What went wrong?
Wow classic - why did it fail?
my nigger, one of my absolute favorite H-artists
It’s full of hardcore minmaxers but instead of actually skilled hard minmaxers it’s just full of people who want to feel like they’re really good at the game but just google what to do and follow guides
>streamer focus and the clown fiestas that followed
>manufactured hype over the above
>trying to tap into a market that is in their 30's and 40's now, when the only people you draw are zoomer trash that turn the game into a shit show
kek how did you think this would ever succeed? it doesn't have the quiet fanbase that EQ has, where time-locked servers are more than populated, they're healthy long after the fact. WoW classic will live on zombie hype trains shilling their latest expansion release while the old servers are basically dead and empty since the streamer locusts saw all they wanted to see and got rank 14.
No lfr so the casual players won't stick around after leveling.
elitist niggers who refused to do anything that wasn't optimal xp/hour or didn't involve getting their bis
vanilla raiding isn't at all hard though
>doing a mmo without the discovery part
>min-maxers autists in a clearly unbalanced game and ignoring all the fun mechanics just for maxing
what's the fucking point ?
Probably just competition and the way people consume things now as a result. There's more entertainment available than you could consume in your entire life, so there's no point in dicking around in WoW after that golden window at the start of any MMO or expansion launch. It's not really a game made to be played forever, and trying to incentivize people playing forever is what led to where retail is today.
i think he means the type of niggers that sit in boralus/zandalar and queue for their lfr raids. imagine if you could just queue right into MC/BWL with a preformed party that you didn't have to speak to and got weaker gear that served the same purpose. that kind of convenience is what retards today want and salivate over: low intensity, low stress gratification
You can't play half the dungeons because no one is looking for group for them.
You can't do certain bosses in BRD because they don't drop optimal gear.
World PvP is in general dead, not because of layering, but everyone farming AV in a larger quantity than back in the days.
Raids was exaggerated by retards who was either young fucks who didn't understand the boss mechanics or never played it and are just repeating what others are saying online.
People are more concerned over the overall in-game economy than the community people were shitting out of their mouth.
At least my guild were full of try hards when they hit 60 and never wants to help others and then proceeds to complain when they need help and no one wants to help them instead.
Classic could have been fun if it wasn't for private servers and how the game is fairly solved at this point. The server I play on has players, but most are mages, warlocks or hunters farming dungeons.
Players being autistic and having everyone already know everything inside and out. For once I actually feel like blizzard did their best trying to make it as authentic as possible and I don’t think they’re to main problem this time round.
>as authentic
>a bfa bloatware
i too remember sharting completely tanking the economy
>i too remember sharting completely tanking the economy
People make it sound like it's a bad thing.
>blizzard did their best trying to make it as authentic as possible
They didn't try shit. Classic had shitloads of changes, layering, crossrealm BGs (yes I know they were in vanilla but only from 1.12, the last patch that lasted only for few months), bigger population caps making world resources way more valuable than they should've been etc. Could go on forever, they fucked up in so many fronts that it's not even funny. TBC is probably going to be the same shit.
>complain about crossrealm bg despite classic being a 1.12+ game
>don't complain about classes being done instead of following the development of classes
It's just so weird how people are cherrypicking stuff.
> the last patch that lasted only for few months
Implying almost 5 months is only a "few months" with no major content update other than getting PvP gear being trivialized.
because retail is much better and nostalgia doesn't make a game good
You thought you wanted it, but you didn't actually want it.
The magic was wearing off for me at around level 45. The initial wave of players making their way through quests into new areas seemed fun. By the time is was 45 people seemed to be crowding towards a meta way of getting XP and the ideal group makeup to get it.
>retail is much better
found the retail tranny. 41% yourself, mutant.
found the depressed contrarian spamming alterac 24/7
Not him but retail is in general better, but the two of them are so different, so playing both at the same time isn't outside of the world of possibilities.
>queues are back for a tonne of servers
>having to wait in line because bots are too busy ruining the economy
Cute doggo
>tonne of servers
A majority are alive and well. Some not so. I have no idea how Blizz fucked up the server balance this much.
This EU-server in particular is pretty funny.
>implying i play classic
>implying you're not a projecting depressed tranny
>there's 75 alliance on a 5k server
needless minmaxing elitist community even when the content is easy as fuck
incredible lack of balance that half of the community don't want fixed because of nostalgia
sames goes with QoL. I'm not asking for a teleporting dungeon finder, but god damn was it not fun just waiting and waiting for groups, nor was quest mob tagging
Free transfer really did a number on some servers.
>MFW remembering how Yas Forums was trying to convince everyone it will be the greatest thing ever and revolutionize gaming industry again
Why is this board always wrong about everything
ah, right
hope the horde likes dueling lol. That must suck, having all your hard work go down the drain when the whole enemy faction suddenly goes 'poof'
because Yas Forums is bad at everything videogames
eternal is a massive success, filtered shitters and makes them seethe to this day
couldn't have asked for more
You still have cross realm BG, so pvp-wise they aren't fucked outside of world pvp.
They sabotaged it on purpose by adding layering despite everyone's objections just so they could say "lol I told u so". That tranny looking boomer would rather have Blizzard lose millions of dollars than give people what they want.
warcraftlogs has to be worst thing, I got threatened to be kicked out of my guild for refusing to buy a flask as a holy pally for their epic SPEEDRUN, I literally never go oom anyway, fuck off
Have some more conspiracy theories?
lol it has more players than retail.
Because people didn't actually want to play WoW Classic they wanted to relive the time when they first played it.
>come in threads about games you don't play to shit on it
so it's just a regular depression
Minmaxing is an issue. Most players have the retail mentality too.
Forgot about that, had my fill on pservers, didn't end up playing much classic
That's not as catastrophic, then. Still. Must be a strange experience. The few remaining allies, who were never clued in, must feel like they've lived through an apocalypse.
Why add layering then? Nobody wanted it, they said they won't play if it remains. Blizzard kept it in and people left.
What's too hard to understand?
Blizzard's communism.
Raids were a mistake.
to save $15 on upkeep
Because people are complaining about login time.
What's too hard to understand?
Premades, I legit cannot enjoy PvP because every fucking game is against a premade
Too many retail parse trannies who never played vanilla and of course blizzard being incapable
So make servers hold more people DUUURRR
Idiot fucking retard boomers shouldn't be allowed to make games.
That's not how it works though.
>join a guild that clears bwl
>mandatory guild meetings
>sign this social contract to become a trial member
Yea get fucked
>why did it fail?
>massive success, now plans for TBC servers