Comfy Elder Scrolls VI thread - No Doomers Allowed Edition

Post your hopes and desires for this game

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I just want better combat. Something similar to the Middle Earth games would be good.

Is that supposed to be Highrock or Hammerfell? or is going to do a Daggerfall and contain areas from two provinces?

Todd lies.

it's impossible to get even mildly optimistic about BGS when you look at Fallout 4/76
the sad part is that TES VI will sell more than any of their games and Starfield will be huge too

I don’t know much about lore, but are they desert settings? I fucking hope not. Desert settings are horrible for open world games. I’d love something similar to Morrowind where things are a bit more different and alien.

I sincerely hope it won't be released at all.
My desire is for Bethesda to go fuck themselves.

Hammerfell has desert, but it's also really big and has a lot of variation. High Rock is mostly mountainous.

I hope it's in Hammerfell so I can play a nord and feel like this when I save all those niggers.

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I want Oblivion combat, but improved.

I don't know what causes that "float" feeling, is it lack of reaction to attacks?
I remember you could shunt NPCs around by attacking them so there's obviously some reaction, but maybe the reaction needs to be a stagger effect.

Can they even make a new TES right now given zenimax leasing the rights?
It would directly compete against TESO and they probably have a contract that forbids that

TESO is dead though, with a new TES people would go back into Elder Scrolls and the game would be popular again.

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they have talked about it at length multiple times
they want TES to be super big franchise with many games and shit, hence why blades and legends is a thing
TES VI is currently officially in development

Things like that don't matter when it comes to contracts

>Post your hopes and desires for this game
After Skyrim and Fallout 4 AND Fallout 76, I have no hopes or desires for a hack developer who fired all their game designers.

lets me completely honest here
oddly enough wastelanders has better dialogue system that any bethesda game arguably
it is basically like new vegas, with many choices and dialogue affected by stats
I think they are starting to learn from backlash

. . .

You do know Fallout 4 sold super well? Better than 76. I hope they don't learn, needing 10 in intelligence to unlock a dialogue option is awful, just let me roleplay without gameplay limiting it.

it's a joke that a Fallout game of all things launched without NPCs as it is, they shouldn't have to learn from nearly every Fallout fan calling them out on their bullshit

dumb retard

I want to go back to the way of the world not leveling up at the same time as you do. It has its pluses but gets boring after a while I feel like. Also pet foxes please.

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maybe you shouldn't play RPG's if you don't want that.

I want movement modifiers. Like in oblivion. I want to be able to skip on water again. Run extremely fast. And even jump completely around barriers in dungeons. It was actually fun.
They could make dungeons way more convoluted for compensation. Or. They could just let me, late game, break dungeon progression. Id love it both ways.

Believe it or not. If they found out how to do more platforming in dungeons, ala doom eternal. Id be down. I just want more interesting combat with it.

Anyone tried that new Skyrim combat mod, is it a step forward?

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more dank memes like arrow to the knee and lusty argonian maid

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hopefully they see the horniness in the modding community and ban mods in vi

It's Hammerfell. The north coast specifically. Those 3 land protrusions can be seen in the trailer with the 4th covered in mist in the background being where Sentinel would be.

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Why not Dark Messiah combat ?

what made TES games great is still great in those games tho, those games are just considered bad because they are not in line in some aspects with past fallout games, and even then bethesda has shown that they can learn from their mistakes as seen in wastelanders or far harbor.

If bigger is better then there is no reason not to let some areas be off limits for low levels or noobs.
It creates a natural challenge and let's interesting gameplay happen with little need to design "epic" encounters.
But Bethesda no longer wants to create good games so it's irrelevant. All they want is to sell as much as possible and that's easier with marketing.

thing is with games as big as bethesda makes some content will become irrelevant before you get there. Fo4's and Fo76's world is not leveled (at least enemies) and it only half works there, I still prefer skyrim's aproach, although it was far from perfect.