Move 2 blocks it's a battle

>move 2 blocks it's a battle
>move 1 block another battle
Random encounter is seriously the worst thing ever happened in gaming history I don't know how people find this shit fun

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>Being this filtered
I know Jew Quest is fucking shit, but are you such a newfag that you can't handle some random encounters?

this fag system is in every final fantasy and JRPG game.
imagine spending 30 minutes in one area trying to move to another because of the random encounters

>Random encounter is seriously the worst thing ever happened in gaming history I don't know how people find this shit fun

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I accidentally the whole bottle of fairy water

If you're going to shitpost on random encounters, at least use Final Fantasy Legend 2 as your picture, damn

You’re looking in the wrong genre, you don’t want a jrpg you want a walking simulator

>wojak with no argument
pathetic way to defend your shitty time wasting gameplay

I just googled old jrpgs and posted this.
I wasn't even playing DQ

learn to manipulate it, bro

Cthulhu Saves the World has a cool mechanic where after about 10-20 random encounters in a dungeon they all turn off and you can just use an item to call for more battles if you need to grind.

Ok, that's pretty based.

The important thing is that you're enjoying yourself

Undertale has a set amount of encounters too, it’s high though

that's a nice way to implement RE.

too bad the game is trash

>I just googled old jrpgs and posted this.
>I wasn't even playing DQ
So you posted a boss battle from a game you haven't even played to complain about random encounters while severely exaggerating the encounter rate

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>Undertale has-

I tried DQ3 and FF 6~ X before

That was specifically about genocide mode.

Random encounters are a fine mechanic as long as they are better refined like or have some sort of control to make sure neither excessive nor lack of battles happens.


You should have prepared better.

random battles are the cornerstone of the 4 niggas in a row genre

OP's take is retarded, but random encounters are generally pointless, but not for the reasons he states. People will defend it up and down but most games do random encounters wrong and they make every battle outside bosses inconsequential. The best games with random battles treat exploring as a battle of attrition as you try to make progress without expending all your magic and resources coupled with the lingering stress of knowing that there are certain layouts of enemies that could seriously fuck you up.

Random encounters in most old games are time wasters that don't require strategy outside of grinding, which is just dedicating yourself to wasting more time.

After you beat a miniboss in Wild Arms 4 you can choose to turn them off in that dungeon

Cast repel you retard

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I'm a 1992 born, actually.
now instead of spamming the threads with dumb memes like you, try to give one valid argument ot defend that shitty gameplay

Just play the Bravely games then. You can lower the random encounter rate and even turn it off completely.

You're completely correct and Dragon Quest transitioning to overworld encounters was the best thing the series has ever done, but I'm going to assume without reading this thread that contrarians are defending random encounters.

resource management. If you could see every enemy on the map, it would be far too easy to evade them and wipe the boss with a full inventory and max hp/mp in an already easy game.

this isn't an issue in Western RPG games, and they can tweet the difficulty if that was the problem

You're clearly an impatient retard. The games you've mentioned playing have fixed encounter rates so while occasionally you'll get a couple close battles it averages out over the course of a game and your confirmation bias causes you to fixate on the rare times when battles come within a few tiles.

When I think back to old ass WRPGs, a lot of fights were hard/impossible to avoid in general. At that point, they become as "annoying" as random encounters no?

It's just very tedious while navigating or exploring.
Fuck, as much as I love exploring the spammy battles make me bored quickly and want to leave the area asap

Listen here, little zoomer. I've been playing JRPGs for a quarter of a century and I absolutely agree. I like a lot of games despite them, but I have always absolutely despised random battles. I think people who like them have something akin to Stockholm syndrome.

What people never mention is that you'll just have to grind if you do this. They should've had EXP increasing options too so you could cut the encounter rate in half and doubled the EXP if you wanted to.