Everybody would've bought a remake with just updated graphics but these faggots had to go sniffing their own farts and made a game that doesn't even come close to being as good as the original which is a masterpiece. My god, just the dialogue alone made me cringe to death. REFUNDED.
What a giant flaming pile of shit this game is
Yas Forums is retarded, ALL popular e-celeb youtubers steal controversial opinions from reddit and Yas Forums and uses it in the review without playing the fucking game.
>What is Jim Sterling
>What is Dunkey
>What is zero punctuation
>What is Angryjoe
B-but shills! Reason why those trash celeb are beloved in this shithole because Yas Forums need a spokeperson to articulate their opinions to the mass and then they win.
Most of us like it sperg cry more
Ok, Karen.
Seeth more, you’ll get to play it next year faggot
yes, keep licking dem boots
and don't forget to omnislash that like button
If it was low quality bait then nobody would've commented, retard.
Are there really people who enjoy the combat in this? I’m at Chapter 11 and it feels like it never becomes interesting, all characters have such a limited moveset and there’s no combo system. Aerith in particular feels so brain dead to play
No random encounters either. What a missed opportunity to polish up an old classic but instead they changed everything to appeal to casual fags who never even fucking played the original.
Now that this absolute faggot shill mentions it, what reviewers actually gave that shit reboot a proper review? I saw one from a guy called JayRPG and another one from the British guy from Gamexplain, Jon Cartwright, I think? Any others?
No random encounters with the absolutely worst level design ever too, cause all the "dungeon" areas are nothing but an alternating and endless succession of hallways and battle arenas. It's horrible.
>hey guys I have a splendid idea let's remake the bycicle but also subert everyone's expectation
wait, the wheels are squared
>look at the beautiful saddle
yes but why are the wheels squared
>the new paint is so shiny
does it even work? why would you change something so important?
>95% of the bycicle is still the same
It's not even a bycicle anymore!!
>Oh, what a crybaby! you must be afraid of change!
actually I like the new paint but I can't even ride this thing.
I also think it's shady that you hid the wheels from your marketing campaign
(rides it. it's unwieldy, obviously crashes)
ow. it hurts.
>boomer seething lol
(bleeding) couldn't you just make the wheels round?
>your expectations are unreasonable. Thank you for your purchase, come back soon
We probably won't get a proper review until all the dicksucking dies down like when the Outer Worlds came out and everyone called it the successor to Fallout New Vegas but nobody even talks about TOW meanwhile I'm on like my 17th NV playthrough.
>muh dialogue
Fuck off, the story elements are the least of my complaints. They took five-minute "dungeons" from the original and turned them into hour-long FF13 hallways. Unforgivable, doesn't respect your time.
This isn't reddit, you fucking faggot.
I didn't say story, dipshit. I said the dialogue was cringe. Reading comprehension much?
>doesn't respect your time
Let's put it this way, fucking Yas Forums respects your time more than this game does.
>cause all the "dungeon" areas are nothing but an alternating and endless succession of hallways and battle arenas. It's horrible.
Don't forget the shitty MMO-tier hub-worlds that are supposed to pass for "towns." It's FF13 hallways connected by shitty MMO hub-worlds. This isn't FF7. This is FF13 loosely based on FF7.
What’s crazier is that after FFXIII they actually tried to make things a bit less linear with 13-2 and LR, hell even FFXV had a couple interesting dungeons
Chapter 8 and 11 feel like a procedural Enter The Gungeon map
I fail to understand what compels people to defend this absolute mess witch such blatant concept design flaws. That's certainly a good analogy.
I meant 8 and 10
I sure am glad to see you doom posters getting blown the fuck out by the general opinion on Yas Forums when it comes to the perception of this game.
The original FF7's narrative was designed to surprise a somewhat genre savvy audience. A simple retelling of the original story, would be nothing more than soulless facsimile of what we already expected, a retelling of the story but not the intent of the story.
A straight up remake of the first few hours of Midgar with additional filler and nothing unexpected would be the definition of a subpar remake and a developer lost to why the original game was special to fans. Even if retards like OP lack the introspective to realize why he even liked the original game so much in the first place.
I think that guy Projared will give it a proper review, cause even if he's an absolute faggot that will praise all the degeneracy going on at the Honey Bee Inn, he was obviously not sold on all the massive padding and all the nonsense going on by the end of the game.
but it's mostly the same
You're an absolute retard. New is better than old when it's done better than the old one. It's as simple as that.
what a blatant pile of bullshit
Resident Evil 1 remake
I'd punch him in the face so hard that not even his mother would ever recognize him ever again. But most of his body would remain the same, so it's fine.
I can’t speak for everyone but I’m actually not too mad about the story changes except maybe the Sephiroth in Chapter 2 part that brings nothing interesting
The real issue is the gameplay is so fucking dull and the only fun I had so far was fighting Airbuster
If you find the gameplay in remake dull I guess you would hate the original battle system. RPGs are not for everyone.
I assume you didn't complete the game.
Gameplay gets better later. Story gets worse.
No, he wouldn't. The original battle system requires you to think ahead. Also, the hits have weight to them, unlike in fucking 7R where battles are just a bunch of spark particles and numbers filling the screen for no reason.
actually remake is deeper than the original as far as having to think ahead.
Imagine being such a brainlet that you think popularity means something is good. Bleet for me sheep.
Literally GOTY
>keep mashing the attack button until you can do anything else
>everything goes into bullet time so you have all the time in the world to see what you want to do
It's the worst of both worlds, really.
I liked the game, but agree that this game should have been $29.99 instead of full price. Running back and forth between the same areas got old fast compared to the open world of FF15. Padding the game out with little fetch quests shouldn't count as a "full game experience."
The game play is dull particularly because they changed the battle system. Now my characters are jumping all over the place usually ending up in corners. What the fuck was so horrible about the original battle system and lining up characters opposite of their opponents?
>false flagging
shills are getting desperate
Spare me
REmake was a soulless cash grab.
Remember when they were calling The Outer Worlds GOTY? Yeah, nobody even talks about that game anymore. I wonder why.
>bad change = soul
Again, the plot of FF7 and the reason the game is beloved is because the story was complex for its time and broke new ground when it released. RE is popular because people like playing a intentionally bad zombie movie.
Remaking a game where the original intent hinged on the player expecting JRPG tropes should never be as simple as remaking a fun zombie shooter. Retelling the story without considering that the players would this time have knowledge of the events of the original story would be the definition of a soulless remake and go against the storytelling used in the original game.
>gameplay is completely fucking different since the game was shown
>*NOW* the remake is shit because it doesn't follow some garbage tier 90's vidya story beats and superficial characters
It sounds like you are just bad at the game. You will get better if you keep playing. Could also change to easy or even the cinematic combat and just give commands to your characters like in the old games if you have trouble.
Imagine being so retarded you think button mashing is a technique you need to git good at. Kill yourself.
>button mashing
Post a video of you beating a boss with just button mashing
Go on
>Remaking a game where the original intent hinged on the player expecting JRPG tropes
They weren't trying to go only against JRPG tropes, they were going against fairytales/hollywood/general narrative tropes.
In particular, challenging the idea that all deaths must come off as a romanticized sacrifice.
And you're advocating that in order to get fresh again, what they should do is bandwagon instead on the most cliche tropes available.