Doomers really got nothing better to do huh
No, your honor. You don't understand. It's SUPPOSED to be shit...
what's the bet you're in your 30s, are a virign and play Nintendo games?
If not guilty of fraud then why try to hide the bad ending?
>Post YFW SE gets a lawsuit for false advertising
Pretty accurate for a closing argument.
Also a few examples of general court proceedings in the show.
amazing shitpost
need to get back on Better Call Saul, left on Season 2 but I really enjoyed it
Does he even compose anymore?
Sendarum on twitter fucks dragon dildos to splatoon themes
Your honor, my client is unfit to stand trial. He's mentally retarded! No smarter than a 3rd grader! Have you seen Kingdom Hearts? Does that look like something a non mongoloid would make?