No, your honor. You don't understand. It's SUPPOSED to be shit...

Doomers really got nothing better to do huh

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what's the bet you're in your 30s, are a virign and play Nintendo games?

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If not guilty of fraud then why try to hide the bad ending?

>Post YFW SE gets a lawsuit for false advertising

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Pretty accurate for a closing argument.

Also a few examples of general court proceedings in the show.

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amazing shitpost
need to get back on Better Call Saul, left on Season 2 but I really enjoyed it

Does he even compose anymore?

Sendarum on twitter fucks dragon dildos to splatoon themes

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Your honor, my client is unfit to stand trial. He's mentally retarded! No smarter than a 3rd grader! Have you seen Kingdom Hearts? Does that look like something a non mongoloid would make?

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