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Do you the portrayal of women in games is more realistic nowadays?

WOOOAHHHH one single game out of hundreds that came out last decade has a busty ching chong!

If you stopped putting pussy on a pedestal and being a simp you would look at Tifa's face and see that she looks like shit, it's just anime face, no real features, it's Aerith's face with different colors.

It's not all westerners just the vocal minority of dried ovary feminists and queers that the suits at the video game companies pander too

This main stream shit means everyone has to be ugly to appeal to. It's silly and i agree about the RE remake cast vs realism.

It's not even fair, bros. I'm gonna move to nam to find some rice milkers.

No they aren't. Developers are trying to always maximize the install base for their investors. So we go from the lovely charmisiatic cast of ME classic and get ME:A a game where everyone is either ugly or below average.

Or we have women unrealistically acting like men. It's like everyone's forgotten how to make a strong female protagonists first step - writing a good character.

real Tifa's guard and stance are better.
Any fighter can confirm

Attached: 1583363536044.gif (294x164, 1.95M)

>writing a good character.

Funny, when it was men writing female characters we got actually interesting and deep female protagonists, companions, romance interests, etc.

As soon as women got themselves involved in the industry ALL WOMEN are the same. All have to be strong, empowered, tomboyish, can't rely on men, etc.

Reddit has literally an entire popular subreddit complaining about men writing women... but it's women the one who can't write women. Nothing weird tho about that, women don't even know themselves, they don't even know what they want, why tf would they be able to know what a fictional female character they just made up wants.

Attached: This Heart of Mine.jpg (1680x1050, 107.4K)

But seriously, do you really think a girl with that frame is going to be kicking and beating people down? Or cloud wielding that giant slab of unwelded sheet metal he calls a "sword"? Its make believe. It became un-make believe when people took it seriously.

who's the guy on the right? he's got a cute beard

I'm talking about OP's image and implying Tifa's tits are small, dipshit.