What went wrong?
Wow classic - why did it fail?
my nigger, one of my absolute favorite H-artists
It’s full of hardcore minmaxers but instead of actually skilled hard minmaxers it’s just full of people who want to feel like they’re really good at the game but just google what to do and follow guides
>streamer focus and the clown fiestas that followed
>manufactured hype over the above
>trying to tap into a market that is in their 30's and 40's now, when the only people you draw are zoomer trash that turn the game into a shit show
kek how did you think this would ever succeed? it doesn't have the quiet fanbase that EQ has, where time-locked servers are more than populated, they're healthy long after the fact. WoW classic will live on zombie hype trains shilling their latest expansion release while the old servers are basically dead and empty since the streamer locusts saw all they wanted to see and got rank 14.
No lfr so the casual players won't stick around after leveling.
elitist niggers who refused to do anything that wasn't optimal xp/hour or didn't involve getting their bis
vanilla raiding isn't at all hard though
>doing a mmo without the discovery part
>min-maxers autists in a clearly unbalanced game and ignoring all the fun mechanics just for maxing
what's the fucking point ?
Probably just competition and the way people consume things now as a result. There's more entertainment available than you could consume in your entire life, so there's no point in dicking around in WoW after that golden window at the start of any MMO or expansion launch. It's not really a game made to be played forever, and trying to incentivize people playing forever is what led to where retail is today.
i think he means the type of niggers that sit in boralus/zandalar and queue for their lfr raids. imagine if you could just queue right into MC/BWL with a preformed party that you didn't have to speak to and got weaker gear that served the same purpose. that kind of convenience is what retards today want and salivate over: low intensity, low stress gratification