stage and lose all your checkpoints if you game over, and it only gives you 3 lives. The cheat code ups it to 10, but even that's not enough if you ask me.
>You could say that about just about any game.
>Not every game needs to control like Mario or Mega Man
True, but that doesn't translate to using restricted movement. Super Castlevania IV does this right to an extent, giving the player more control.
Nothing you've said contradicts what I said. Post the section that's impossible to complete in 3 tries.
OP, I'm trying to help you here. Give up. If you're already using codes and complaining you will never be able to beat it.
Or since you are using codes and your completion of the game won't be legit anyways you can just savestate every step forward you take without getting hit. Do it journalist style like a true bitch ass.
By that metric I could defend literally every shit game to exist.
I think it's possible but I've never beaten the american version so I don't have the moral ground to call you a casual faggot.
>but that doesn't translate to using restricted movement
Correct. But movement is an aspect of game design, not removed from it. All the obstacles in the Classicvanias revolve around this movement, the same way Pac-Man's level design is built around the way Pac-Man maneuvers at right angles. Meaningful player control is what matters, otherwise you might as well complain that you can't just no-clip through Resident Evil. Games are fundamentally about limitations. That's what makes them games.
How do you figure?
That's exactly what makes them fun though. You have to think about what everything you do because every action takes time. Even the whip has a startup time.
Not him but there are games I can beat now regardless of how much time and energy I put in, and there are those that I can't. I didn't think this would be a hard concept to understand. As you get older you generally have less time to dedicate to gitting gud at vidya.
fuck you nigger ill beatr it while drunk
I beat this game(U.S. version) in a few hours without cheating or anything. It's hard, but it's not impossible. All you need is patience and don't chimp out when things get hard.
Not that guy but I'm not sure what you mean when you say it doesn't translate.
Classicvania's are all about careful footing not aerial acrobatics. A bat sent you flying off a cliff? Should've been more careful. Thems the rules. The games just wouldn't be the same without that feeling.
>As you get older you generally have less time to dedicate to gitting gud at vidya.
I'm aware. You have less time for everything if you're busy with work or other demands of adult life, from gardening to dissecting Proust. But what does that have to do with defending "literally every shit game to exist"? Good things can be difficult. Bad things can be easy.
I remember finding this interesting as a kid. Simon seemed more "human" and fragile because of the limitations of his movement. Then I think it was IV when they let you change the trajectory of your jump and land on stairs and stuff.
Fuck off with your Alucard nigger posting and go back to zeddit.
Nah you didn't. Nobody in history has ever popped in CV3 and beat it first sitting.
The fuck are you talking about and how did you derive it from my post? All I meant to say was that as you get older, unless you're a jobless, virgin neet you have less time to devote to video games. So something that was possible to do when you had nothing else going on is now made practically impossible because, unless you have serious talent, you can't put in the time to improve and master it. You've got more important shit going on that demands your time.
For the love of good don't play Alucard route and the game is fine.
You're right, I beat it over the course of a week, I don't think I ever spent more than an hour on it. It was probably 5 or 6 hours total, which I guess is more like several hours rather than a few.
Because the old Castlevanias control like complete shit and feel like arse to play? With your metric of "hurr not every game is Megaman" to excuse shitty design I could defend a multitude of games deemed complete shit for their control schemes but no because Japan does it it's fine.
>The fuck are you talking about and how did you derive it from my post?
>By that metric I could defend literally every shit game to exist.
>How do you figure?
Did you reply to the wrong post?
>Because the old Castlevanias control like complete shit and feel like arse to play?
Diff'rent strokes, but the things you dislike about them are the very things I enjoy about them. It's not bad design at all.
I don't even believe that, bro. There's no way you grinded out CV3 in 5-6 hours without savescumming or cheating.
Castlevania is overrated. Neat as fuck aesthetic and pretty fun, but they're all filled with infuriating shit
>Because the old Castlevanias control like complete shit and feel like arse to play?
They don't though, lots of people enjoy them and they are widely regarded as classics. Your inability to adapt to the game's deliberate pace and gameplay style does not make them poorly designed. I personally could never get into Megaman, always felt like it was too frantic and ADHD, but I don't think they're ass because I dislike them.
It's not that hard to believe. It's been years since I played through III for the first time, but I came into it off the back of finishing the original, and a lot of the basic player skills and knowledge that comes with being able to beat the original is applicable to III. I remember finding III easier to beat overall despite the fact it's a more demanding game. If you have prior Classicvania experience I think it's more than feasible that someone could beat it over the course of an afternoon or night.
SCIV doesn't do it right at all because the increased control makes you too overpowered and it makes the subweapons useless. This actually proves that giving more control breaks the CV formula and the devs themselves realised that because no other Classicvania after had that amount of control.
Basically you don't need more control because the game itself is built around your abilities. This is also why Castlevania games aren't truly hard, because the restricted movement means that having good reflexes won't help you. The only thing you need is patience to figure out which way is the best to pass a section. It's basically a puzzle platformer at its heart.
I played it right after the original if that makes it more believable. III is definately way harder than it, but it really only picks up once you reach the castle. I'm pretty sure I spent like half of the play time on the last 3 levels.
I only posted the first post you quoted and was also the poster of the thing you originally quoted. But I think maybe I misread your post. I am pretty drunk and even though I'm not sure I'm wrong I don't feel like taking the time to make sure so I'm going to go ahead and apologize just in case. Fuck it. I love you.
So did I. I played through the entire Castlevania Collection by year last Halloween. So I also had CV1, Simon's Quest AND Adventure under my belt going into three. You don't beat CV3 in 5 hours.
I always found 3 to be pretty easy. I actually have a lot more trouble wit 1. This is from someone who typically goes the alucard path too.