Can they even make a new TES right now given zenimax leasing the rights?
It would directly compete against TESO and they probably have a contract that forbids that
Comfy Elder Scrolls VI thread - No Doomers Allowed Edition
TESO is dead though, with a new TES people would go back into Elder Scrolls and the game would be popular again.
they have talked about it at length multiple times
they want TES to be super big franchise with many games and shit, hence why blades and legends is a thing
TES VI is currently officially in development
Things like that don't matter when it comes to contracts
>Post your hopes and desires for this game
After Skyrim and Fallout 4 AND Fallout 76, I have no hopes or desires for a hack developer who fired all their game designers.
lets me completely honest here
oddly enough wastelanders has better dialogue system that any bethesda game arguably
it is basically like new vegas, with many choices and dialogue affected by stats
I think they are starting to learn from backlash
. . .
You do know Fallout 4 sold super well? Better than 76. I hope they don't learn, needing 10 in intelligence to unlock a dialogue option is awful, just let me roleplay without gameplay limiting it.
it's a joke that a Fallout game of all things launched without NPCs as it is, they shouldn't have to learn from nearly every Fallout fan calling them out on their bullshit
dumb retard
I want to go back to the way of the world not leveling up at the same time as you do. It has its pluses but gets boring after a while I feel like. Also pet foxes please.