No, your honor. You don't understand. It's SUPPOSED to be shit. I have documents proving that my client never intended to be a good game. See? It's a remake of FF7. How could it ever be good? The source material is clearly infantile garbage that not even Nintentoddlers would enjoy. What exactly is the prosecution asking for here? A miracle? How about we keep track of the facts before we jump head first into La-La-Land. It's true that there was a lot of excitement around this, a lot of it unwarranted to be quite honest. But your unreasonable expectations are not a good reason to get your pitchforks out and subjugate my client to mob justice. It's unconstitutional and quite frankly, pretty unamerican.
Now, the prosecution states that the changes they made were "simply unnecessary", I say that any attempts to elevate this game over its laughable source material should be commended. Who cares whether it's entirely faithful, my second wife wasn't either and I didn't see a single dime for it. The courts even said I had to pay her. Can you believe that?
So yeah. How about we all take a moment of introspection here and don't go overboard with the theatrics, you know, find your center, be mindful, namaste, yada-yada. This isn't the end of the world. Life goes on, Square Enix doesn't deserve to get their near-impeccable reputation ruined just because of a small misstep like this. Scurry off and find something else to harp on. This isn't it. Go out with a sign, stand on some street corner and try to save some beluga whales or dolphins or something. There are better things to waste your time on than analyzing whether Cloud's panties were slightly more opaque in the original.
No, your honor. You don't understand. It's SUPPOSED to be shit...
Other urls found in this thread:
Bail is set to 3.5 million.
3.5 million? I can do that.
3.5 million? I can do that.
First off,
>your honor
If you're supposed to be roleplaying as a lawyer, you're not even in the correct forum to be stating your case like this and a judge would not be present for the forum you would be at to make your case like this.
You're honour the prosecution has no further comments, just video evidence:
why did sephiroth spoil Aerith's death within the first hour of the remake?
this is going to be my new pasta
Is this really the kind of closing argument material that they use in the show?
i read this in his voice well done sir
here's your (You)
whats the bet sony only let them release the game if they made the honeybee inn as gay as possible
According to all visible evidence in the media the American judicial system consists of a plea, witness testimony, closing statements, and sentencing all in the same afternoon.
British is the same except with white puffy wigs and you stand on a circular platform from what I can tell.
Doomers really got nothing better to do huh
what's the bet you're in your 30s, are a virign and play Nintendo games?
If not guilty of fraud then why try to hide the bad ending?
>Post YFW SE gets a lawsuit for false advertising
Pretty accurate for a closing argument.
Also a few examples of general court proceedings in the show.
amazing shitpost
need to get back on Better Call Saul, left on Season 2 but I really enjoyed it
Does he even compose anymore?
Sendarum on twitter fucks dragon dildos to splatoon themes
Your honor, my client is unfit to stand trial. He's mentally retarded! No smarter than a 3rd grader! Have you seen Kingdom Hearts? Does that look like something a non mongoloid would make?
Criminal Trespass? But Mrs. Tifa assured us that she keeps her vagina open to paying customers day and night. So criminal trespass, let alone "rape", eh -- that's a little bit of a stretch. Don't you think, Cloud?
fucking kek