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Kill all niggers
Kill all whites
Is it just me or has DF content lacked any kind of spark in the last 6 months? Feels like the guys are bored of same old shit. DF retro used to be a kind of celebration of old tech, but he sounds like he's going through the motions.
epig :DDDdDD
>Feels like the guys are bored of same old shit.
I'm sure repeatedly doing tech analysis and padding videos to at least 10 minutes has taken its toll on all of them.
Cringe disgusting nigger
Especially when they're lying so much. The German guy is okay but the ugly fucker is a slime.
Pls don't bully John. He worked really hard on this :(
he's a lying faggot
>console-wars shitposting
Arguably on a lower rung of the shit ladder than OP posting e-celeb shit. kys
If I dont hear the old british guy I give up, he's always on the good ones or at least makes them good. Most of the other ones its "look at that checkerboard rendering, look, LOOK AT THE CHECKERBOARD RENDERING, ITS CHECKERED, THE RENDERING IS CHECKER BOARDED"
Its a bunch of that and intangibles you cant see in video "so here we have native footage but youtube sucks, but on our website blah blah blah blah plug website plug plug blah, heres a native 4k thats being upscaled from 600p, its native 4k totally, and on the ps4 pro they dont upscale from 600p instead they get a native 4k from a base resolution of 900p with variable rate shading which we cant see, and dynamic resolution scaling which we cant see, and here's some checkerboard rendering you cant see, NATIVE 4K you guys, for real this time, being rendered from a 240p BASE resolution"
Its gameplay footage occasionally paused to zoom in on nothing, it has taught me some about not really needing ultra settings to see a toothpick rendered from half a mile away and that consoles now have actual graphics settings. DF retro is way more interesting, that daytona USA one is great.
The CRT one was the last turbo-shilly sounding video and it was the last one the english guy who remembers most everything and SEGASEGASEGASEGASEGA that time he worked at sega SEGASEGASEGA that time he reviewed SEGA. I took at least 3 minutes to type this so the thread is dead by now.
Lol you remade the thread because the last one only got 1 reply
Oh fuck thats right, it says "kino" and theres a photo of FF7, so this will thread will be here for a week. SOUL.....my home.
how is that post console-wars shitposting? I'm merely stating a fact. this guy is a paid shill who constantly lies, it's no wonder the quality of his videos is going down, he is a human afterall he's got a conscience.
he's literally a lying shill he deserves a shit time.
>Right off the bat, it's evident that this game does not consistently maintain a 60 FPS lock. I feel like locking it to 30Hz and diverting all the excess resources to implementing high quality per-object motion blur, in addition to other neat post-processing effects like temporal anti-aliasing and bokeh depth of field, would have been excellent.
Ewww, another beta, incel cumskin school shooter. Good thing wh*tes are second class citizens.
The old British guy does nothing for me. The 30 years of Doom ports analysis was peak DigitalFoundry content.
Damn, Yas Forums hates Digital Foundry?
Y'all gonna hate Gamer's Nexus next?
you should consider being a fan of video games and not a consumer
I’m not in the loop. What did he do?
guess I'm racist now
guess I'm woke now
You can't really love games without touring a chinese power supply factory user
any of those multi-generational port videos are great, something about seeing each console do the same game gives me a cool personality of each console.
says every new high profile AAA game is the best looking ever, lies about comparisons between versions, doesn't elaborate on downgrades, praises ugly visuals such as blur, and pretends to be a fan of things(or he's just paid to contradict himself).
for a good example of how much of a lying faggot he can be, watch his videos on the Team Ico games.
It's a pretty good video.
Based boomer.
A jrpg epic for the ages?
What the fuck does it mean?
It's actually a JPRG, user.
Is that the australians that review everything ever? they give me artificial hangovers. I havent bought a GPU in years but somehow I always think theyre going to review something in my range in price and performance but instead I get 50 individual reviews of the same 1660tisuper-plus-red devil that wraps on "well its only got 0.5 gb vram, but its a whopping 1300mhz and 1301mhz boost clock and at only 799 us dollars its a lasting deal for anyone that plans on watching my review of the next 500 progressively more backwards price to power gpu reviews". Who are these people who really buy midrange GPUs every year? How do the reviewers get this out of touch that they can review a 400-700 dollar gpu and call it mid-range, then bitch about 300 dollar consoles holding back graphics like consoles would ever sell for 1400 to get stable high end equivalent graphics?
Those fuckers normalize paying the price of a console automatically optimized to play any game made for it, for a rental-timeframe GPU purchase. Anything past a whole console mimicking high end features/graphics is high end, mid range is half or below the price of a whole console, low end is a 1030 or 5500.
FUCK Motion blur
FUCK Chromatic abberation
FUCK framerate caps
and most importantly
FUCK Wolfenstein
>says every new high profile AAA game is the best looking ever, lies about comparisons between versions, doesn't elaborate on downgrades, praises ugly visuals such as blur, and pretends to be a fan of things(or he's just paid to contradict himself).
This is quite possibly the most pathetic post I've ever read. Please go air your personal vendetta in the youtube comments where you belong.
you asked a question and I answered you.
Here's what pisses me off about Digital Foundry: what it all comes down to benchmarks is stress testing and like-for like footage. Have they ever done in-game shots any more? Do they ever provide statistics? No they don't and haven't for quite some time. And for all Richard and knows, he (and Tom to a great extent) are terrible at playing games and don't represent an average playthrough of the person that watches these videos. Take Gears of War 5 for an example, VG Tech (who isn't perfect, but does a better job than Digital Foundry at the raw data), found lower numbers than Digital Foundry, which from here really made me keen on how John weasels on words so he can't be called out
bald guy stuck in england?