Does the dick you slurp taste good with my nut?
""""Hard Mode"""
Might check it out then. Cheers anons
There are plenty of Johanns. The real question is, who is the Grimmer of vidya?
>devs can't actually balance around all of the different stats and build options they give the player, making the game easy as shit on all difficulties
>devs can't actually balance around all of the different stats and build options they give the player
>this allows absurd builds that can do hundreds of times the damage it would take to do to take down the toughest enemies in the game per attack
>game acknowledges your omnipotence
>Hard difficulty
>new enemies appear
>old enemies get more moves
>everything is faster
>tough enemies appear much earlier
>bosses get reworked movesets, sometimes even aesthetic changes
>level progression itself changes with different routes and items
if you read adult magazines like big comic superior you might find more things you like than if you just read shounenshit
>food analogy
Which games do all of this
>hard difficulty introduces enemies from halfway through the game on normal in the first chapter instead
>fling so much shit at you that the FPS drops